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King Achilles newb farming [MAS]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:27 pm
by demonfork

king achilles

The accused are suspected of

Other: extreme newb farming


His last 90 out of 100 games he joined against new recruits.

Pretty disgusting behavior for an administrator not to mention a deplorable abuse of power.

You make me sick!

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:50 pm
by Gweeedo
demonfork wrote:Accused:

king achilles

The accused are suspected of

Other: extreme newb farming


His last 90 out of 100 games he joined against new recruits.

Pretty disgusting behavior for an administrator not to mention a deplorable abuse of power.

You make me sick!

90% of his games are against new recruits.
Why would this bother you?

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:50 pm
by rhp 1
Love it

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:54 pm
by degaston
Have you looked at the chat or the logs? It's kind of tough to farm when you get 0 points for a win. :roll:

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:55 pm
by demonfork
Gweeedo wrote:
demonfork wrote:Accused:

king achilles

The accused are suspected of

Other: extreme newb farming


His last 90 out of 100 games he joined against new recruits.

Pretty disgusting behavior for an administrator not to mention a deplorable abuse of power.

You make me sick!

90% of his games are against new recruits.
Why would this bother you?

I don't know, maybe because it's against the rules?

I guess the rules don't apply to king achilles?

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:58 pm
by degaston
demonfork wrote:
Gweeedo wrote:Why would this bother you?

I don't know, maybe because it's against the rules?

I guess the rules don't apply to king achilles?

They're Guide games - look it up.
Nothing to see here, move along.

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:01 pm
by demonfork
degaston wrote:
demonfork wrote:
Gweeedo wrote:Why would this bother you?

I don't know, maybe because it's against the rules?

I guess the rules don't apply to king achilles?

They're Guide games - look it up.
Nothing to see here, move along.

Oh cool, even better. So he gets to play games that don't count?

Still cheating. I'm pretty sure that this type of game setting has been suggested before and rejected but somehow king achilles gets to take advantage of this type of game option and no one else can?

I would love to be able to play fake games for fun that don't count against my score.

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:10 pm
by Serbia
demonfork wrote:
degaston wrote:
demonfork wrote:
Gweeedo wrote:Why would this bother you?

I don't know, maybe because it's against the rules?

I guess the rules don't apply to king achilles?

They're Guide games - look it up.
Nothing to see here, move along.

Oh cool, even better. So he gets to play games that don't count?

Still cheating. I'm pretty sure that this type of game setting has been suggested before and rejected but somehow king achilles gets to take advantage of this type of game option and no one else can?

I would love to be able to play fake games for fun that don't count against my score.

Stop manufacturing drama where there is none, and go educate yourself before raging.


Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:11 pm
by degaston
demonfork wrote:Oh cool, even better. So he gets to play games that don't count?

Still cheating. I'm pretty sure that this type of game setting has been suggested before and rejected but somehow king achilles gets to take advantage of this type of game option and no one else can?

I would love to be able to play fake games for fun that don't count against my score.

They've been going on for several months. There are many guides playing these games, including me.
See: Callout -- New Guide Program Beginning Soon! Guides Needed
and: Society of Super Guides

Most of the new players deadbeat anyway, but the point is to have them get a friendly and helpful start with their first game.

demonfork wrote:I would love to be able to play fake games for fun that don't count against my score.

Me too. Go check out this thread: Unrated, Unranked, or No Points Games [REJECTED]

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:21 pm
by Gweeedo
demonfork wrote:Accused:

king achilles

The accused are suspected of

Other: extreme newb farming


His last 90 out of 100 games he joined against new recruits.

Pretty disgusting behavior for an administrator not to mention a deplorable abuse of power.

You make me sick!

Kind of funny how people think.
When I viewed king Achilles games I immediately thought, what a nice guy, he is helping out new recruits (16 pages).
Then you get players like demonfork, who always think the worst!

I think you owe king Achilles an apology.

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:06 am
by Assassin07
demonfork wrote:
degaston wrote:
demonfork wrote:
Gweeedo wrote:Why would this bother you?

I don't know, maybe because it's against the rules?

I guess the rules don't apply to king achilles?

They're Guide games - look it up.
Nothing to see here, move along.

Oh cool, even better. So he gets to play games that don't count?

Still cheating. I'm pretty sure that this type of game setting has been suggested before and rejected but somehow king achilles gets to take advantage of this type of game option and no one else can?

I would love to be able to play fake games for fun that don't count against my score.

Bro you can join the guides and play the new guys . I'm a guide and it's just a group used right now to try to get new players to stick around. When a new player joins the site they now have the option to play bots , or have a game with guides up to 4 players ( Yes these options where not in place back in the day) and lose no point or gain none . If you want in you can sign up in SOC.

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:29 am
by Major.Bossman
Well it seems that this case will be cleared, but the information about guide games has left me with a question. Since they do not appear to be for teaching new players how well do they perform at retaining new players ?

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:54 am
by betiko
Just lulz. I really hope this was some kind of joke by DF, but I think he was serious.

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:13 am
by Masli
degaston wrote:
demonfork wrote:Oh cool, even better. So he gets to play games that don't count?

Still cheating. I'm pretty sure that this type of game setting has been suggested before and rejected but somehow king achilles gets to take advantage of this type of game option and no one else can?

I would love to be able to play fake games for fun that don't count against my score.

They've been going on for several months. There are many guides playing these games, including me.
See: Callout -- New Guide Program Beginning Soon! Guides Needed
and: Society of Super Guides

Most of the new players deadbeat anyway, but the point is to have them get a friendly and helpful start with their first game.

Quote says it all. Cleared

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:17 am
by Razorvich
Major.Bossman wrote:Well it seems that this case will be cleared, but the information about guide games has left me with a question. Since they do not appear to be for teaching new players how well do they perform at retaining new players ?

The idea is to get a new player playing against a human ASAP. Welcome them to the site and let them have a go.

I have not had a lot of luck with my guide games myself, and are a little busy atm to join when they do appear.

They are also announced in Global chat for anyone to join as far as I am aware.

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:30 am
by iAmCaffeine
Most of the guides don't help in the slightest.

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:47 am
by Ishihara
Major.Bossman wrote:Well it seems that this case will be cleared, but the information about guide games has left me with a question. Since they do not appear to be for teaching new players how well do they perform at retaining new players ?

As a guide, I can speak to this a little... when new players join, they can opt to play a game immediately - the goal is to get them a quick, positive experience so that they might stick around - and any guides who are online are sent games/invites to play...

the tough part is getting a new player to interact - some start a turn and don't finish it... some never come to the chat tab... essentially, we're working out the kinks as we go with the goal of new player retention... it can be very frustrating at times, with constant deadbeating... but I feel it's a worthy project...

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:56 am
by iAmCaffeine
Ishihara wrote:
Major.Bossman wrote:Well it seems that this case will be cleared, but the information about guide games has left me with a question. Since they do not appear to be for teaching new players how well do they perform at retaining new players ?

As a guide, I can speak to this a little... when new players join, they can opt to play a game immediately - the goal is to get them a quick, positive experience so that they might stick around - and any guides who are online are sent games/invites to play...

the tough part is getting a new player to interact - some start a turn and don't finish it... some never come to the chat tab... essentially, we're working out the kinks as we go with the goal of new player retention... it can be very frustrating at times, with constant deadbeating... but I feel it's a worthy project...

Also the majority of the guides don't try and communicate either, it's great!

Re: King Achilles newb farming [MAS]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:18 am
by MagnusGreeol
- Go into every single guide war I'm in and You'll see my greeting and telling them to ask questions if they have any, I also try to tell them their best starting move, and have also went as far to wall and or pm them if they didn't end turn. It's all what you put into it, 1/10 stick around, I've had 4 whoare continuing to play and have rated me and thanked me for helping.

Re: King Achilles newb farming [MAS]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:34 am
by iAmCaffeine
MagnusGreeol wrote:- Go into every single guide war I'm in and You'll see my greeting and telling them to ask questions if they have any, I also try to tell them their best starting move, and have also went as far to wall and or pm them if they didn't end turn. It's all what you put into it, 1/10 stick around, I've had 4 whoare continuing to play and have rated me and thanked me for helping.

You're one of few. The system is flawed.

Re: King Achilles newb farming

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:59 am
by Donelladan
iAmCaffeine wrote:
Ishihara wrote:
Major.Bossman wrote:Well it seems that this case will be cleared, but the information about guide games has left me with a question. Since they do not appear to be for teaching new players how well do they perform at retaining new players ?

As a guide, I can speak to this a little... when new players join, they can opt to play a game immediately - the goal is to get them a quick, positive experience so that they might stick around - and any guides who are online are sent games/invites to play...

the tough part is getting a new player to interact - some start a turn and don't finish it... some never come to the chat tab... essentially, we're working out the kinks as we go with the goal of new player retention... it can be very frustrating at times, with constant deadbeating... but I feel it's a worthy project...

Also the majority of the guides don't try and communicate either, it's great!

Become a guide and come critizice aftewards.

The first guide games I had I spoke in the chat and even sent a pm to each of the new player. None gave a single reply. After 10 games playing with a deadbeat you stop trying.
Now I only try to speak if the guy plays the 2nd turn. Only happened once to me so far.

Re: King Achilles newb farming [MAS]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:10 am
by Masli
If you want to discuss things like this, please take it to general discussion forum.