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FERN01 intenionally throwing game [ka]

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:23 pm
by Hoopybhoy


The accused are suspected of:

Intentionally throwing a game because things didn't go his way.

Game number(s):



I took SA early on and blue took AUS. Fern had nothing so went for europe. He had the territories but not enough to hold so i kept breaking it to make sure he didnt move towards me. (blue had the chance to break him before me but didnt bother) As game progressed, i also got NA while blue continued to build through asia while holding aus. Fern then took the intelligent and educated choice to blatantly attack just me (see in game chat) - 'ok blue, red only attack me? and i'm the last player in the stats? I HELP YOU NOW BLUE' and ' ONLY ATTACK RED'

I still had the lead, though so wasn't too fussed as i thought i'd hold them off - and i did for a while. So Fern then says to blue he can have asia too - 'blue, take asia if you want'. Obviously 11 deploy against greens 3 and blues now 16 i had no chance. I know he's done this before because i've seen him do it before and his rating is pretty awful too. Even if nothing comes from this, I suggest everyone stays away from this guy as he will intentionally make you lose.

P.s someone may have to 'tidy' the game number up..

Re: FERN01 intenionally throwing game

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:42 pm
by Barney Rubble
Intentionally deadbeating a game or in this case ,taking your toys and going home ,is also against the rules ....
... :lol: =D>
Just saying ..

Re: FERN01 intenionally throwing game

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:53 pm
by Hoopybhoy
knew someone would say that lol..what's the point in playing when it's 2v1?

Re: FERN01 intenionally throwing game

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:33 pm
by king achilles
From the looks of it, green player or FERN01, just got frustrated that he isn't able to get a bonus while you and blue have your own. The game chat didn't work for either of you and instead added to the friction. Also from the game chat, he first accused you of only attacking him and even thought you were giving the game to blue. He decided to retaliate and focus on you. This scenario is not unusual in 3 player games.

Both of you made irrational decisions in the game.

And no, it's not 2 against 1 as blue was only benefiting from you two fighting it out in the game and in the chat. Please don't intentionally deadbeat next time.

Re: FERN01 intenionally throwing game [ka]

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:23 am
by betiko
lol, this is just you being a terrible risk player man. If you're breaking someone round after round, it's pure stupidity, as he's getting pissed against you while the other is growing and watching how you two are getting pissed and weaker. Typically what you should not do. FEN's move is natural as you were too much on his back neglecting the other enemy.
YOU ARE NOT PLAYING COMPUTERS, YOU ARE PLAYING HUMANS. I would suggest you to play bot games if you have so little clue of human psychology; or to just stick to 1v1 games.

Re: FERN01 intenionally throwing game

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:59 am
by MagnusGreeol
Hoopybhoy wrote:knew someone would say that lol..what's the point in playing when it's 2v1?

- Better off not playing 3 man standard, History of C&A has alwàys had its fill of complaints about SD in 3 player wars. If you enjoy 3 player then you must hone your skills in chat truces and persuasion ") GL
