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Cleared MRHorn and sTpromaja [ka]

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MRHorn and sTpromaja [ka]

Postby patrick1234321 on Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:45 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 16469322

I agree I was rude, and said things in this game that i regret. That being said, from round 3 onwards, red (MRHorn) and yellow (sTpromaja) never hit each other once. When it was just me and those 2 left, they continually only hit me, even though i was losing by a fair margin. They continually did this until i DB'ed, and only then, did they hit each other. This is not normal play and i can't see any possible reason for doing this unless there was a secret diplomacy, which was not discussed AT ALL in chat. Please review the game and chat because I am utterly confused.
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Re: MRHorn and sTpromaja

Postby Symmetry on Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:18 pm

Just reading your abstract, I can see a possible reason. Several, actually.
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Re: MRHorn and sTpromaja

Postby Major.Bossman on Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:36 pm

While the activity is somewhat suspicious, it does not necessarily mean cheating. From what I can tell in the game log you were the more aggressive player and had a lead. It looks like the other two players in the game ended up killing each other so the game was essentially a three player game.This could lead to both players being more worried about you than each other. At this point three player games are rather hard to classify as cheating because of their nature where one player seems to be ganged up on. sTpromaja did attack MRHorn in rounds 6 and 8 and after that the bonus were left alone which is suspicious but not uncommon especially if there is external pressure. That combined with both players only having two games together makes cheating seem unlikely.
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Re: MRHorn and sTpromaja

Postby eddie2 on Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:38 am

Pat what was your position in this game as well. If you were in the mixddle of the 2 of them then is understandable as well. This map is like arms race when one player controls most then others will go after u. So basics are get plus 3's as quick as possible then slowly build allowing u time to get enough troups to counter them.
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Re: MRHorn and sTpromaja

Postby king achilles on Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:04 pm

It looks like you were in the middle and a bit aggressive or appearing to be a threat to both of them if they attacked each other. Yes, it is understandable that if they were both the stronger players that they should go after each other but If they had their borders against each other well guarded enough, it is also logical that they would rather go after regions where it looks easier to get a spoil. We don't have enough evidence to prove they had a secret diplomacy in the game.
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