Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:02 pm
by Curmudgeonx
KarlMarkerPiolojjrenoThe accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number(s):
Game 16283501Game 16283957Game 16283474Game 16281982Comments:
It looks self-explanatory - rarely target each other, on right after the others, even at odd times EST. KarlMarker looks to be main
Re: KarlMarker/Piolo/jjreno
Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:48 pm
by khyber
okay so I'm obviously involved with these guys so let me try to clear some stuff up. I play board games with two of these guys jjreno and karlmarker the other guy, piolo, is a buddy of karls that I dont know. anyway I recently invited these guys onto CC and they're pretty into it, we also all have very flexible if not wide open schedules (i'm a stay at home dad, jjreno works from home on his computer so I'm sure he has CC running in the background and karl works nights so has a lot of the daytime free and maybe can even play from his phone at work I dont know. oh and I dont know what piolo does or what his schedule is so I cant speak for him) okay so that explains why their on all the time, excited about CC + loads of free time = plays turns often. jjreno shouldn't even be on this list he's only in one game on this list and its a game of all friends. now the meat of the other games doesnt look great, I agree, especially Game 16283474 it most definitely looks like 2v1, I asked karl about it and he said it was situational but yeah I don't know it looks bad. luckily for the accused, in Game 16283501 piolo looks to have hit karl pretty hard before this post against him was posted but before that happened it was looking like a similar outcome as Game 16283474. and finally in Game 16283957 looks okay to me nothing overly suspicious.
look these guys are learning, they're not making decisions as a seasoned CC player would but they're not cheating. I will try to get them to play doubles and explain to them the situation and get them on the right track. thanks for hopefully understanding!
Re: KarlMarker/Piolo/jjreno
Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:34 pm
by sniffie
khyber wrote:okay so I'm obviously involved with these guys so let me try to clear some stuff up. I play board games with two of these guys jjreno and karlmarker the other guy, piolo, is a buddy of karls that I dont know. anyway I recently invited these guys onto CC and they're pretty into it, we also all have very flexible if not wide open schedules (i'm a stay at home dad, jjreno works from home on his computer so I'm sure he has CC running in the background and karl works nights so has a lot of the daytime free and maybe can even play from his phone at work I dont know. oh and I dont know what piolo does or what his schedule is so I cant speak for him) okay so that explains why their on all the time, excited about CC + loads of free time = plays turns often. jjreno shouldn't even be on this list he's only in one game on this list and its a game of all friends. now the meat of the other games doesnt look great, I agree, especially Game 16283474 it most definitely looks like 2v1, I asked karl about it and he said it was situational but yeah I don't know it looks bad. luckily for the accused, in Game 16283501 piolo looks to have hit karl pretty hard before this post against him was posted but before that happened it was looking like a similar outcome as Game 16283474. and finally in Game 16283957 looks okay to me nothing overly suspicious.
look these guys are learning, they're not making decisions as a seasoned CC player would but they're not cheating. I will try to get them to play doubles and explain to them the situation and get them on the right track. thanks for hopefully understanding!
Maybe use more capitals and pharagraps in this text to make it more readable....
Re: KarlMarker/Piolo/jjreno(SN)
Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:05 pm
by riskllama
yeah. we can always use another ConfederateSS clone...
Re: KarlMarker/Piolo/jjreno(SN)
Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:31 pm
by ConfederateSS
-------I know Lama...I was going to file a complaint that someone was stealing my gig. But filing meaningless C and A reports is Caff's job.
ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion).