Lacrosse_addict and muffinman6632 [closed]
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:23 pm
Subject line: lacrossse_addict and muffinman6632
These are suspected Multis or secret alliance
Suspect users: lacrossse_addict and muffinman6632
Game number: [url] [/url]
Comments: In round 4 of Game 31625, blue owned Central north in the brazil map. Red (lacrosse_addict) started the round. One minute later blue (muffin) got his troops in. Two seconds after that, red deployed his troops and took central north from blue. From the timing proximity, the order of play, and the strategic play I suspect these are multis or in a secret alliance.
In game 31625, round 1, you can see how red (lacrosse) receives troops, blue (muffin) plays his turn, red plays his turn, blue ends round. Then red begins the next round. He also coordinated his red and blue turns at the end of round 2. It's kinda difficult to capture Ireland and North England so quickly as well.
These are suspected Multis or secret alliance
Suspect users: lacrossse_addict and muffinman6632
Game number: [url] [/url]
Comments: In round 4 of Game 31625, blue owned Central north in the brazil map. Red (lacrosse_addict) started the round. One minute later blue (muffin) got his troops in. Two seconds after that, red deployed his troops and took central north from blue. From the timing proximity, the order of play, and the strategic play I suspect these are multis or in a secret alliance.
In game 31625, round 1, you can see how red (lacrosse) receives troops, blue (muffin) plays his turn, red plays his turn, blue ends round. Then red begins the next round. He also coordinated his red and blue turns at the end of round 2. It's kinda difficult to capture Ireland and North England so quickly as well.