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NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy(SN)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:34 am
by Doctor Spin
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The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis or Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 16936838

Comments: Ok, this is a straightforward case of 2 players (or a Multi account) playing solely to defeat an innocent third party (i.e. ME). In this game, mrmoumout has gathered significantly more troops than either me or his "colleague" NicolasC. I have appealed to NicolasC to stop attacking me and to recognise that mrmoumout is running away with the game - yet NicolasC has persisted in attacking me, almost exclusively, from the start of the game. A quick check at previous games reveals that these players play most of their games together. They may be friends, with that old excuse that they were waiting for another friend to join their threesome - but despite my complaints and warning about their game play in game chat, they have at no time responded, least of all to declare an alliance. At best this is secret diplomacy - at worst Multi accounts.

So ok, yes, I've been here many times before. The outcome is often friends playing together - and they get some sort of weak warning by the MODS. But I'm frankly fed up with these weak warnings in this scenario. I have identified an issue in the game, which clearly points to potential cheating, and they have continued to do what they have done throughout. "Foe them and move on" I hear you all cry. But f*ck that! I lose massive points in these games - and they just get a warning without any penalty. This has got to stop. "Friends" (if that is what they are) MUST be forced to declare their friendship/alliance if they are joined by a third party. How many times does this have to happen before something is done about it? I AM A PAYING CUSTOMER - and they are NOT!! I request that an example is made of these two players (if indeed they are two players!) - and that you for once look after your loyal and paying customers.


Re: NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:02 pm
by IcePack
Usually something like this would get the warning / noted to the account so if it happens again in the future something can be done about it.
There have been plenty of people banned from playing w one another bcuz of issues that have come up.

It also helps if you go through game history and show that they do this type of behavior more than the one game you are in. Provide game numbers were they team up vs unsuspecting 3rd and only attack them etc

Re: NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:50 pm
by Doctor Spin
Thanks IcePack, but they've only played a handful of games. They've played other 3-man games, but looks like it's with a friend of theirs. The only one I can see where they've played a 3-man together with a stranger is against King Herpes. Obviously, King Herpes won (because he gets magic dice anyway, so it probably doesn't affect him!!!)


Re: NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy(SN)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:37 pm
by iAmCaffeine
I think they could just be friends since they're both new and from France. One is 3/17 and one is 1/9 so I doubt they're actually trying to get each other to win, unless they're incredibly bad at it. Seems more likely they're both just bad players, but perhaps they should be limited to play games together only as a team. Then again, they've only won when they've been in 3 player games together.

However, I find it odd you didn't mention Game 16918110.

Re: NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy(SN)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:32 pm
by Doctor Spin
Why odd? They didn't have a clue how to play that one. If they are just friends, they have still signed up to abide by the rules of Conquer Club. I do not accept that RED (NicolasC) was not taking turns purely to hurt me, or benefit his friend. It's no excuse anyway that they are bad players - they DID NOT DECLARE a connection between each other, despite my prompts in game chat. That, in my book (combined with the way they were playing) is otherwise called SECRET DIPLOMACY. There's no two ways about it. You surely don't get let off the rules just because you're a bad player??

Re: NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy(SN)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:05 pm
by iAmCaffeine
I didn't say that.

Re: NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy(SN)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:51 am
by Doctor Spin
No, I know - just reinforcing my stance, that's all.

Re: NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy(SN)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:28 pm
by sniffie
Haven't checked their games yet. The multi hunting tool doesn't even state them as roommates.
I need more to go on here.

As for your other remarks, if both players receive a penaltie, it will be their first. No more then a warning will be given, because every player deserves a chance to better himself.


Re: NicolasC & mrmoumout - Multis/Secret Diplomacy(SN)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:46 pm
by sniffie