alex_white101 wrote:Velvecarrots wrote:Being limited to 4 games at a time, we prefer freestyle in most games because they tend to progress faster. I'm guaranteed a move in every game at least once per day in a freestyle game, where as I don't have that guarantee in a seq. game.
not too mention the fact that in freestyle u can take moves together and get easy wins simply as u can attack and fortify at the same time, i think freestyle doubles and triples games where u know the people and play always at the same time is kinda a cheap way to go up the rankings......
I don't think I've ever bragged about how high my score is, or have claimed that I am better than somebody because of my superior score. I realize that the way I have earned most of my points might not be as impressive as the way RL_Orange or Robinette earned their points, but at the same time I don't think it's that easy to get too high playing all freestyle.
Most of the high ranked players play seq. only, so in playing freestyle at this level, I constantly wager 40 points to win about 10 in my games. And I don't know how much you think this game is based on luck, but the dice do occasionally screw me so much I can't even beat a couple privates. If my win rate is 75% which it is right about now, I'm not gaining any points playing freestyle dubs based on these numbers.
As for not coughing up 20 bucks, I think a 4 game limit is good so that I don't spend too much time on this site. Yes I'd like my few games that I'm in to progress quickly, but I don't want to find myself playing 100 games at a time and feeling that I have to spend hours on CC daily playing these games.
I also take pride in being the highest ranked freemium player. Call me the cheapest bastard on the site, but if you do, you can't claim that I got my rank in a cheap manner. Either I am the best freemium player here and I am a cheap bastard who should buy a premmie, or in reality I'm only an average to shitty risk player and you should be calling someone else a cheap bastard.
Either way, this has nothing to do with my Bro and I being suspected as a multi. If you think that it is easy to rank up playing freestyle dubs Digital, I challenge you to find a dubs partner and get up to captain doing just that.
EDIT: Oh, and if everyone is giving me shit on how I obtained my rank, then why aren't you giving Yosevuk shit? He plays a similar game. I guess you guys are all prejudice against the non-premmie. You think you're better than me because you donated $20 to CC.
MORE EDIT: Hey hey!!! I'm no longer the highest freemium player. Now go annoy someone else!