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Owenshooter [ka]
Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:53 pm
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
I quote from livechat, "owenshooter: the black jesus has forgiven Adman, so shall ye all.... "
Now if that isnt abusive towards those of a particular faith then I dont know what is. Its not like I even need to find multiple examples as similiar posts are made hourly by the looks of things. Slightly concerned that this doesnt directly break the community rules.
Anyway my real point is I'd like to add my name to what I hope is a growing list of names of people who find claim to be black jesus offencive. Yes everyone has a right to free speach, but that does not mean they have a right to free speach on your website.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:59 pm
by blackdragon1661
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:Anyway my real point is I'd like to add my name to what I hope is a growing list of names of people who find claim to be black jesus offencive. Yes everyone has a right to free speach, but that does not mean they have a right to free speach on your website.
I do not find it offencive, but funny. I'm a Christian, and I don't get mad about it. Jesus was, in fact, from the Middle East, and would have been black. Also, I think it is well known that he is not actually Jesus, or black (that last one is just an assumption, considering that most Texans are white).
If you have the right to free speech in the U.S., then you have the right to free speech everywhere that is based in the U.S., including this site. I'm sure that if the CC staff was concerned, then his comments would have been removed, and he been banned by now.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:10 pm
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
Its not the "black jesus" that disturbs me, its the persona you've built around it.
As I say I am just one person and all I expect is the mods to read and delete this thread. And I shall continue ignoring what I personally find offencive whilst under the understanding that I am in the minority.
If thats the rules for free speech in US then I worry. Thats certainly not the case in the UK. Consider what would happen if you posted trade secrets on here, would you have the right to do so? Of course not, and the platform by which you do it would also be culpurable. By signing up as a member you agreed to abide by their rules, including losing the right to free speech in my opinion, though I could be wrong.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:12 pm
by DoomYoshi
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:Its not the "black jesus" that disturbs me, its the persona you've built around it.
As I say I am just one person and all I expect is the mods to read and delete this thread. And I shall continue ignoring what I personally find offencive whilst under the understanding that I am in the minority.
If thats the rules for free speech in US then I worry. Thats certainly not the case in the UK. Consider what would happen if you posted trade secrets on here, would you have the right to do so? Of course not, and the platform by which you do it would also be culpurable. By signing up as a member you agreed to abide by their rules, including losing the right to free speech in my opinion, though I could be wrong.
What are you even talking about? You are brand new here... Go troll somewhere else.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:20 pm
by Major.Bossman
I think this is more of an issue to be resolved by a chat moderator. Anyway how would this be a violation of the chat guidelines? Just because you do not like what Owenshooter has to say does not mean it is prohibited. This site takes a very open stance to language and so long as it is not bigotry, spam, flaming, etc. it is permitted in the live chat. Anyway if you have any questions about this site's rules check the guidelines out.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:25 pm
by Edric Wolfswift
DoomYoshi wrote:What are you even talking about? You are brand new here... Go troll somewhere else.
His wall shows "Joined:Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:57 pm" yet he oddly has never completed a single game. I think someone just dusted off an old multi they had on standby
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:35 pm
by ronsizzle
the black jesus is indeed black. i assure you.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:21 pm
by Adman85
As much as I argued with Owen, he is in the right here.
I was annoyed with the need to specify "black" jesus, as it would suggest that there was a non-black jesus, and that "black" jesus is different only in skin color which is a weird thing to suggest.
Nonetheless he is free to call himself whatever he wants, however inaccurate or offensive it may seem.
I felt I needed to comment as your original quote contains my name.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:26 pm
by clangfield
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:Its not the "black jesus" that disturbs me, its the persona you've built around it.
As I say I am just one person and all I expect is the mods to read and delete this thread. And I shall continue ignoring what I personally find offencive whilst under the understanding that I am in the minority.
If thats the rules for free speech in US then I worry. Thats certainly not the case in the UK. Consider what would happen if you posted trade secrets on here, would you have the right to do so? Of course not, and the platform by which you do it would also be culpurable. By signing up as a member you agreed to abide by their rules, including losing the right to free speech in my opinion, though I could be wrong.
ER... yes it is the rule in the UK. The precept is very definitely "I disagree with what you say but shall defend to the death your right to say it". Je suis Charlie and all that.
Confidential information is governed by different rules.
You have the right to express your
opinion - and indeed spell it so badly. Owen has the right to behave and talk like a complete jackass (a right which he exercises constantly). His personality is indeed a problem for many, but it's not to do with the name he is using
The rules of the site forbid sexual or racial bigotry, but are very liberal with the persona that one can adopt. Even names from the warmongers of history are allowed, so I'm afraid this complaint won't get very far.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:37 pm
by blackdragon1661
I think it is unanimous! owenshooter is right again! ~ Dragon Noir
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:59 pm
by adban
clangfield for PM, he is the master of diplomacy.
But what is funny is there are a few select players that will spam up the Cheating & Abuse Reports with their self opinionated drivel.
"Jesus was, in fact, from the Middle East, and would have been black" is total nonsense as the Middle east is and was predominately Arab and not black . But is is also total nonsense to believe in a doctrine that has a) a virgin birth as it's crux (as it were) and b) a seven day creation, again at it's crux.
Facts are facts, but would my comments be considered religious bigotry?
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:30 pm
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
Sigh, if you have the right to free speech on this website then under no circumstance could they ban a user for their comments made. Clearly the existence of community guidelines says otherwise.
"This is a business and CC does reserve the right to promote or discourage any kind of behavior it sees fit. Claiming your first amendment right to free speech to post about the colour of your poop last night will not fly. If a mod or admin specifically say you shouldn't be doing something, regardless of if it's specifically spelled out in the rules, or if you think that they are stupid, it still means don't do it. If you don't like the rules here, will help you find somewhere more appropriate."
As the quote from the guidelines above shows, you do not have the right to free speech on this platform.
Freedom of speech refers to the free expression without census by the government or public body.
But as I said I never at any point expected any actual outcome from this. I have however learnt a major thing here, Owenshooter is much better mannered than most of you and that this is quite a protective, some would say negative, online community.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:48 pm
by iAmCaffeine
This has been brought up before and will have the same result. Also, offensive doesn't have a c.
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:07 pm
by Serbia
99% of you are mispronouncing "Black Jesus".
Re: Owenshooter
Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:24 pm
by king achilles
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:Comments:
I quote from livechat, "owenshooter: the black jesus has forgiven Adman, so shall ye all.... "
Now if that isnt abusive towards those of a particular faith then I dont know what is. Its not like I even need to find multiple examples as similiar posts are made hourly by the looks of things. Slightly concerned that this doesnt directly break the community rules.
Anyway my real point is I'd like to add my name to what I hope is a growing list of names of people who find claim to be black jesus offencive. Yes everyone has a right to free speach, but that does not mean they have a right to free speach on your website.
- noted. Feel free to make use of the foe list.
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:48 pm
by betiko
owen, I got an advice for you: ask for a multi check for the OP. this guy opened his account in 2013, hasn't played a single game in 2 years.... and he comes to troll with this shit. multiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:53 am
by owenshooter
that's it? sigh...-Jésus noir
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:16 pm
by adban
No, that's not it. Laugh. Stop being a prick and grow up.
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:52 pm
by owenshooter
adban wrote:No, that's not it. Laugh. Stop being a prick and grow up.
see... you can't really come into C&A and break a rule like, "NO FLAMING"... that is the beauty of the Black Jesus, he is well versed in the nuances of the rules... thus, he appears to get away with murder, but truly never goes over that line... example:
adban, your prickish response is not really furthering the discourse. see how that goes? i didn't call you a prick, i called your response "prickish"... you need to learn how to get past the obvious flame and get a bit more subtle, yet classy, with your insults.. i truly expect better things from you in the near future... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:01 pm
by adban
Owenshooter show me a something constructive in your contributions to any forum topic?
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:46 am
by TeeGee
adban wrote:Owenshooter show me a something constructive in your contributions to any forum topic?
Please take this to the Conquer Club Discussion forum, it is not C&A
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:31 pm
by owenshooter
adban wrote:Owenshooter show me a something constructive in your contributions to any forum topic?
oh, maybe the creation of the site guidelines for bigotry and racism... another thread going about making punishments in C&A for game cheats, actual punishments... odd how you just started posting after being a member for so long... hmmmm-Jésus noir
p.s.-take it to GD, this is not the place...
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:30 pm
by adban
You make no sense, or is it nonsense? Anyway you seem to be surrounded by arse-licking sycophants. Enjoy your status.
Re: Owenshooter [ka]
Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:54 pm
by waauw
Owen mentioning a black jesus is as offensive cartoonists drawing Mohammed. Neither meant to offend. People are just being testy.
Maybe we should start a #JesuisJésusNoir