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"NutCrusher" using 2nd account "dx87" [ka]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:23 pm
by monkeywrench33

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Be sure before you accuse someone!



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 15360045

Comments: Even though this player is using a multi in a doubles match, he lets his 2nd account miss his turn 3 times in a row in order to claim all of his teammates territories. When maps give large bonuses for having so many regions early in the game, it creates a strong disadvantage to the other teams.

Re: "NutCrusher" using 2nd account "dx87"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:48 pm
by owenshooter
of the 198 games they have played together, how many did you go into and find a similar pattern? just wondering what evidence you have other than a hunch...-Jésus noir

Re: "NutCrusher" using 2nd account "dx87"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:57 pm
by Dukasaur
I don't usually stick my nose into C&A cases, but for whatever reason I was curious, so I had a look.

NutCrusher and dx87 have played together 198 times. 192 of those were Dubs games, with only 3 Standard and 3 Terminators. 4 of the 6 non-Dubs games were at the very beginning of their association. One can't completely rule out the possibility that there was some secret diplomacy in those first few games: they joined those games sequentially and probably knew each other right from the beginning. Still, nobody is going to reopen a possible case of SD from 2008.

The very last time they joined a non-Dubs game was in May of 2010. Since then, they have joined nothing together except Dubs games, so any possible SD accusation is almost five years old and not going to be prosecuted at this point. (Even if it did have any merit, and I'm not saying that it does, only that it can't be ruled out.)

192 games as Dubs partners probably means they were friends at the very least, but by definition partners can't be engaged in SD. The other half of the accusation is that they were multies. Let's look at that one.

In addition to their games together, NutCrusher played 220 games without dx87, and dx87 played 598 games without NutCrusher. Doesn't rule out the possibility of them being multies, but makes it seem unlikely. They both have a location in the American midwest, although one is flying the Japanese flag at the moment. Supports the idea that they're friends but not multies.

The final (implicit) accusation is that this represents deliberate deadbeating. Since dx87 has not been onine since he began deadbeating his last set of games, it seems unlikely to be deliberate. Most likely, this is simply a natural end to a long and perfectly normal CC partnership. One partner has left the site, and it looks like his friend may be bored and soon to follow, but there's nothing nefarious going on.

Case closed...:)

Re: "NutCrusher" using 2nd account "dx87"

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:59 pm
by king achilles

Re: "NutCrusher" using 2nd account "dx87" [ka]

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 1:45 am
by NutCrusher
I know this has been cleared, but I thought I could add some info for the record.
Dukasaur pretty much got it right. As I said in the game chat, we've been friends and CC partners for 7 years. A while ago he had some stuff happen in his personal life and had to stop playing for awhile. A few weeks ago he thought he could start playing again, so we started 4 games together. It turns out he really couldn't and he ended up deadbeating on me. Such is life.

The one game in 2010 that was non-dubs was a game that we thought was a doubles game but we accidently joined a singles game.

Anyways, I'm thankful this has been cleared.