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Quang Musho is a Stalker

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:13 am
by Gemmasta
Ive been harrassed and stalked by this midget porn star (wasnt me who call that first :lol: ) in almost every games i play after i reported his suspected bf in multis report here -->

First off he's worried and pm'ed me with his concerned to withdraw my post and then got excited and spam in ALL games i play after that case has been cleared by mods.. :roll:

Pls go get a life Quang or make some 'movie' you seemed really good at.. :wink:

ps: he looks tough only in game chat but refuse to play in 2 players game with me in pass protected.. like its gonna cost him money, p*ssy :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:31 pm
by Quang Musho
To whoever cares:

As you can see from the game chat below Gemmasta challenged me and I accepted numerous times. He never made a game. I even gave him more opportunities in private chat to play me. He proved himself a dick so I closed the door on the punk.

He's one of those crybaby poor sports that can't handle a good (5 turn) beating. And he learned his lesson on "what" a free style game is and maybe, just maybe, how to play one.

2007-06-08 19:04:08 - Gemmasta: wow amazing! you guys playing almost at the same time lol.. hmm
2007-06-08 19:08:23 - Quang Musho: Exactly, it's a TEAM game......we play as a TEAM. You and red played at the same time the first time around. Your so goofy, lol.
2007-06-08 19:17:20 - Gemmasta: well i know about yewtah and Quang Musho but dunno about tpmiller88.. ill ask the forum, ok take care now kids! ;)
2007-06-08 22:59:25 - Quang Musho [team]: forts are in, take down green
2007-06-09 08:02:14 - Quang Musho: Hey Gemmasta who do you think will be the next player eliminated? I'd bet it's the cry baby that thinks the word kids in an insult.
2007-06-09 17:14:27 - Gemmasta: lol
2007-06-09 20:38:00 - Gemmasta: Maybe youre good in 'team freestyle' but dunno about youre individual skill tho.. so how about you invite me to 'two players game' Quang cuz where i come from, we let skills do the talking in one on one combat ;)
2007-06-09 21:20:40 - Gemmasta: i guess not eh.. yeah i'd be afraid losing those points too lol
2007-06-09 21:27:35 - Quang Musho: Yea, the possible point loss is really lopsided. Ahhh, screw points. I haven't played a one vs one. It'd be fun to give it a try. Set up whatever you'd like, you get home field advantage.
2007-06-09 21:47:55 - Gemmasta: lol, thats funny.. considering premie wiht high points want a freebie to set up a game? lol, just say it if youre afraid and i can understand! ;)
2007-06-09 21:51:22 - Gemmasta: Oh, im not joking here.. so im waitin' for ya. Should i post another invitation in forum too?
2007-06-09 22:48:09 - Quang Musho: Yea give me an invite. Where do I look for it. Never played a private game.
2007-06-09 22:49:37 - Quang Musho [team]: I have no idea what your previous post means (lol, thats funny....) What's there to be afraid of, it's a game.
2007-06-10 16:26:56 - tpmiller88: Gemmasta - not very fair turning us in for playing together in a freestyle game. These guys just got cleared after another sore loser did the same thing - now u??
2007-06-10 16:27:47 - tpmiller88: why do guys who play freestyle get pissed when teammates take turns together - play sequential then - easy fix