Serbia wrote:Orwell wrote:Serbia wrote:Orwell wrote:owenshooter wrote:PS. HE TOOK THE CARD!!! WOO HOO!!!!
Yeah, imagine that... I report him for 15 rounds of hostage taking and he takes the card. A real stand up.
Really don't understand what you're complaining about. You're a premium, so you can play an unlimited number of games anyway, so it's not like you need a slot. You knew why he was waiting to take you out, and you could have just played ball. Or, you SHOULD have just said "fine, you won't take me out, I'll just sit here and deploy and grow larger, and either screw you later, or make you waste more troops taking me out". Instead, you cried. I can't understand the whole victim mentality.
Right. You keep telling me I don't understand so thank you for clearing up that it is you who does not understand the situation.
As a matter of principle, I reported it ...for valid reasons... and considering you gave the perfect definition of a hostage situation, I think my complaint holds merit.
So at this point, it's unfortunate that an actual mod has not weighed in to confirm or deny what CC considers hostage taking. I really couldn't careless what the peanut gallery thinks of me and even less of the insults hurled at me for speaking up.
It's so awesome to see this system works. Thanks y'all.
Since you can't understand written word anyway, I'll make this short for you. I understand the situation totally. It can be considered "hostage taking", but in my mind is a ridiculous report. What I don't understand is the amount of whining you have done. Now go ahead and feel free to allow this to go right over your head.
Ah, the written language. Yeah, The thing about the written language is that I am not required to address every tangent or entertain the clear red herrings you keep lobbing at me... especially when you resort to (albeit, subtle) insults about my reading comprehension.
But, if you REALLY want to go there, I could (and I do) question your ability to make a logical argument since you would rather attack my person than the point I am making.
So, you have gotten to the heart of it: you consider it ridiculous... and that is SO awesome for you. I consider it, like you said, "hostage taking" which is also looked down upon. I wanted to know if it was enforced.
So, take my reason or leave it - but "clever" sign offs don't win arguments; substance does.
Cheers mate.