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Seafoam & mass92060 and Seafoam & Falconet [ka]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:59 pm
by BrutalBob


The accused are suspected of:
1. Conducting Secret Diplomacy
2. Insulting other players with such blatant cheating
3. General stupidity in not covering any tracks (Seafoam only)

Game number(s):
Game 16287232 Seafoam / mass92060
Game 16286568 Seafoam / Falconet


Seafoam left comments requesting a truce on mass92060's wall.

Seafoam gives up a territory for mass92060 to achieve a bonus and leaves his borders with mass92060 completely undefended.

Whilst mass92060 is probably a tad smarter than Seafoam and doesnt actually reply on Seafoam''s wall and does leave his borders defended, his actions in not not taking any of Seafoam's undefended bonuses lead Seafoam (and me) to believe he has implicitly agreed- see Seafoams second post on mass92060's wall.

I only found the Seafoam/Falconet thing after I looked into Seafoam in my game but added a couple of screens at the end.

Heres the map with Seafoam's undefended borders


Heres a screenshot of mass92060's wall


Here is a screen of Falconet's wall which relates to the second game. Also consider it a character reference for my initial complaint


And here is Seafoam's wall where Falconet accepts


I think thats it

Re: Seafoam & mass92060 and Seafoam & Falconet

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:39 am
by iAmCaffeine
Seafoam is new and probably didn't read the rules just like most of us, a friendly warning should sort that issue out. The other two should know better though.

Re: Seafoam & mass92060 and Seafoam & Falconet [ka]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:22 am
by Falconet
Yes i should..but for some reason didnt.Have been away from cc for years and the secret diplomacy thing didnt even gross my mind.Maybe because i havent had a issue with that earlier or just havent noticed...should at least read the rules now :D maybe there are more things i have missed

Anyway we indeed agreed on a truce for a while which was common sense.And i totally understand that i should have posted my reply in the game chat.
Wont make that mistake again.Thank you Brutalbob for drawing my attention to my mistake.

Re: Seafoam & mass92060 and Seafoam & Falconet [ka]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:10 pm
by BrutalBob
Falconet wrote:Yes i should..but for some reason didnt.Have been away from cc for years and the secret diplomacy thing didnt even gross my mind.Maybe because i havent had a issue with that earlier or just havent noticed...should at least read the rules now :D maybe there are more things i have missed

Anyway we indeed agreed on a truce for a while which was common sense.And i totally understand that i should have posted my reply in the game chat.
Wont make that mistake again.Thank you Brutalbob for drawing my attention to my mistake.

What a nice young man :)

I say we let him off with a swift, yet mild beating and some stern words

Re: Seafoam & mass92060 and Seafoam & Falconet [ka]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:23 pm
by king achilles
I will let this report serve as your warning not to do this again. Seafoam has also been informed of this report and about the SD rule. I find no evidence that mass92060 responded to Seafoam by means outside the game chat. You will no longer get a warning if you do commit this mistake again. This report is noted.