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Closed roprotem - Racism/Baiting

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roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby owenshooter on Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:24 pm

Accused: roprotem

The accused are suspected of: Racism/Baiting/Ignoring Mod Warning

Comments: Having both been warned to stop baiting/instigating each other by the powers that be via PM, i have made an effort to leave this user alone. his continual racism/bigotry within global seems to go unpunished and when reported to the chat mods as asked, the outcome is generally the same. nothing. screen shot from 12:15pm 9/26/15, where out of nowhere a baiting and racist post is directed at me. this is the only post he made in global and then vanished. clearly racist, clearly baiting, clearly another racism/bigotry violation for this user. WHERE IS HE ON THE BIGOTRY VIOLATION SCALE? this is tiresome. CC claims to not tolerate racism/bigotry, but they allow this user to continue to harass and make racist/bigoted comments towards me and other members (my fav was the derogatory term used at members newborn baby, when he announced he was a new father. classy).

this needs to be dealt with in the open and the outcome needs to be posted publicly. CC claims to not tolerate this sort of racism/bigotry/harassment, yet they continually allow it. this is the 4th time this month he has made racist comments towards me and i know at least a half dozen other times he has done the same to others in global chat. i don't want a chat ban, i want a chat and forum ban. this user should not be allowed to post within the forums or global chat for an extended amount of time. i am totally calling team CC out on this, because they have failed to curb this users racist antics for quite some time.


and the link he alluded to me in:

do the right thing and give this user a substantial time out so people know this is not tolerated. he has gone so far as to ignore a mod warning, ignore site guidelines concerning bigotry and racism and there is no end in sight. this is tiresome...-Jn
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby roprotem on Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:43 pm

roprotem: owen.....I posted that because you live in Texas. Nothing more. Please stop with all the drama.
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby Serbia on Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:48 pm

roprotem wrote:roprotem: owen.....I posted that because you live in Texas. Nothing more. Please stop with all the drama.

Stop posting stupid shit, and owen will stop reporting you. Not that difficult to figure out.

Bollocks in 2015.
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby owenshooter on Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:01 pm

roprotem wrote:roprotem: owen.....I posted that because you live in Texas. Nothing more. Please stop with all the drama.

play innocent. you have a history of racist/baiting post towards me and that is exactly what this is. time for a substantial ban so you learn your lesson.

Serbia wrote:
roprotem wrote:roprotem: owen.....I posted that because you live in Texas. Nothing more. Please stop with all the drama.

Stop posting stupid shit, and owen will stop reporting you. Not that difficult to figure out.

Bollocks in 2015.

Serbia, i think you said it better in global...-Jn

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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:03 pm

- Can't really say this looks like racism persay, But def. taunting/baiting/flaming. For Owen to be having a decent convo. and Ropes to jump in like that shows animosity towards OS. I am a racist towards the bad of every nationality, You got your good/bad and ugly in every race/color/crede. If any single one does not respect human race code of Honor & Integrity, then I personally want nothing to do with and will shun like a disease those who don't respect the human race code. We all have two eyes/ears, hands and feet, We all walk upright, breath air and have a beating heart, what separates us is Our individual minds, those who think good thoughts with caring tendencies, those who have bad thoughts with intentions of hate, those who build up, those who tear down. Pick a side and decide your fate.

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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby owenshooter on Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:09 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:- Can't really say this looks like racism persay,

yeah, sorry... posts an absolutely racist TMZ video with black girls pulling each others hair, then apparently, i'm a black woman running out of the stands at his determined mark... it's racist... it is baiting... he needs a substantial ban from all posting on the site... he has to be far along the racism/bigotry escalating scale... has to be... another reason i want this public. tired of empty promises from Team CC and now empty threats (if they don't follow through with his ignoring the warning we were both given)...-Jésus noir
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:14 pm

CC seems to have zero tolerance to racism and bigotry in the forum and games, but when it comes to chat issues are left the chat mods. That's fine, initially, but at some stage a higher authority needs to get involved. The issues with this user are now beyond that. Not only has he already received a warning, but he's also been told not to taunt Owen, and vice versa, so now he's directly ignoring a mod ruling.

Why is someone allowed to constantly test the boundaries? It's not like this is testing with a needle and thread, it's more like "hey, what happens if I run this bulldozer through a hospital?"

I have to double check everything I say these days in case of stepping over a forever moving line in the rules, both in forum and game chat. Other users do the same. Chat is no different.
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:19 pm

- Excuse me then OS, I missed the part about you being a black woman running out, the guy has shown racism before towards you so obv. it's his intention. I agree he needs to be dealt with.

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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby t4mcr53s2 on Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:10 pm

the issue with this nvideo post is not the content in isolation only, but the context; context of a guy warned for racially derogatory posts makes another post of people of that race behaving badly and then asks if the person entering the footage at a certain time in the video is a person he's been warned to stop taunting
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby Razorvich on Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:31 pm

Lets break the Chat Issue down.

Racism - A link to a news report from a reputable Station/Channel in my opinion is NOT racism, we all must respect freedom of the press.
The racist comments below the actual linked report are quite disturbing though.

Baiting - You seem to be attracting a fan club on this one, he is not the only one that baits in chat.

Ignoring Mod Warning - Yes I have asked you both to cool it in the past.


- Private information is not released by Moderators.

owenshooter wrote:i am totally calling team CC out on this, because they have failed to curb this users racist antics for quite some time.

I will respond to any PM sent from any members concerning Chat. You also have to be aware, that a lot of the issues that you continually raise with the Moderation team are not always black or white (pardon the pun). Context is everything, and that attracts different opinions.

All reports on users will be given all due respect within the team, and unless it is a CLEAR and UNAMBIGUOUS case of Racism/Bigotry, I value the input from other Moderators (including other Department Leaders) on issues that require discussion.

This is a global site, and we attract people and opinions from all over the world. What doesn't offend someone in one country, may boil the blood of someone in another country, without the knowledge of the person that has said it in the first place.
Sometimes this is difficult to distinguish if intent is really there, and that's where context comes into it.

So don't feel ignored if you don't see instant action with one of your reports.

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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby takman2k on Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:42 pm

This is a global site, and we attract people and opinions from all over the world. What doesn't offend someone in one country, may boil the blood of someone in another country, without the knowledge of the person that has said it in the first place.

OR Your neighbors. I dont like the R words, not saying them here. Its learn to live with it, get over with it, stop the action yourself, or take action, thats appropriate.
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby TeeGee on Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:06 pm

This is being handled by the Head Chat Mod

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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby owenshooter on Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:37 pm

Razorvich wrote:Lets break the Chat Issue down.

Racism - A link to a news report from a reputable Station/Channel in my opinion is NOT racism, we all must respect freedom of the press.
The racist comments below the actual linked report are quite disturbing though.

this is the most ignorant thing any moderator has posted concerning RACISM in the entire existence of this site. we obviously need to get a head chat mod that understands the nuances of racism/bigotry. you are wholly unqualified to rule on this based on the above statement. you are absolutely kidding me... this is the equivalent of telling a rape victim they brought it on themselves by how they were dressed. you are wholly incapable of moderating this issue.

t4mcr53s2 wrote:the issue with this nvideo post is not the content in isolation only, but the context; context of a guy warned for racially derogatory posts makes another post of people of that race behaving badly and then asks if the person entering the footage at a certain time in the video is a person he's been warned to stop taunting

EXACTLY!!!-Jésus noir

p.s.-respect the press? what the f*ck does that have to do with anything? this is like the time when a user called me N Shooter and it was ruled a TYPO. moderation on this site is joke when it comes to racism.
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby Razorvich on Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:00 am

Just because someone perceives not to agree with you, doesn't mean that you have to go for the throat... again...and again..... we have all seen how your manipulation works, especially when someone does not do or agree with what you "believe" is the right action or comment.

It wont work on me.

Your assessment of roprotem prior history is way off the mark, and you want it by the rules... you get it "by the rules".
You are once again just stating what you want people to believe, without any knowledge of the time and effort taken behind the scenes of this site just do deal with YOUR personal complaints.

You bring upon cases against other users concerning the use of phrases and words that, when in context, (and I note that in past cases you sometimes fail to provide evidence of this ....just screenshots of what you want us to see), are just not valid. .

You have a great positive attitude towards the site, but a nasty negative one too. I don't like the nasty BJ... the nice one is a lot better to get along with.

Anyway, In this instance I do agree that there is a case to answer, and appropriate responses are underway with the Admin of the site.

roprotem has received an immediate 24 hour chat ban, which may be upgraded once Admin have reviewed the case.
(this was actually done before my last post btw.)

Chill out..... play some games.... have some fun...
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby eddie2 on Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:43 am

Lol and thats why i like raz.proberly took him 8 hours to draft it. On a side note raz stop with the moderator thing and get your ass into some olympic tourneys. Your letting fad down :evil:
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:44 am

- Lets be fair and look at it how it is, OS and Ropes have negative past/present history, OS is chilling in GC shooting the shit with others, Ropes notices this and goes out in search of or hàs already prepared a video to fire upon OS with negative instigating intensions, If the roles have been reversed it would be OS up on charges and Ropes demanding action. These two obv. need to avoid each other, It wasn't OS who started or deserves this. And 24 hr ban is really a 16 hr ban if you calculate in an 8 hr sleep.

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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby owenshooter on Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:00 am

there is no chill out when someone has used racist terms such as "porch monkey" and the head chat moderator can't even discern what is and isn't racist. i am embarrassed for the site. when you make me YEARN FOR ANDY TO BE BACK IN THE FOLD, you have failed at your job... there is no chilling out. this member deserves a substantial ban from interacting with the community. had i done this, i would be gone for 6 months, easily... hell, they MADE UP charges to get rid of me for 6 months, and this racist troll actually broke the major racism/bigotry guidelines of the site... wow...-Jn

p.s.-even weaker, a 24 hour chat ban for this racist garbage. he can still post in the forums or on my wall or anywhere else he pleases... he belongs in Guests and for a substantial amount of time. CC is supposed to have zero tolerance with racism, and this is this users 5th or 6th MAJOR infraction within the past month. grow some balls.

Razorvich wrote:Just because someone perceives not to agree with you, doesn't mean that you have to go for the throat... again...and again..... we have all seen how your manipulation works, especially when someone does not do or agree with what you "believe" is the right action or comment.

It wont work on me.

Your assessment of roprotem prior history is way off the mark, and you want it by the rules... you get it "by the rules".
You are once again just stating what you want people to believe, without any knowledge of the time and effort taken behind the scenes of this site just do deal with YOUR personal complaints.

You bring upon cases against other users concerning the use of phrases and words that, when in context, (and I note that in past cases you sometimes fail to provide evidence of this ....just screenshots of what you want us to see), are just not valid. .

You have a great positive attitude towards the site, but a nasty negative one too. I don't like the nasty BJ... the nice one is a lot better to get along with.

Anyway, In this instance I do agree that there is a case to answer, and appropriate responses are underway with the Admin of the site.

roprotem has received an immediate 24 hour chat ban, which may be upgraded once Admin have reviewed the case.
(this was actually done before my last post btw.)

Chill out..... play some games.... have some fun...
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby eddie2 on Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:05 am

Magnus ropro obviously is high on the chat ban levels. To issue a big ban they need clearance from admin. The 24 hour ban is to allow admin to look and authorise a larger ben. Or he was only at the 24 hour stage but raz has asked to skip into a bigger ban. Either of the 2 reasons raz has done the correct thing.
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby eddie2 on Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:07 am

Fast posted by owen. Mate raz has issued the 24 hour ban so admin can make it bigger. This is how they work it. You like me know this. The 24 hour is just to prevent anything else from happening.
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby owenshooter on Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:33 am

eddie2 wrote:Fast posted by owen. Mate raz has issued the 24 hour ban so admin can make it bigger. This is how they work it. You like me know this. The 24 hour is just to prevent anything else from happening.

the 24 hours was in chat, he was not placed in GUESTS, so he can post more racist crap wherever he likes... makes no sense... but, i understand that mods don't have the permissions of old... oh, how i miss the days of the global mod... clapper, where art thou?!!!-Jn

p.s.-oh look, just another day for ropro... calling members a derogatory term for homosexuals as if it is nothing... couldn't even be bothered to report it, because nothing happens to this guy for his repeated racist/bigoted comments in global. "eh... it doesn't seem that bad... you are over reacting..."

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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby squishyg on Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:04 pm

Wake the f*ck up. This is 2015. Racism is much more coded than just shouting the "n-word" at someone.

When a person of color states that something is racist, listen to them. Period. I give zero fucks what a bunch of white teenagers think racism is.
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Depends on what metric you use...
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby BIG_John on Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:59 pm

WOW squishyg!!! Like that wasn't racist at all!!! People get to butthurt anymore!! Grow the f*ck up!!!!
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby riskllama on Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:33 pm

this is now the "defenders of owenshooter, UNITE!!!" thread. lame... :lol:
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby Serbia on Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:36 pm

riskllama wrote:this is now the "defenders of owenshooter, UNITE!!!" thread. lame... :lol:

Hardly, and it's unfortunate that you break it down to that. rop has a history of bigoted comments. Go do your research if you don't believe me.
And the latest screen grab further proves this point. Calling people queens? Homophobia, anyone??? Why hasn't he been banned yet?

Bollocks in 2015.
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Re: roprotem - Racism/Baiting

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:36 pm

flog this bastard
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