This user was given multiple warnings concerning his actions within GLOBAL CHAT and the FORUMS. By my count, i believe this is STRIKE FOUR, the first three resulting in nothing but the below post clarifying the rules. This thread was posted by team CC with a final warning for all users concerning the use of the N word and all variations:
TeeGee wrote:Not entering into any debates, and unless instructed differently from the site owner the following will come into effect immediately
The "N" word and any and ALL variations on spelling and pronunciation will be considered to be a racist remark and will be dealt with under the current guidelines for bigotry and racism.
This user read that final warning as he made multiple comments about it within the forums in multiple threads, even poking at me for having reported him. Now, the user has continued this action within game chat.
at what point does CC actual begin enforcing the Bigotry Guidelines that the Community and Team CC worked so hard on together. This is not a first infraction and should not be treated as such. Yes, i realize we have a very open minded policy concerning banning members, as of late (which i applaud). However, this user has literally waved his finger in team CC's face and dared them to do something about it.
mrswdk has put team CC in a corner, after having put their foot down concerning this matter. I hope they stand up to this challenge and send a message. the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
nobody puts CC in a corner
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:39 am
by mrswdk
One has to ask why owenshooter was reading the game chat of a game that he was not involved in. He has either taken to stalking my every move on this website, or (more likely) he had not read any of it until llama posted a link to the game in Global Chat and invited owen to go and take a look (as he did).
Given that llama has repeatedly called me 'cunt', 'whore' and 'chigger' on my profile, in game chats and in both open and closed forums, him attempting to get me punished for this is ridiculously hypocritical, and so transparently being done for trolling purposes that I'm surprised even owen is touching it. Desperate behavior from two users intent on spoiling the openness of the forums, and IMO both ought to be given a warning for the way in which they are hijacking forum rules in order to provoke and troll other users.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:05 am
by riskllama
hmmm.... interesting theory, mrs...
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:11 am
by owenshooter
mrswdk wrote:One has to ask why owenshooter was reading the game chat of a game that he was not involved in.
that has not bearing on your actions. this was not in private chat. this was not in a team chat. this was in a public game where the chat is visible by anyone. you have had sufficient warning. you don't seem to understand that the use of the N word or any variation is not allowed on CC, despite the post within the Forum, following your 3rd infraction:
TeeGee wrote:Not entering into any debates, and unless instructed differently from the site owner the following will come into effect immediately
The "N" word and any and ALL variations on spelling and pronunciation will be considered to be a racist remark and will be dealt with under the current guidelines for bigotry and racism.
there is no way around this. you broke the bigotry guidelines. plain and simple. you were clearly warned, you clearly believe you are above these guidelines. what you did is disgusting. i hope you are dealt with accordingly. this should be your 4th violation on the bigotry guideline scale, very little happened to you the first three (the guidelines show you should have had a vacation and no such thing occurred). you were given the benefit of the doubt. many of us were asked to drop the subject as you were UNCLEAR on what the guidelines encompassed. you continued your battle over variations of the N word, even after it was over and we had been asked to back down. you clearly do not understand the power of that word and the disgusting nature of your actions. team. i am often asked to report these sorts of things directly. i refuse in this case, as this needs to be public. a precedent needs to be set. this is your 4th CLEAR violation in less than 3 weeks. this one coming after a warning and post in the forum clearly outlining CC's stance on racism.
nice attempt at deflection, it won't work. the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:27 am
by mrswdk
For anyone unfamiliar with the background owen is alluding to:
I posted in a GD thread using the word 'nigga' to address someone else, in good nature, same way as many people use it to mean 'friend'. owen waded in throwing a hissy fit, so thinking he was genuinely upset I went back to edit the post and apologized while explaining myself. He proceeded to pretty much ignore me and continued to insist that I was a bigot, disgusting, needed to be banned etc. owen succeeded in getting the mods to create a special thread warning people not to use that word any more. That was the end of my involvement in that particular debate and I haven't interacted with owen since.
He has resurfaced with this spurious report about the game chat from a game he wasn't even involved in, passed on to him by riskllama who was hoping that owen would file a C&A report about it. Why llama couldn't file the report himself I don't know, but given his long history of using foul and/or racist language towards other forum regulars (including me) it should be clear to anyone familiar with him that the only reason riskllama has shared this game chat is in order to bait and stoke up some sort of conflict.
So, as I said above, IMO both of these two ought to be given a warning for the way in which they are hijacking forum rules in order to provoke other users. The community guidelines were designed as a means to prevent CC users behaving unpleasantly towards each other, not to be a weapon for trolls such as Symmetry, owen and riskllama to use in their attempts to wind other people up.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:33 am
by BoganGod
<yawn>, haven't you three gotten a king size bed in a room full of mirrors yet? Owen, your blatant race baiting is cute. Starts to stink of hypocrisy if you get offended when MrsWicked does something similar. Llama is your middle name Colton? Colton24? Sad actions kiddo MrsWickSickPuck or whatever your name is. If you were half as cute and funny as you pretend to be. You wouldn't be that starved for attention that you hang around beta two bit camp followers like Llama.
Kiss and make up, foe and move on. Grow up. Mrswdk I look forward to reading some of your inane tehe racial observation posting when you return from your holiday.After daring team CC to punish you(cos you like to feel naughty, and the feather duster just ain't doing it no more), I assume they will give you a token wrist slapping. See you soon sir
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:27 pm
by riskllama
but, I'm a good egg...
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:34 pm
by owenshooter
mrswdk wrote:
offender, you broke the rule you were clearly warned about. you broke the rule AFTER the posting by TeeGee within the GD, clearly outlining CC's stance on racism, the use of the N word and variants there of. period. you are big enough to fly your middle finger at CC, be big enough to take your vacation...
Bogan, please show me where i used that word within the forums. please show me an example. there is no hypocrisy. i was very vocal in team cc making/creating bigotry guidelines and assisted with the rest of the community in doing so. sorry, you are totally out of line here.
the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
p.s.-someone believes he is above the rules and literally has dared team CC to act as they said they would. i have stood in front of that train before, and i took my vacation like an adult. good luck, mrswdk. i truly don't believe you even understand how disgusting your ongoing antics/posts are. that is the saddest part of this whole thing.
p.p.s.-not getting baited into getting this thread locked. thanks for your time!
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:18 pm
by Frox333
Language used privately versus publicly is much different. There should be punishment for this, especially because it is repeated.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:23 pm
by mrswdk
Since when was a 1v1 game chat 'public'? If llama hadn't directed owen (and others) to the game to read the chat, no one would ever have seen it except the two of us.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:25 pm
by clangfield
mrswdk wrote:For anyone unfamiliar with the background owen is alluding to:
I posted in a GD thread using the word 'nigga' to address someone else, in good nature, same way as many people use it to mean 'friend'. owen waded in throwing a hissy fit, so thinking he was genuinely upset I went back to edit the post and apologized while explaining myself. He proceeded to pretty much ignore me and continued to insist that I was a bigot, disgusting, needed to be banned etc. owen succeeded in getting the mods to create a special thread warning people not to use that word any more. That was the end of my involvement in that particular debate and I haven't interacted with owen since.
He has resurfaced with this spurious report about the game chat from a game he wasn't even involved in, passed on to him by riskllama who was hoping that owen would file a C&A report about it. Why llama couldn't file the report himself I don't know, but given his long history of using foul and/or racist language towards other forum regulars (including me) it should be clear to anyone familiar with him that the only reason riskllama has shared this game chat is in order to bait and stoke up some sort of conflict.
So, as I said above, IMO both of these two ought to be given a warning for the way in which they are hijacking forum rules in order to provoke other users. The community guidelines were designed as a means to prevent CC users behaving unpleasantly towards each other, not to be a weapon for trolls such as Symmetry, owen and riskllama to use in their attempts to wind other people up.
This is why CC is declining, and also why I'm stopping playing. There is room for 'banter' but it's gone beyond that. It's not fun any more. Quite why people can't play without becoming objectionable I don't know. It's perfectly possible to hold and express strong opinions in the forum - as has been seen and commented on in more than one thread - without it becoming personal. Unfortunately some have an internet-based ego that won't allow them to do that. They will be left on their own wondering why the membership has vanished.
Don't bother trolling me back - which I know some of you are itching to do, because you have to have the last word - because it will not be read.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:40 pm
by notyou2
Owen, did it ever occur to you that maybe it's her pet name for him because he is well endowed?
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:07 pm
by nietzsche
mrs wdk is always using ghetto language for fun. nigga is not all she says, she says words rappers use and all that, i'm not too familiar with that form of expression but i recognize it. she has poor music taste indeed, she likes hip hop and dj's music. i don't think she really meant any harm, and that game was a private chat between two guys that often joke about eveyrthing with each other.
owen, instead of following your personal crusade against mrs wdk who clearly means no harm and does it just for fun, you should make a strong case against catstevens.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:53 pm
by BoganGod
nietzsche wrote:bullshit.
mrs wdk is always using ghetto language for fun. nigga is not all she says, she says words rappers use and all that, i'm not too familiar with that form of expression but i recognize it. she has poor music taste indeed, she likes hip hop and dj's music. i don't think she really meant any harm, and that game was a private chat between two guys that often joke about eveyrthing with each other.
owen, instead of following your personal crusade against mrs wdk who clearly means no harm and does it just for fun, you should make a strong case against catstevens.
The perforated handed one, won't go after legitimate racists or difficult targets. Wallows and moans, awaiting some bleating non entity to vomit sweet words of condemnation in his general direction. So can with a few lazy keystrokes victimise a member of another minority group. Addressing catstevens would be too much like actually looking at the issues, rather than just puffing up one's chest and bellowing RACIST. See RACIST, see used a special naughty word, that only has power because we are scared of a word....... The word did damage, the word is to blame. Bah humbug, ill spirited ideologues abound.
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:11 am
by king achilles
mrswdk is on vacation.
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:54 am
by owenshooter
nietzsche wrote:owen, instead of following your personal crusade against mrs wdk who clearly means no harm and does it just for fun
sorry, as a black male in america, i don't see racism as something one dabbles in for fun. the rule is clear. he was warned 3 times and then a post was placed in the forums to CLARIFY the rule, which he posted about after having seen it. Pushing the envelope is one thing, crossing the line and daring CC to pull the trigger on you, is another.
BoganGod wrote: See RACIST, see used a special naughty word, that only has power because we are scared of a word....... The word did damage, the word is to blame. Bah humbug, ill spirited ideologues abound.
it violated a site rule. a very clear site rule that was clearly explained. how you choose to conduct yourself and speak in the real world is your own issue. how you conduct yourself and speak on this site is laid out in the site guidelines and rules. he was warned multiple times and chose to give CC the bird and assume nothing would be done, as in the past. i for one can clearly tell you from experience, you rarely win against Team CC. when push comes to shove, they have the power to flip that ban switch and there is nothing you can do about it.
it sucks, but he was clearly warned... blame me all you want, i feel he was given adequate warnings and chances...-Bj
Re: mrswdk/ EXCESSIVE RACISM [ka]
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:22 am
by betiko
wtf dude... for saying "afternoon nigga" in a private game you get a vacation? In my culture, you just never call someone that, but american people do it all the time, in a way that has become more friendly than offensive as long as it's not a white person telling it to a black one. This is just so hypocritical it's sad. A nigger in french now a days is someone who writes books for others and the other pretends he wrote it.
Owen, if you want to support the black cause, I'm sure you have better stuff to do than this.
Re: mrswdk/ EXCESSIVE RACISM [ka]
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:49 am
by owenshooter
betiko wrote:wtf dude... for saying "afternoon EDIT RACISM" in a private game you get a vacation? In my culture, you just never call someone that, but american people do it all the time, in a way that has become more friendly than offensive as long as it's not a white person telling it to a black one. This is just so hypocritical it's sad. A EDIT RACISM in french now a days is someone who writes books for others and the other pretends he wrote it.
Owen, if you want to support the black cause, I'm sure you have better stuff to do than this.
yeah, it's racist. period. rules are clear and they were just reaffirmed by team CC. maybe you find racism comical, i don't. and yes, black people call each other the word all the time, it is not racist. as far as i know, mrswdk is not black. i'm certain he is not black and 100% sure that the llama is not black. so, that argument is out the window.
and i know in your culture it is also not permissible. regardless of how each of us conduct ourselves in the real world, the site has clear guidelines concerning racism. we spent months ironing out the bigotry guidelines. the site is once again enforcing them. here they are again.
TeeGee wrote:Not entering into any debates, and unless instructed differently from the site owner the following will come into effect immediately
The "N" word and any and ALL variations on spelling and pronunciation will be considered to be a racist remark and will be dealt with under the current guidelines for bigotry and racism.
i applaud CC... the rules are the rules... the user feigned ignorance on the use of a word, the rules were clearly given to the user as were multiple warnings. they even went so far as to clarify their stance on racism in a post. the user thought he was above the rules (i am guilty of that error of ignorance in the past) and is on vacation. how am i the bad guy in this? if i'm to be the villain, let it be...-Jésus noir
Re: mrswdk/ EXCESSIVE RACISM [ka]
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:22 am
by iAmCaffeine
Just because white Americans have adopted the term for jokes doesn't make it acceptable.
Re: mrswdk/ EXCESSIVE RACISM [ka]
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:28 am
by betiko
iAmCaffeine wrote:Just because white Americans have adopted the term for jokes doesn't make it acceptable.
as for everything; you need to use the context. It's widely used between black people to say like bro, my homie, my man. The word itself shouldn't be banned... it's how you use it.
Re: mrswdk/ EXCESSIVE RACISM [ka]
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:56 am
by Mad777
betiko wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Just because white Americans have adopted the term for jokes doesn't make it acceptable.
as for everything; you need to use the context. It's widely used between black people to say like bro, my homie, my man. The word itself shouldn't be banned... it's how you use it.
bet, I will say that you are wrong, I moved from Europe to US several years ago and in the southeast where the black population is almost as high as the whites, first thing you want to do is learning the new culture you are immerge to and there is threshold to not pass because of the sensitivity and the history those 2 ethnical group went through for several decades, the stigmata are still there and there is a mutual respect with words not to use, It is not okay to say such a word in US at all, if you all in Europe still "playing" with this it's because no one spent time to learn the history of this country and the slaving time that still showing scars throughout the nation. Yes perhaps here they use this type of words but it's in a "private" session, in their neigh borough but you won't see them making fun about it in public area such as street, bar, restaurant, etc...You may refer too much from TV shows and movies and perhaps Europe context is more about gang verbiage rather than normal cultural context, which is what owen is also referring to.
I agree that in an International site/Forum like CC those type of words shouldn't be use at all.
Sorry guys but I have to put my 2 cents when I read content like that.
Re: mrswdk/ EXCESSIVE RACISM [ka]
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:25 pm
by Dukasaur
Mad777 wrote:... the stigmata are still there and there is a mutual respect with words not to use, It is not okay to say such a word in US at all, if you all in Europe still "playing" with this it's because no one spent time to learn the history of this country and the slaving time that still showing scars throughout the nation. Yes perhaps here they use this type of words but it's in a "private" session, in their neigh borough but you won't see them making fun about it in public area such as street, bar, restaurant, etc...You may refer too much from TV shows and movies and perhaps Europe context is more about gang verbiage rather than normal cultural context, which is what owen is also referring to.
I agree that in an International site/Forum like CC those type of words shouldn't be use at all.
Good summation.
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:25 pm
by BoganGod
owenshooter wrote:
nietzsche wrote:owen, instead of following your personal crusade against mrs wdk who clearly means no harm and does it just for fun
sorry, as a black male in america, i don't see racism as something one dabbles in for fun. the rule is clear. he was warned 3 times and then a post was placed in the forums to CLARIFY the rule, which he posted about after having seen it. Pushing the envelope is one thing, crossing the line and daring CC to pull the trigger on you, is another.
BoganGod wrote: See RACIST, see used a special naughty word, that only has power because we are scared of a word....... The word did damage, the word is to blame. Bah humbug, ill spirited ideologues abound.
it violated a site rule. a very clear site rule that was clearly explained. how you choose to conduct yourself and speak in the real world is your own issue. how you conduct yourself and speak on this site is laid out in the site guidelines and rules. he was warned multiple times and chose to give CC the bird and assume nothing would be done, as in the past. i for one can clearly tell you from experience, you rarely win against Team CC. when push comes to shove, they have the power to flip that ban switch and there is nothing you can do about it.
it sucks, but he was clearly warned... blame me all you want, i feel he was given adequate warnings and chances...-Bj
As a black man in America, you should be mindful of other minority groups and their feelings. So not respecting pronouns and referring to the Mrs as he is harsh. Not cool, dude. <joke, I haven't joined the DSOIV team, I'm not a SJW> I agree the mrs was warned, and knew the rules. I disagree about the logic behind banning words. Just gives those words power, also pushes racism and other ugly things under ground. People start saying the same thing, using code words. The N word, get a grip. Means the same thing, just instead of sometimes being used in an affectionate way. The N word is 100% a negative thing. I'm mixed race, I look white. I was born in Africa(not south africa), and grew up in the pacific where white people are a minority. White and the local words for white were not nice words. My french pastry chef friends affectionately call me a french colonial slang word for black bastard. I don't take offence to what is a very racially charged and horrible word, because I understand the context. Any word can be good or bad, or a lighter or darker shade of grey depending entirely on the context. Having different strongly held views on the same topic, shouldn't preclude us from being friends. I accept you, even though you are an extremist, race baiting troll. Where else but the internet do you get to safely express those aspects of your personality. Reckon when I get my lazy arse stateside to give some folks some cooking tips, may even say hi.
Re: mrswdk/ EXCESSIVE RACISM [ka]
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:13 pm
by betiko
Mad777 wrote:
betiko wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Just because white Americans have adopted the term for jokes doesn't make it acceptable.
as for everything; you need to use the context. It's widely used between black people to say like bro, my homie, my man. The word itself shouldn't be banned... it's how you use it.
bet, I will say that you are wrong, I moved from Europe to US several years ago and in the southeast where the black population is almost as high as the whites, first thing you want to do is learning the new culture you are immerge to and there is threshold to not pass because of the sensitivity and the history those 2 ethnical group went through for several decades, the stigmata are still there and there is a mutual respect with words not to use, It is not okay to say such a word in US at all, if you all in Europe still "playing" with this it's because no one spent time to learn the history of this country and the slaving time that still showing scars throughout the nation. Yes perhaps here they use this type of words but it's in a "private" session, in their neigh borough but you won't see them making fun about it in public area such as street, bar, restaurant, etc...You may refer too much from TV shows and movies and perhaps Europe context is more about gang verbiage rather than normal cultural context, which is what owen is also referring to.
I agree that in an International site/Forum like CC those type of words shouldn't be use at all.
Sorry guys but I have to put my 2 cents when I read content like that.
and isn't a gamechat private context? at least pretty different to write that in a gamechat with your friend compared to writing it in public forums.