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Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:10 pm
by killboy108


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Comments: suspicious behavior, could you check for a multi. My apologies in advance if not a multi.

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:24 pm
by PurpleViper
Bullshit accusation, hutber is a normal gyal

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:25 pm
by PurpleViper
The other guy just can't play I guess, 11% LOL

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 4:03 am
by bergy1
On what basis have you posted this - please at least bother to put some reasonable case

As a clan leader of hutber - these two are showing as in different parts of the world
The other guys has played over 200 games and only 8 of those have played together and neither have won any of them and there are some they clearly attacked each other

Shall I put my suspicions of killboy in here based on this level of ssuspicion?? Daft accusation so far

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 4:34 am
by killboy108
Sorry lads, I'm not adding any more detail in this thread for you to have a troll-a-thon...

Let the mods do their job, and get on with life.

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:36 am
by gigi_b
Hey killboy!

I second bergy. I've looked over the public info regarding this connection that you're reporting and don't see any "suspicious behaviour", quoting your comments..:)
But, then, I'm not a multi-hunter, so my "spotting skills" could be misleading, wrong or unequipped.

However, since this is a community activity and it appears we can comment, the question about how you ended up posting it is an entitled one. Why it would be interesting to me, or us, is because of the "community" and "abuse" aspects of the issue.

edit:/ I missed your (only) game with them so I'm putting the rest into a spoiler.

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:03 pm
by mrswdk
killboy108 wrote:Sorry lads, I'm not adding any more detail in this thread for you to have a troll-a-thon...

Great response. 'I'm not going to put in any effort substantiating my claim, because you'll use whatever I say to troll me!'

Symmetry, PLAYER, warmonger et al, take note.

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:56 pm
by riskllama
mrswdk wrote:
killboy108 wrote:Sorry lads, I'm not adding any more detail in this thread for you to have a troll-a-thon...

Great response. 'I'm not going to put in any effort substantiating my claim, because you'll use whatever I say to troll me!'

Symmetry, PLAYER, warmonger et al, take note.

s'ok killboy, that's coo'...
I invite all C&A trolls to come party in my dildoberry thread!!!

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:52 am
by Razorvich
riskllama wrote:
mrswdk wrote:
killboy108 wrote:Sorry lads, I'm not adding any more detail in this thread for you to have a troll-a-thon...

Great response. 'I'm not going to put in any effort substantiating my claim, because you'll use whatever I say to troll me!'

Symmetry, PLAYER, warmonger et al, take note.

s'ok killboy, that's coo'...
I invite all C&A trolls to come party in my dildoberry thread!!!

How about sticking to the topic at hand, if you have nothing to add to the case, your words are just spam......and I would also advise not to trash the C & A forum... KA has been grumpy lately

As for this case, let TeeGee and the C & A guys do their job and rule when they are ready.

Re: Please check for multi hutber and mack6650 [tg]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:33 am
by TeeGee
These 2 accounts can not be linked together

for now this is cleared