What rule did we break? You're right, we play EXACTLY at the same time, as in we do stuff in the same second...anyway, let me direct you here. You aren't the first to make this ridiculous claim.
http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewto ... 20&start=0
And please, let me make my point here. If you will, take a look at some of these games with other "freestyle teams." And these are just a few examples.
Team #1: Yosevuk and Senor_Columbia
Team #2: Edwardo2007 and ConquerYOU
Team #3: Yewtah and Quang Musho
I guess you may as well report the rest of them too.
Oh wait, at least one of them has already been reported...
My point is that the best freestyle players play together. That is how to win team freestyle games. Mind you these are only examples of doubles. I know in trips freestyle people can do some crazy sh*t. Here is another example:
So what do you suggest? Ban freestyle? Maybe you should just play sequential instead...
This game was once fun, but the necessity to log in every day finally took its toll on me.
Best Score: 4660 (11/20/10)
Best Rank: 1 (8/2/13)