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Ultrafit & Gulstaff [ka]

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:19 am
by Ragnars Wolves
Feudal Epic Game # 17377195



The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

In Feudal Epic game 17377195 Ultrafit and Ragnars had a deal (public chat.. to attack blue (Gulstaff). After a while I noticed that They (Ultafit and Gulstaff started just trading spoils, Nothing in chat, But it has been going on for some time...I asked on Chat in a joking way but got no response. It is a smart move game wise, and i have changed alliances myself,. But always in chat saying something like "HEY Green...Blue is getting huge let's work together..etc etc. I don't care as much about winning as I do being back stabbed in SD. They may be smart and have deleted the chat (I have no idea if you have a way of seeing that). They may have been partners from the start and had an agreement on turn 42 we do this..(which I think may walk the line). But they Certainly didn't do it in the normal fashion. Sorry if I take your time unnecessarily...but I have been accused when I did NOTHING even close to this. It isn't losing the just irritates me to death. Thanks guys

Game number(s):



Re: Ultrafit & Gulstaff

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:01 am
by DirtyDishSoap
Ragnars Wolves wrote:Game 17377195

The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

In Feudal Epic game 17377195 Ultrafit and Ragnars had a deal (public chat.. to attack blue (Gulstaff). After a while I noticed that They (Ultafit and Gulstaff started just trading spoils, Nothing in chat, But it has been going on for some time...I asked on Chat in a joking way but got no response. It is a smart move game wise, and i have changed alliances myself,. But always in chat saying something like "HEY Green...Blue is getting huge let's work together..etc etc. I don't care as much about winning as I do being back stabbed in SD. They may be smart and have deleted the chat (I have no idea if you have a way of seeing that). They may have been partners from the start and had an agreement on turn 42 we do this..(which I think may walk the line). But they Certainly didn't do it in the normal fashion. Sorry if I take your time unnecessarily...but I have been accused when I did NOTHING even close to this. It isn't losing the just irritates me to death. Thanks guys

Game number(s):

Game 17377195

Looks like a typical 3 way game where one player is going to get mad that he got eliminated over the other.


DDS is Right!

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:08 am
by iAmCaffeine
For the first time in his life, DDS is right about something! Let's all congratulate DDS; congratulations buddy! This thread is now about DDS being right for the first time in his life.

Re: Ultrafit & Gulstaff

PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2017 8:30 pm
by king achilles
I also can't see a Secret Diplomacy between the accused. I do agree that when a game turns into a 3 player standoff it usually becomes a breeding ground for(he should have attacked him and not me because he is stronger, etc. ) accusations.