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Warned ConfederateSS [ka]

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ConfederateSS [ka]

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:30 am


The accused are suspected of:
Deliberately throwing a tournament and tournament game

Game number:
Game 15793585

Before anyone says it; no, this is not the same thing I was reported for (because what I did isn't against the rules).

In the above game, macattacker was in line to win the game. It was obvious from the log and common knowledge. As a result, everyone in the final of the Galicia-Limberg tournament would have scored one point in the final. Since I maintained the best record throughout the tournament, I would have won first prize.

However, with no legitimate reason, ConfederateSS deliberately ensured macattacker didn't win so that I could not win the tournament. The accused's supposed reasoning can be seen in Game 15793585:
2015-10-05 11:56:46 - iAmCaffeine: Whoever wins this wins the tournament, unless mac wins.
2015-10-05 11:57:07 - iAmCaffeine: Seems he has a good chance of winning too. Mad how we could all win one game each in the final.
2015-10-05 11:57:13 - iAmCaffeine: Of course I'd love it if mac wins ;)
2015-10-07 15:14:10 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 44
2015-10-12 15:41:43 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 46
2015-10-14 11:01:21 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 47
2015-10-16 12:11:58 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 48
2015-10-18 14:51:53 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 49
2015-10-19 16:27:35 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 50
2015-10-19 16:27:38 - iAmCaffeine: Please win mac.
2015-10-20 02:56:20 - ConfederateSS: Great Game Everyone,it has been an Honor to have played such skilled Warriors!
2015-10-20 03:58:28 - macattacker: Had it won. Have no idea why yellow attacked me and took 40+ troops in the last round. Handed the tourney to Loose Cannon I guess yellow was limiting points lost.
2015-10-20 03:59:14 - macattacker: Geez....that burns me. It's not like I am a private! Yellow please explain....
2015-10-20 04:03:26 - macattacker: 50 rounds and he attacks in Round 50! COWARDLY...I also suspect secret diplomacy here as well.
2015-10-20 16:50:33 - ConfederateSS: I would love to TELL YOU..HA HA HA...
2015-10-20 16:51:40 - ConfederateSS: 1st...If Coffee boy would have kept his mouth shut. I wouldn't of attacked at all. You can blame him...
2015-10-20 16:53:13 - ConfederateSS: 2nd..The fact that you deadbeated 3 out of the 7 games.... 4 if you count the one I won. Marleyjoe ,killed you before you could deadbeat..
2015-10-20 16:55:23 - ConfederateSS: I don't care about rank/points. Deadbeaters are what burns me. I enjoyed every bite of screwing you out of the win.And mostly robbing BIG MOUTH..OF THE TOURNEY WIN..:)...
2015-10-20 17:00:41 - ConfederateSS: I don't recall an explaination of the missed turns...;) time I would try such cheap tactics...Yet you took your turns in the other 3 games...shame..shame...
2015-10-20 17:04:15 - ConfederateSS: *bit..of..../*wouldn't.....try..
2015-10-20 19:09:11 - macattacker: Ahhhh....I see your point and accept it. I went on a cruise this summer with my family. Wireless fees were way more than back a week later and dropped down to a corporal. Did not realize I still had games going on. My apologies
2015-10-20 19:10:03 - macattacker: I hate dead beaters as well

Also, in the below quote taken from this thread.

ConfederateSS wrote:-----Don't be shy...put up the game number...15793585...
-----Congrats to iAmCaffeine for blowing his Tourney Win in game chat on a fog setting. By cheering on a deadbeater .Who in the last round deadbeated 3 out of 7 final games. Started taking turns again. Was on his way to Victory. UNDER FOG. But iAmCaffeine let it out of the bag. I just couldn't pass up the chance to screw over a deadbeater and a fog table talker on the last turn of the Tourney. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I still respect you though iAmCaffeine...I just couldn't resist. ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D :D :D ...It was taken care of in game chat between mac and I. Think about ...loose lips ...sink time you play fog. ;) ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I believe his actions are quite clear. ConfederateSS gains absolute zero benefit from his actions; they are simply formed from spite. He wanted to make sure I lost the tournament and a supposed "deadbeater" didn't win a game. His actions didn't improve his chances of winning the game, they reduced him. Nor did his actions improve his chances of winning the tournament, they reduced them.

Apparently, I am a "game fog talker", which is a completely hypocritical statement as I couldn't even see macattacker in the game, I simply read the log like any half decent player would. I didn't state a single thing about troop numbers or bonuses.

It is for the above reasons I believe this is classified as intentional game throwing.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:54 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Look at the pot calling the kettle black...
------You say you go out of your way to ignore my posts. If you read them all you would know what type of player I am. You're damn right I'm going to stop a deadbeat from winning. AS for Tourneys. I only played in one(Highlander Attacks 200th) .another player got a hold of his list and was spamming everyone. Even though I advanced. I asked HA to take me out of the Tourney. I love playing in the public pool. Meeting new people. Helping people when asked. Not stuck in a clique or clan. Playing in little groups. Duke said the same thing. About ignoring my posts. Because I didn't play in such things as Tourneys(more involved).
------WELL I could care less. I only joined THE GREAT WAR. Duke said I asked for it. Because I asked where is THE 70th ann. of D-Day event. C.C. had none. (No, Iwo Jima 70th this year either.) I enjoyed the PEARL HARBOR 70th that Gilligan put on. Well the Great War is a joke. while there are 3,4,5 rounders. Yes ,I know I could join everyone.But I like to keep my game count down. SO I'M NOT ONE OF THOSE DEADBEATERS...I don't play doubles ,trip,quads. For the same reason. In case something does come up in real life. I don't screw someone else(a partner)... I joined RACE TO THE SEA. A 20 rounder. But you win one battle medal. While you win 1 battle medal for a 4 rounder as well. I think who ever wins RACE TO THE SEA should get 4/5 battle medals. That's just the tip of the Ice berg. Some of my other Great War Tourneys. People deadbeated. Screwing everything up. I've noticed Doomy has gone Silver. A GREAT WAR CO-SPONSOR.
------GOOD THING ,BECAUSE I HAD NO INTENTION OF JOINING ANY MORE GREAT WAR TOURNEYS. Not only may C.C. fold. before the Great War is over(4 years). C.C. might fold,before RACE TO THE SEA is over. I'm sticking with THE PUBLIC POOL and special events from now on. It's more fun. Like find the maps in this picture kinda stuff,etc...
------AS for iAmCaffeine THE SUICIDER ,just ask nolefan5311 ;) . I'M a KAMIKAZE FOR JUSTICE AGAINST DEADBEATING......LONG LIVE THE PUBLIC POOL SECTOR :D :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby owenshooter on Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:11 am

well... this is a tough one to weigh in on, because they are both CC buddies... one i play games with, the other i enjoy banter in the forums and insane PM's with... however... let's put that all aside and act as if we don't know these two, personally... most of us that will post in here realize that IamCaffeine was just put into C&A for a move in a tournament, suiciding, that did not GUARANTEE his advancing, it just gave him a CHANCE at advancing... i said that if CC ruled against Caffeine, a new precedent was going to be set... and it was:

Subject: iAmCaffeine

TeeGee wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
p.s.-eagerly awaiting the NEW precedent this wholly original complaint sets!!

After discussion we have decided this is actually original and different from the other tournament advancement precedents.

Iamcaffeine has suicided on the hope that he (or she) may advance, not to guarantee he would advance.

Given that this is different to the other previous cases and that we have no guarantee that the action of caff would see him advance, This case is NOTED

given that ConderateSS did not improve his chances of winning or advancing, he merely kept someone from WINNING THE TOURNAMENT, the outcome of this thread is already known. The precedent is for his actions to be "NOTED"... however, given that it cost someone a certain tournament win, this is far more egregious and ConfederateSS admitted to his actions, so now we have yet another PRECEDENT to be set by the mods. this is very interesting... and i hope i don't lose a CC pal over this, i'm just looking at it, as if i didn't know either player... my final thoughts: it isn't a question of if that new precedent was broken... it is a question of how far they will go with the punishment...-Jésus noir
Thorthoth,"Cloaking one's C&A fetish with moral authority and righteous indignation
makes it ever so much more erotically thrilling"
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:33 am

-----Like I said to mac...I won a game ,he was about to deadbeat in,but another player took him out. Loose Cannon won one of the other games mac deadbeated in. Who's to say if mac doesn't deadbeat any games. iAmCaffeine would be where he was. Or another player might have won all 7 games......Also Yes,if Caff didn't post in game chat. In a fog game. I wouldn't have known mac was getting ready to win.(By that point,I was just taking my turn,deploying and ending my turn. I was pushed in a corner between,mac and Loose. Waiting for the round limit to end.) Which would hand Caff. the game...Not only that,I attacked Loose Cannon's troops first,taking 2 terrs. Who's to say I wouldn't of stopped Loose Cannon from winning by my moves. ONCE AGAIN IT WAS FOG!!!!..I only gambled on the last turn ,I would be stopping a deadbeater from winning..based on Caff's game chat in fog..ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...Normally when I attack...On my last turn...I write in game chat.."ONE LAST REBEL CHARGE!!!tip of the cap..." But in this case I didn't, I was Kamikazing and I attacked 2 players. Also that is for when it's one on one. I like to go out swinging.....
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:12 am

This is not a pot/kettle scenario. In the report against me, I made a play to better my chances of advancing in the tournament. In this report, you made a play to deliberately prevent me from winning a tournament whilst gaining nothing yourself. There is a clear difference.

You act as if fog means it's impossible to read a game. You know it's not. All I did was look at the log, back track slightly and it was clear macattacker was lined up to win the game. This is based on many, many rounds of everyone just stacking and macattacker held the greatest deploy throughout this time. Anybody could see that for themselves and be fairly certain of the outcome, but not 100% sure. He explained the reasoning for missing turns.

Another player in the games, igotaished, was also missing turns, yet for some strange reason you felt no need to attack him; why is that? You set one precedent for attacking one player and it ignore it against another. Your argument doesn't hold up. In fact, all you seem to do is constantly contradict yourself. All proof of this is in the quotes from the OP.

Your only reason for this is to prevent me from winning a tournament.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:31 am

------I didn't say missed turns,I said DEADBEATING....Mac only explained after the fact. He should of explained when he started taking his turns again.Igotaished made a called out in the forums for a sitter. When he was faced with real life. He finished his 7 games of the last round. EXACTLY how would I have attacked Igota anyway if I wanted to? I know some people miss turns as a tactic. How did any of us know. Mac was throwing games. Then playing in others to help another player. We didn't, or wouldn't. Getting back in an playing in some games. Seemed to be a little fishy with no explanation. Mac didn't call out to a sitter,or explain in any of the games he deadbeated in...THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS GOING TO LET THAT SLIDE AS HE TRIED TO PUT UP A "W".....IN THE LAST GAME...ONCE YOU POINTED IT OUT!!!!!..THANKS FOR THAT BY THE WAY ;) ...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion).... :D :D :D :D
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:41 am

So, what you're saying is deliberately threw the game, and provided no benefit within the tournament for yourself?

Missing turns is a tactic; deadbeating is not. So, by your own words, it would have made more sense to attack igotaished than it would macattacker. If you deadbeat, you lose. If you miss turns, you will probably lose but not definitely. If someone has deadbeated a game they cannot win, therefore it is not a tactic.

Furthermore, deadbeating is not throwing games. What you did, is.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby eddie2 on Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:08 am

Lolz mac was the victim of the game. Mac asked why, confederateSS explained why mac accepted it.

Reason what has been said confederate didnt want to lose points to someone who deadbeat.

This report is spurious and a backlash because of your NOTED(which really means nothing)

You are acting like you are the perfect multi i mean member who does nothing wrong and is a outstanding member of the community.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:18 am

-----Taking your turn and running your armies is not deadbeating. I said ,I don't like deadbeaters and table talkers...Although it is O K to talk in fog. I don't like it ,but that's me. Because who's to say if it's truth or not. You opened your mouth and brought doom on yourself and mac... Like I said. I wouldn't of attacked at all. But you had to be a news reporter on the game. That's your fault. You might learn in the future to keep things in,until the game is over in fog. You never know who your playing. :D I loved robbing a deadbeater of Victory. The fact that I hit 2 birds(a deadbeater and a table talker) with one stone. Was a bonus. ONCE AGAIN, THANKS FOR HELPING...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion).. :D :D :D :D :D LIKE I SAID,I COULD OF STOPPED LOOSE FROM WINNING AS WELL,WHEN I ATTACKED HIM..........In Detroit,they say"SUCKS TO BE YOU"...I SEE IN C.C.LAND they say,"SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE".....Mac accepted the outcome...When an explanation was given. I wish he would of explained sooner...OH! WELL ...ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR... ;)
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:29 am

eddie2 wrote:Lolz mac was the victim of the game. Mac asked why, confederateSS explained why mac accepted it.

Reason what has been said confederate didnt want to lose points to someone who deadbeat.

This report is spurious and a backlash because of your NOTED(which really means nothing)

You are acting like you are the perfect multi i mean member who does nothing wrong and is a outstanding member of the community.

----Thanks eddie....But I don't care about points or ranking...As I told mac...I don't like deadbeaters... I could play 1,000 games..lose a 1,000 a 1,000 more...I just like playing. I sucks when someone drops out during the game...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...It doesn't matter anyway. I going back to not playing in tourneys. Like I like it. Playing in the public pool. ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby Donelladan on Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:32 am

2015-10-20 16:55:23 - ConfederateSS: I don't care about rank/points. Deadbeaters are what burns me. I enjoyed every bite of screwing you out of the win.And mostly robbing BIG MOUTH..OF THE TOURNEY WIN..:)...

Here, he was speaking about Caff ( big mouth) .
So he threw the game so that Caff don't win the tournament. This is game throwing, and he has no acceptable justification for it.
He said he did it because Caff spoke in the chat, he only did it because of the OP, this is pure game throwing.
That he has another side reason, does it justify the fact he did it to make iAmCaffeine lose the tournament ? I don't think so.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:51 am

Donelladan wrote:
2015-10-20 16:55:23 - ConfederateSS: I don't care about rank/points. Deadbeaters are what burns me. I enjoyed every bite of screwing you out of the win.And mostly robbing BIG MOUTH..OF THE TOURNEY WIN..:)...

Here, he was speaking about Caff ( big mouth) .
So he threw the game so that Caff don't win the tournament. This is game throwing, and he has no acceptable justification for it.
He said he did it because Caff spoke in the chat, he only did it because of the OP, this is pure game throwing.
That he has another side reason, does it justify the fact he did it to make iAmCaffeine lose the tournament ? I don't think so.

iAmCaffeine wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:
Deliberately throwing a tournament and tournament game

Game number:
Game 15793585

Before anyone says it; no, this is not the same thing I was reported for (because what I did isn't against the rules).

In the above game, macattacker was in line to win the game. It was obvious from the log and common knowledge. As a result, everyone in the final of the Galicia-Limberg tournament would have scored one point in the final. Since I maintained the best record throughout the tournament, I would have won first prize.

However, with no legitimate reason, ConfederateSS deliberately ensured macattacker didn't win so that I could not win the tournament. The accused's supposed reasoning can be seen in Game 15793585:
2015-10-05 11:56:46 - iAmCaffeine: Whoever wins this wins the tournament, unless mac wins.
2015-10-05 11:57:07 - iAmCaffeine: Seems he has a good chance of winning too. Mad how we could all win one game each in the final.
2015-10-05 11:57:13 - iAmCaffeine: Of course I'd love it if mac wins ;)
2015-10-07 15:14:10 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 44
2015-10-12 15:41:43 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 46
2015-10-14 11:01:21 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 47
2015-10-16 12:11:58 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 48
2015-10-18 14:51:53 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 49
2015-10-19 16:27:35 - iAmCaffeine [self]: snapshot round 50
2015-10-19 16:27:38 - iAmCaffeine: Please win mac.
2015-10-20 02:56:20 - ConfederateSS: Great Game Everyone,it has been an Honor to have played such skilled Warriors!
2015-10-20 03:58:28 - macattacker: Had it won. Have no idea why yellow attacked me and took 40+ troops in the last round. Handed the tourney to Loose Cannon I guess yellow was limiting points lost.
2015-10-20 03:59:14 - macattacker: Geez....that burns me. It's not like I am a private! Yellow please explain....
2015-10-20 04:03:26 - macattacker: 50 rounds and he attacks in Round 50! COWARDLY...I also suspect secret diplomacy here as well.
2015-10-20 16:50:33 - ConfederateSS: I would love to TELL YOU..HA HA HA...
2015-10-20 16:51:40 - ConfederateSS: 1st...If Coffee boy would have kept his mouth shut. I wouldn't of attacked at all. You can blame him...
2015-10-20 16:53:13 - ConfederateSS: 2nd..The fact that you deadbeated 3 out of the 7 games.... 4 if you count the one I won. Marleyjoe ,killed you before you could deadbeat..
2015-10-20 16:55:23 - ConfederateSS: I don't care about rank/points. Deadbeaters are what burns me. I enjoyed every bite of screwing you out of the win.And mostly robbing BIG MOUTH..OF THE TOURNEY WIN..:)...
2015-10-20 17:00:41 - ConfederateSS: I don't recall an explaination of the missed turns...;) time I would try such cheap tactics...Yet you took your turns in the other 3 games...shame..shame...
2015-10-20 17:04:15 - ConfederateSS: *bit..of..../*wouldn't.....try..
2015-10-20 19:09:11 - macattacker: Ahhhh....I see your point and accept it. I went on a cruise this summer with my family. Wireless fees were way more than back a week later and dropped down to a corporal. Did not realize I still had games going on. My apologies
2015-10-20 19:10:03 - macattacker: I hate dead beaters as well

------IF MAC DOESN'T DEADBEAT IN 3 games out of 7. Who's to say who would of Won. ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)....
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby BGtheBrain on Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:10 pm

---------------ITS TOO BAD......This is likely HIS first game INFRACTION and he'll get a WARNING at best.-------------- :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:15 pm

eddie2 wrote:Lolz mac was the victim of the game. Mac asked why, confederateSS explained why mac accepted it.

Reason what has been said confederate didnt want to lose points to someone who deadbeat.

This report is spurious and a backlash because of your NOTED(which really means nothing)

You are acting like you are the perfect multi i mean member who does nothing wrong and is a outstanding member of the community.

Once again, you're wrong. Yes, macattacker lost the game because of ConfederateSS, but ConfederateSS deliberately made that happen so that I lost the tournament. Donelladan explained it very well.

I said in the other thread that I argue with people on a daily basis, so how is that acting like I'm perfect or an "outstanding member of the community"? I have enough disputes, rants, rages etc. on such regularity that I know I play with danger far too often. I have many reports against me and I have warnings too. I'm all too aware of where I standard in the "how nice are you scale".


How exactly did I rub it in anyone's face? My two statements were:

2015-10-05 11:57:13 - iAmCaffeine: Of course I'd love it if mac wins ;)
2015-10-19 16:27:38 - iAmCaffeine: Please win mac.

There is no gloating whatsoever there. The first is a true fact and the second is a plea. If I wanted to rub it in someone's face I'd say something along the lines of "if mac wins this game I win the tourney so f*ck you all". I did no such thing at any point.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:22 pm

TeeGee wrote:Thanks everyone for the advice, but this forum is about EVIDENCE.

Unless you have any evidence (or defense for the accused) please kindly do not post or create a new thread in the discussion forum to discuss this or any other case.

Multi hunters and admin read every post in this section of the forum in our search of reaching a conclusion and having others opinions in here only serves to cloud our judgement.


Shut up everyone
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:43 pm

Usually I would agree, but the more ConfederateSS posts the more obviously vindictive his actions become.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby eddie2 on Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:05 pm

Ow caffine read things from the start, dont highlight the parts that make the case. Now confeds shot was next in a fog game (im guessing confed dont read logs) you tell them if mac wins you win tourney. If anyone else wins they win it. You included.

So confed sees it remembers mac deadbeating the games. (Which anyone who says its not annoying is lieing) so suicides him. Remember he cannot see troup counts. He has your information that anybody can win it. How at that point was it vindictive towards you. For all he new you could of won it. Thats what my point is at the time of his attack he did not know you would not win. after the event he is laughing because you said if he wins you win. If you had not said anything you would of won. Which sorry to say it is funny. If he suicided mac and you had the most troups would you still complain ? Thats why i am saying this is a retaliation post. Which has been shown in the past to give the op a warning.

Am i against what confed done ?yes i am.
But since mac was ok with it, after confed explaining himself then its over with, should he be punished for it no because the person who was hit was ok.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby Donelladan on Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:30 pm

eddie2, don't try to find out what was in ConfederateSS head, you can't argue on what you believe ConfederateSS was thinking.
Let's ONLY focus on what he said.
He said he suicided into mac because he didn't want iAmCaffeine to win the tournament. Clear, simple, obvious. Throwing the game only to annoy Caff.
I enjoyed every bite of screwing you out of the win.And mostly robbing BIG MOUTH..OF THE TOURNEY WIN..:)...

Again, main purpose of Confederate, and he said it, was to make Caff lose the tournament. So it's game throwing to annoy one person without any reason.

EDIT : Just read the log, what a fucking boring game! 30 round of stacking ... :sick: :sick: :sick:
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby eddie2 on Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:47 pm

Donelladan wrote:eddie2, don't try to find out what was in ConfederateSS head, you can't argue on what you believe ConfederateSS was thinking.
Let's ONLY focus on what he said.
He said he suicided into mac because he didn't want iAmCaffeine to win the tournament. Clear, simple, obvious. Throwing the game only to annoy Caff.
I enjoyed every bite of screwing you out of the win.And mostly robbing BIG MOUTH..OF THE TOURNEY WIN..:)...

Again, main purpose of Confederate, and he said it, was to make Caff lose the tournament. So it's game throwing to annoy one person without any reason.

Done dont look at what confed said. Look at the game. He attacks pink (winner) suicides mac .
How the hell when he cannot even see 1 of caffines troups know that his move has lost it for him.

I had it in a recient assasin event caffine walling me etc about my move telling me how i should play it. Can only imagine what caffines sent to him.

So this case has nothing to do with caffine, if mac was here complaining then different ball game. But mac was ok once explained...

Honestly anybody who is saying confed done this to make caffine lose has not looked at the facts of the case properly.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby Donelladan on Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:54 pm

Seriously you're not reading ConfederateSS messages.
Confederate said he wouldn't have attacked mac if Caff hadn't talk = obviously he didn't care that mac win, he attacked mac because Caff said Caff would win the tournament if mac win.

As I said in my edit, from round 20 to round 50 it was only stacking.
30 round stacking with :
mac drop 10/turn
Loose Canon drop 8/turn
Everyone else drop 3/turn

If you are 100% clueless you may not know, but otherwise it's quite obvious that suiciding into mac would make Loose win and therefore other player lose.

But anyway, this doesn't matter. Confederate said he attacked mac once he knew if mac win Caff win the tournament. So he did it to avoid Caff win. He didn't care mac win until he knew that would make Caff win, as he said himself.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby eddie2 on Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:02 pm

So did caffine suicide into morley in final round. Why waste troups attacking a player who wont play again. Making it look like he was stronger. Caffine played a game and lost it.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:00 pm

eddie2 wrote:So did caffine suicide into morley in final round. Why waste troups attacking a player who wont play again. Making it look like he was stronger. Caffine played a game and lost it.

I took two singles in that round as it was to my advantage. I can show snapshots to prove that.

In all honesty, I have no idea what you're attempting to base your argument on and no further information is being given to this report apart from the fact you clearly don't understand.

If any player in that game apart from macattacker won then yes, they would have won the tournament. However, as both I and Donelladan have explained, mac was clearly leading. ConfederateSS used that information to suicide into mac to ensure he lost, just so that I could not win the tournament.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:10 pm

eddie2 wrote:Ow caffine read things from the start, dont highlight the parts that make the case. Now confeds shot was next in a fog game (im guessing confed dont read logs) you tell them if mac wins you win tourney. If anyone else wins they win it. You included.

So confed sees it remembers mac deadbeating the games. (Which anyone who says its not annoying is lieing) so suicides him. Remember he cannot see troup counts. He has your information that anybody can win it. How at that point was it vindictive towards you. For all he new you could of won it. Thats what my point is at the time of his attack he did not know you would not win. after the event he is laughing because you said if he wins you win. If you had not said anything you would of won. Which sorry to say it is funny. If he suicided mac and you had the most troups would you still complain ? Thats why i am saying this is a retaliation post. Which has been shown in the past to give the op a warning.

Am i against what confed done ?yes i am.
But since mac was ok with it, after confed explaining himself then its over with, should he be punished for it no because the person who was hit was ok.

-----Mac asked me,and I told him why I attacked him.After the fact in game chat...
So yes I'm glad he lost. He could have chose anyone to say in a fog game chat. Like unless Kid,Igota,Loose,wins. He chose Mac... Anyone else I wouldn't have cared. But it's not like mac played 3/4 games,then dropped out of the last 3. He dropped out of 3/4..Came back to take turns in 3 games,with no explanation. Thanks to game chat..blowing his cover. Leading in the 7th game. ANYONE else,or keep your mouth shut,YOU WIN..CASE CLOSED. You tried a talking tactic in a fog game chat. Chose to cheer for a deadbeat and went down with the ship....
-----I still believe and respect iAmCaffeine to be a great player. But if you asked me,am I happy I took down Caff with a deadbeat. It sucks. BUT YES I AM HAPPY HE WENT DOWN WITH THE SHIP. Next time don't cheer for a deadbeat.better time just keep your thoughts till after the game is over in a fog game. THINGS LIKE THAT WOULDN'T HAPPEN TO YOU...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... Most of all ,1)I could careless. I'll play my armies any way I want. There are no rules in war.2)My sig. tells I play with good spirits. 3)I always fight to the last man.But fight for justice.down with deadbeats. 4)I'm playing out RACE TO THE SEA..after that's done...I'm never looking at a Tourney again. The public pool has fun new people,less cry babies..( :D :D :D
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby eddie2 on Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:48 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
eddie2 wrote:So did caffine suicide into morley in final round. Why waste troups attacking a player who wont play again. Making it look like he was stronger. Caffine played a game and lost it.

I took two singles in that round as it was to my advantage. I can show snapshots to prove that.

In all honesty, I have no idea what you're attempting to base your argument on and no further information is being given to this report apart from the fact you clearly don't understand.

If any player in that game apart from macattacker won then yes, they would have won the tournament. However, as both I and Donelladan have explained, mac was clearly leading. ConfederateSS used that information to suicide into mac to ensure he lost, just so that I could not win the tournament.

Lol are my maths wrong. Or am i not seeing something.

30 × 8 = 240. Is that correct.
30 x 3 = 90 is that correct.

So there was no attacks for 30 rounds.
So 240 - 90 = 150 is that correct.

So i am guessing that since you are agreeing with donelladen caffine. 5 of you were on 3 troup deployment for 30 rounds loose 8 for 30 rounds. Then why do them sums add up to 150 more troups than any of you. But the game card only shows approximatly 40 troup difference. So people were attacking during them 30 rounds wernt they. So sorry caffine you are a lier and trying to treat people like noobs.
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Re: ConfederateSS

Postby TheForgivenOne on Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:07 pm

There's times I miss being a Hunter.

Than I read this and my eyes bled just a bit.
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