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port80 [ka]

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:51 pm
by KraphtOne

Do you idiots really let these piles of shit buy back in with their new accounts?

Should just shut this dumpster of a site down...

Re: port80

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:15 am
by owenshooter
here we go again... my hero!!! don't ask him how or why... just know that he gets results and is ALWAYS right!!! the black jesus has spoken!!!-Jésus noir

Re: port80

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:51 am
by Edric Wolfswift
Busted with eight other accounts and allowed to buy back in?... Ridiculous

Re: port80

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:17 am
by Serbia
I get why they are allowing them to buy back in, because this site quite frankly needs paying members. But why was it one of the recent accounts? It used to be that you made them keep the original account.


Re: port80

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:30 pm
by port80
So I guess I should say something while I still can. I admit it. You caught me. Or reported me again, at the very least. Yes, I had 7 different accounts before this, at some point or another. (Not 8, there seems to be an innocent caught up in the fray.) If all you wanted was a confession, you have it! KraphtOne, you can now guilt-free call me a pile of shit, along with homophobic slurs of your choice.

For those still reading, I apologize for all the multis, to both the creators of the game and everyone else affected. I know it was a sleazy move, and cost you all in time and resources. Moving forward, if I'm allowed to keep playing I will of course abide by the rules, as I've been trying to demonstrate recently.

Still, there remains the question of what to do with me. Permabanning seems the default option, and if that's what you want, I'll accept it and leave. But I would hear it from the admins, and without the accompanying... rhetoric of some of these other posts. There have been some concerns that I'm using a new account now, rather than the original. If deemed necessary, then I would be willing to switch over to any account required. Perhaps you want compensation of some sort? I'm currently premium, if that counts for anything. Some will deride that as "buying back in". Well, nothing I can say to that, but I'll leave the decision up to the people who are actually affected by the money. Unfair point gain then? Again, I can't rectify that. I'm sorry if you were deceived by my apparent rank and unfairly lost points because of it. I will note, however, that my rank previously was about a sergeant/corporal, so anyone who played me after I recently passed that mark has a harder case to make. That pretty much covers everything, I think, but if there's anything I missed or you have other ways I might right this, please let me know.

Naturally, a lot of you here hate me. I get it, and it's fully deserved. You have full right to take any action desired. Perhaps, though, you could forgive past trespasses. Up to you.

A few will no doubt have some pointed questions. Let me try to preempt a couple of them:

    Why did I make multis in the first place? To get around the four game limit. You can check, never did any points abuse (and who plays the game just for points anyway?).

    Why make a new account this time instead of using the old one? Well, I didn't have the email addresses for the old accounts any more, which is the only way to recover the login information. Also, the link to the ticket page ( is broken, so no help there. Bollocks yourself.

    You're a dirty rotten cheater who deserves everything you get! Well, not really a question, but thank you for your input.

[edit] I should also mention that I was banned once before, a couple months ago. Since then, I talked with the admins, and they have seen fit to let me keep playing with this account. I will continue with this tentative resolution until someone decides otherwise.

Re: port80

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:21 pm
by Major.Bossman
If the accused was already punished for past actions there is really nothing that can be done. The matter has been decided and you are just beating a dead horse. Hopefully what port80 wrote was truthful about apologizing and intending to abide by the rules.

Re: port80

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:45 am
by Serbia
port80 wrote:Why make a new account this time instead of using the old one? Well, I didn't have the email addresses for the old accounts any more, which is the only way to recover the login information. Also, the link to the ticket page ( is broken, so no help there. Bollocks yourself.

The name you are using means nothing to me. It was more a question for admin, why they didn't make you default, rather than using a newer one. You however explained that sufficiently, and that makes sense. As for the bollocks, well... never mind the bollocks!


Re: port80

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:02 pm
by king achilles
Adding to port80's explanation, he also has already played more games on this account than on his past accounts so this one would be more fitting for him to use. I'll consider this matter closed.