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game 16858539 - players : Acesup 1958 and alec.ramsden[ka]

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:44 pm
by gertbomber
Concerning game 16858539

I thing that players Acesup 1958 and alec.ramsden are multis, or have a secret diplomacy.
Acesup 1958 hardly does attack the massive bonus of alec.ramsden.

Can you check this, please ?

Best regards,

Re: game 16858539 - players : Acesup 1958 and alec.ramsden

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 9:08 pm
by king achilles
Cleared on being multis.
I noticed on round 21 pink and orange were at it at each other. Perhaps pink just didn't had enough forces and orange won over the battle in the end obviously.
This also happens to be their first game played together. There is not enough to base this SD accusation.