Conquer Club

rsuttles58 and morenoking24 [cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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rsuttles58 and morenoking24 [cleared]

Postby Tyr on Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:52 pm

me and rsuttle decided to play an rt game and he said he was gonna get a friend to play with us. i was a bit nervous at that point but i shrugged it off. we started playing and as soon as i got a continent rsuttle broke it. at this point moreno already had a continent and on his way to having the asia equivlant continent on the san fran map. his excuse was that he dint have ebough to break moreno but i had more armies protecting me then moreno did. just check the game log all their moves neither of them attacked each other.
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Postby morenoking24 on Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:06 pm

Dude just cause I severely owned you doesn't mean you have to get all mad and start throwing accusations around.
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Postby rsuttles58 on Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:28 pm

Cheating or Multi'ing? Dude is just pissed because he got beat so he came in here to report us because we HAD to have been cheating to beat him. :roll:

The reason that it appeared like he was getting ganged is because of the map layout. We were playing San Francisco. He controlled a majority of downtown at the beginning of the game and pulled out all of his troops from there and went and took over the Avenues. I was trying to get control of South San Fran. and had just taken Marin. So I sent an army 2 turns in a row to break his avenues bonus because it was pretty obvious he was going to use his bonus and come at me(which he did later on in the game).

I had no clear path to take out Nomore or I would have. He is a solid player and wiped me out last night. I have known nomore for 2 days. He is a member of along with me and a few others that have a small risk group. Tyr asked if I wanted to play and I didn't want to play a 1v1 so I said we could play a 3 player. I then looked at people from Utopia that would be online and Nomore was online. So I asked him to join us, and he mopped the board with Tyr and myself.

There is absolutely no cheating or multi'ing going on in this game. Tyr is just a cry baby that needed to justify why he got beat so he decided to throw out a claim of cheating. Look it over mods, there isn't anything going on here.
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Postby Tyr on Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:57 pm

as i said in the game looka t how many games i lost. i dont just throw accusations out after i lose.
Cadet Tyr
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Postby pancakemix on Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:00 pm

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance

Suspect users: rsuttles58 and morenoking24

Game number: 565252

Comments: As above


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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
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Postby rsuttles58 on Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:46 pm

Tyr wrote:as i said in the game looka t how many games i lost. i dont just throw accusations out after i lose.

Ok, so the fact that you don't accuse people often somehow lends credibility to your accusation or something?

Meh, I don't know why I'm bothering talking. Nothing happened. So cry all you want.
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Postby sully800 on Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:22 pm

rsuttles58 and morenoking24 are cleared of being multis.

There is not enough evidence to prove a secret alliance from just one game, so as always leave feedback if you think its warranted.
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