Boudicia wrote:I think demonfork is one of those sour players and that's why he is accusing CBright
Just look at the way demonfork talks to players in game chat when he is loosing the game he's currently playing against me and misses goes also...........
So yer i would take demonforks rantings with a pinch of "sour puss salt"
and you seem to be one of demon's stalkers, simply here to slag his name... if you were here and actually reading the thread, you would realize that you appear to be a literal jackass with your statement, because right above it, CBright admits to being a multi:
CBright wrote:I don't know how the eticket works. I'm fine with switching to my old account. I obviously wan't trying to hide anything or using multiple accounts to manipulate games. How do I go about doing that?
Edit: Nevermind I found the E-Ticket. I assure you I wasn't trying to cheat, just wanted to play CC again and didn't know the info for my old account. I'd prefer to use that one anyway since I've put a lot of hours into it. Sorry for the second account.
so, please keep your fanboy crush on demonfork out of the forums, if you are just going to troll threads he posts in... makes you look desperate for attention... the black jesus has placed you in the corner with a dunce cap...-Jésus noir