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fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:37 pm
by dakky21
Game 15824084

fairman says in game chat he is sitting for djelebert while they're both in a same terminator game and it's fog.

Clear as a sunny day. One would think that after 7 years on site one should know about that rule...

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:59 pm
by Serbia
That's not very fair, man.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:10 am
by fairman
He's away for the week end and has 70 active games, no I haven't checked if I was in ...
Ok my fault. But I don't see any advantage in a no spoil game but well ... up to you.
By the way, I also sit this one
As you can see I use djelebert account to advantage myself ... in the last turn
By the way Mishalex, member of our clan also have PC trouble and I also had to sat him.
Hardraada is away for several month and I also have to sit him.

So yes, added to my 70 active games + djelebert's 70 games + Misha + Hardraada, I didn't notice I was in the same game.

But As you say in the game chat, you are sorry ... Well I apologize for making you confuse. Hope you will go over "mate".

So to make you feel better, next turn on this game I will suicide on neutral ;-)

But just to be sure, If I sit him in other game it's not a pb. But I can see is position in this game without taking the turn (there is no way to check it)?

So does CC plan to forbid the sitting of any player if you shared at least one fog game?

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:37 am
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
fairman wrote:Hardraada is away for several month and I also have to sit him.

At what point does game sitting become having a multi....

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:13 am
by Dukasaur
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
fairman wrote:Hardraada is away for several month and I also have to sit him.

At what point does game sitting become having a multi....

The rule of thumb is 30 days, but a lot of people don't know that because it isn't properly discussed in the rules. You have to be either a mod or a regular reader of the C&A forums to know that, so probably 99% of the members don't realize.

But yeah, after 30 days someone isn't on vacation any more. They've left the site, and it's time to let their account die.

fairman wrote:So does CC plan to forbid the sitting of any player if you shared at least one fog game?

No, it's not forbidden to sit for him, it's just forbidden to take a turn in the game you are opponents in. So, you just cruise through his turns, and when you get to a game where you are an opponent, you just hit "next game" and carry on with the next one.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:14 am
by IcePack
Pretty much as duka says, might actually need 2 sitters to cover the handful you can't.

Plus sitting for 30+ days isn't allowed as duka points out. You might want to check w admin on that issue too...

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:21 am
by samdemars
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
fairman wrote:Hardraada is away for several month and I also have to sit him.

At what point does game sitting become having a multi....

1) hardraada is engaged in long tournaments (Madness in Rio) ...

2) what if he's on a long game with no round limit ? you never played the same game several months ?

ex : i'm still in these one Game 13955851 ..started 2014-11-11 .....

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:26 am
by IcePack
samdemars wrote:
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
fairman wrote:Hardraada is away for several month and I also have to sit him.

At what point does game sitting become having a multi....

1) hardraada is engaged in long tournaments (Madness in Rio) ...

2) what if he's on a long game with no round limit ? you never played the same game several months ?

ex : i'm still in these one Game 13955851 ..started 2014-11-11 .....

If it's past 30+ days he needs to:
1) be replaced or contact the organizer and drop him
2) you end up deadbeating as they have left the site.
The only exception I've heard of for #2 was clan / tournament games ongoing but after 30 you shouldn't be joining new games at all

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:13 am
by samdemars
thanks for the answer icepack

about 2) its not easy in a team game to let your teammate deadbeating, it can distort the game in your advantage / in your disadvantage ..depends of the circumstances

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:17 pm
by dakky21
samdemars wrote:about 2) its not easy in a team game to let your teammate deadbeating, it can distort the game in your advantage / in your disadvantage ..depends of the circumstances

I agree it should be allowed longer than 30 days sitting for team games, especially if someone left the site.

But here we're not talking about a team game but a Fog Terminator one where fairman is the opponent of djelebert. It doesn't matter if there are no spoils, but as the game is foggy, he gained info what djelebert sees. I don't have that info thus making it not fair.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:43 pm
by fairman
Dakky as I wrote to you. I will suicide in this game next turn.
But I still think that this is stupid as I sit him in other game, I just have to watch the game to see information.
You can also admit that if I wrote in the chat that I sit him is the proof of honesty (I don't find the correct word).
Ok I made a mistake, I don't see any advantage for me here, but I agree to kill my self in this game to prove it.
As you wrote, 7 years around and don't really think to deserve that, but well ...

To end it. Let's make the decision of the admin easier. Dakky, choose a penalty and I will agree with it.

I'm almost like you dakky. I like to drink .... but not to waste my time.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:17 pm
by Donelladan
No need to suicide your troops fairman.
The admin will know it was a honest mistake, you will get a warning asking you not to do it again and that should be it.

What you did was forbidden, as everyone else before mentioned as well, but since it's your first time it should be alright.

Suicide your troop is also forbidden anyway so don't do it :lol:

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:23 pm
by fairman
Donelladan wrote:No need to suicide your troops fairman.
The admin will know it was a honest mistake, you will get a warning asking you not to do it again and that should be it.

What you did was forbidden, as everyone else before mentioned as well, but since it's your first time it should be alright.

Suicide your troop is also forbidden anyway so don't do it :lol:

I wrote suicide on neutral ... Never read that it was forbidden;-)

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:24 pm
by mrswdk
Why is sitting for 30 days allowed? How can someone not have internet for a whole month?

And why is suiciding not allowed?


Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:51 pm
by dakky21
fairman wrote:Dakky as I wrote to you. I will suicide in this game next turn.
To end it. Let's make the decision of the admin easier. Dakky, choose a penalty and I will agree with it.

As Duk said, I agree you should get only a warning. But now when you know it, try not to repeat it. You gained advantage, admit it or don't.
Also, you will have the advantage for the whole game being able to see what he sees without even sitting and thus not breaking any rules.
While that is still unfair, it's up to you to choose if you will peek at what he sees.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:47 pm
by Dukasaur
mrswdk wrote:Why is sitting for 30 days allowed? How can someone not have internet for a whole month?

  1. If one is camping in the backwoods there is often no internet.
  2. If one is on a cruise ship, there is internet but it is so expensive that no rational person would pay it.
  3. If one is in the hospital, ditto. Wifi available but price exorbitant.
  4. Many families stipulate no internet while on vacation, so that family time really is family time. I know my wife went ballistic the first time I tried to bring my laptop on vacation.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:44 am
by owenshooter
fairman wrote:He's away for the week end and has 70 active games, no I haven't checked if I was in ...
Ok my fault. But I don't see any advantage in a no spoil game but well ... up to you.

that has to be one of the most daft statements given in one's own self defense, in the history of daft comments given by one in their own self defense. you see no advantage in a terminator fog game, in which you are playing two of the accounts in the game?! seriously? OPEN, meet SHUT... the black jesus is amused...-Bj

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:35 am
by djelebert
I just comment that was clearly a honest mistake, as he put he was sitting me in chat. If he didn't, no one was able to realize this situation. So it's OK to groal on chat, but if this case is about to put a warning to fairman, it's quite unfair. If I had less than 20 games, it would be easier to check every game and organize with another sitter.
As you say dakky, we're playing CC for more than 7 years and we know rules, but we also know how it can be difficult to control everything, as you must also know dude, as a ex mod ! :-) And when you're sitting, you must be fair when sitter and sitted are both in same game.
As clanmates, a lot of people can check my games, and in games we share, I think everyone is fair enough ( and fairman especially) not to abuse of this position.

It's also my fault, I had to say who couldn't sit me in such and such game.

owenshooter wrote:
fairman wrote:He's away for the week end and has 70 active games, no I haven't checked if I was in ...
Ok my fault. But I don't see any advantage in a no spoil game but well ... up to you.

that has to be one of the most daft statements given in one's own self defense, in the history of daft comments given by one in their own self defense. you see no advantage in a terminator fog game, in which you are playing two of the accounts in the game?! seriously? OPEN, meet SHUT... the black jesus is amused...-Bj

In case of intentionnal action, you're right, but this is irrelevant here. an advantage exists when you take it, if not it doesn't matter. :-)

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:16 am
by Razorvich
I have also made the same mistake in the past, without even realizing I did it.

Late at toadlicker out licking toads wanting me to take his turns...

and then he turns us in!!.. MEH.. shit happens.

As long as there is no patern, treat it as an honest mistake.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:11 pm
by dakky21
I'm not seeking justice here, the system about sitting is wrong and the site doesn't have a countermeasures (like not being able to login into another account after leaving your own, or like automatic IP ban for logging into second account quickly after logging out) ... but the rules are outdated and a LOT of people got warned for this one... so making selective differences between you Raz or someone else isn't fair I think. It should be logged as a warning to anyone who made a mistake because if it happens again, admins will know...

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:43 pm
by Evil Semp
I am going to NOTE this. To me it looks like an honest mistake.

dakky21 wrote:Clear as a sunny day. One would think that after 7 years on site one should know about that rule...

Honest mistakes will happen.

fairman wrote: But I don't see any advantage in a no spoil game but well ... up to you.

Any time you have a chance to see parts of the map that you wouldn't normally see it is an advantage.

fairman wrote:But just to be sure, If I sit him in other game it's not a pb. But I can see is position in this game without taking the turn (there is no way to check it)?

So does CC plan to forbid the sitting of any player if you shared at least one fog game?

You can sit for him in any game as long as you are not opponents.

fairman wrote:Hardraada is away for several month and I also have to sit him.

If Hardraada is going to be gone for several months advise the TD to find a replacement for the next round. Don't join anymore games. Treat this like the player has left the site.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 6:48 pm
by Shannon Apple
mrswdk wrote:Why is sitting for 30 days allowed? How can someone not have internet for a whole month?

Quite some time ago, I had someone sit for me for a whole month because my computer was sent away to be repaired and Apple somehow "lost" the part and they had to send another one to the repair shop that took another two weeks. I call BS on it, but it's what they told me. Probably broke my computer and sent the whole thing to Apple. XD. No way I would try to take turns on my phone. :lol: I can never actually see what I am doing.

So yeah, nothing strange about being gone for a month. In fact, most games should be finishing up by then anyway. Several months on the other hand is taking the cake.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:18 am
by owenshooter
djelebert wrote:In case of intentionnal action, you're right, but this is irrelevant here. an advantage exists when you take it, if not it doesn't matter. :-)

so, when you take turns for the other player, you somehow obscure your vision to not see parts of the map you can't see on your turns? kid, that is just as daft as the last one. just by SEEING the map, you have an advantage... come on...-Bj

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:03 am
by djelebert
owenshooter wrote:
djelebert wrote:In case of intentionnal action, you're right, but this is irrelevant here. an advantage exists when you take it, if not it doesn't matter. :-)

so, when you take turns for the other player, you somehow obscure your vision to not see parts of the map you can't see on your turns? kid, that is just as daft as the last one. just by SEEING the map, you have an advantage... come on...-Bj

No you play game n° XXX to sit mate, forget that you (sitter and sitted) are both in, play other 30 games on WE. So you come back on your own account, you play your 30 or 50 games daily and play the one you had played 2 or 3 days ago for sitted mate and then you realize you've played it for other player... Owen you would be of really bad faith if you assure me that you can remember exactly which are the terr you saw on mate account or any useful info... But it's my point of view. If you really can, it could be sign of autism, or just quit CC, tell me your adress I will pick you and we'll go directly in Vegas or Atlantic city, play black jack and make easy money ! :D

So I repeat : if it's intentionnal, yes it's a big advantage, in the case we are on this topic, no.
We can perorate long time on this, but I 'd prefer to know why laughing cow is laughing, if we stick a buttered toast on the back of a cat and if we throw it, does it make perpetual motion, what could be our agriculture future as Bayer bought Monsanto, why "short" is longer than "long" etc.

Re: fairman sitting for djelebert while both in same game[es

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:41 am
by ConfederateSS
------Topic on 30 day sitting rule...Is now in The CCD or GD ...IN THE THREAD...THE Biggest Bullshit Rule on C.C.!!! :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D ...Yes,The High Command ...can change names of things...CCD/GD...Layouts...Central Command...Move things all over...Chase people away...But the rules have years of dust on them... :roll: ...LESS PLAYERS...LESS RULES...Under 7,000 active game players... :( ...Less rules... ;)