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Racist posts by Bernie Sanders

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:49 pm
by GoranZ
Bernie Sanders

The accused are suspected of:
Other: Racist posts against Macedonians

Thread viewtopic.php?f=8&t=224837 with only 10 posts he has 2 independently edited posts.
Macedonians are Fertilizer and Macedonians are Nazi collaborators are edits from the first post.
I forgot what else did he said in the second post, but it was bad. Just look how the thread looks like. Half of it is Mod Edit: (Razorvich).

Thread viewtopic.php?f=8&t=224741&p=4969916, post about Macedonia's hookers export.

Thread viewtopic.php?f=824&t=224295&p=4961624, post about Macedonia's huge resources of young prostitutes.

And many, many more edits by the mods(I lost count). Macedonia this, Macedonia that, Macedonians this, Macedonians that, and all continue with insulting words. How many insults should he made before he gets a proper warning?

Re: Racist posts by Bernie Sanders

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:10 pm
by riskllama
lol yeah, that's our Bernie...

Re: Racist posts by Bernie Sanders

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:02 pm
by TheForgivenOne
GoranZ wrote:Accused:
Bernie Sanders

The accused are suspected of:
Other: Racist posts against Macedonians

Thread ... 8&t=224837 with only 10 posts he has 2 independently edited posts.
Macedonians are Fertilizer and Macedonians are Nazi collaborators are edits from the first post.
I forgot what else did he said in the second post, but it was bad. Just look how the thread looks like. Half of it is Mod Edit: (Razorvich).

Thread ... &p=4969916, post about Macedonia's hookers export.

Thread ... &p=4961624, post about Macedonia's huge resources of young prostitutes.

And many, many more edits by the mods(I lost count). Macedonia this, Macedonia that, Macedonians this, Macedonians that, and all continue with insulting words. How many insults should he made before he gets a proper warning?

If Raz did a mod edit, it was probably reported through the Report function on the post, and I'm assuming Raz sent out a Warning. I could be wrong though. Might want to ask him?

Btw, usually Forum posts aren't reported in C&A!

Edit** Bernie Sanders is currently Guested. So I'm assuming he's serving a forum ban, or has been placed on a Temporary ban until further deliberation has been had.

Re: Racist posts by Bernie Sanders

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:24 pm
by GoranZ
TheForgivenOne wrote:If Raz did a mod edit, it was probably reported through the Report function on the post, and I'm assuming Raz sent out a Warning. I could be wrong though. Might want to ask him?

Edit** Bernie Sanders is currently Guested. So I'm assuming he's serving a forum ban, or has been placed on a Temporary ban until further deliberation has been had.

I reported the post, as I did on way too many occasions. I didn't check if Bernie was guested tho, nor I can predict for what reason he is guested.

TheForgivenOne wrote:Btw, usually Forum posts aren't reported in C&A!

You said usually, but in this case Community Guidelines section 7 is broken...
I got tired of reporting a post after post, and I probably take ton of time from the mods.

Re: Racist posts by Bernie Sanders

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:31 pm
by TheForgivenOne
GoranZ wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:If Raz did a mod edit, it was probably reported through the Report function on the post, and I'm assuming Raz sent out a Warning. I could be wrong though. Might want to ask him?

Edit** Bernie Sanders is currently Guested. So I'm assuming he's serving a forum ban, or has been placed on a Temporary ban until further deliberation has been had.

I reported the post, as I did on way too many occasions. I didn't check if Bernie was guested tho, nor I can predict for what reason he is guested.

TheForgivenOne wrote:Btw, usually Forum posts aren't reported in C&A!

You said usually, but in this case Community Guidelines section 7 is broken...
I got tired of reporting a post after post, and I probably take ton of time from the mods.

Considering he's still a Premium, that has to mean he's on a Forum ban! :)

And I know the feeling bud. But that's not the Hunter's area. They deal with the gameplay portion of the site, Not the forums (Unless you're causing havoc IN C&A). Usually I would ask one of the Global (Well, now Community) Mods what the status on a report is if I reported something in the forums.

Re: Racist posts by Bernie Sanders

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:41 pm
by TeeGee
Not a C&A issue

and has been dealt with by a member of the global team

Goranz, you would have already known this and you are lucky I did not decide to say this report is spurious.

if you do not feel Bernies punishment fits his "crime" please send a PM to the head of the global team (me)