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Bigotry in Global chat StormOfBastille [ka]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:07 pm
by anonymus


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Bigotry in global chat

Game number(s):

Comments: So there where a lot of discussions when i reported another player for using this term in game chat, so for my reasons for the report please see that thread.. also he got convicted so there is a precident here..

Also I didn't bother to read what they where arguing about, as its beside the point in any case i just got a screenshot

show: bigotry

/ :?:

Re: Bigotry in Global chat StormOfBastille

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:51 pm
by owenshooter
i really don't think that people know that the chat room and general forum rules apply to global chat..

StormOfBastille: you both take yourselves way too seriously FAGS

getting a lot of "sticks and stones" comments... people just don't get it...-Jésus noir

Re: Bigotry in Global chat StormOfBastille

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:34 pm
by king achilles
After consultation with the head chat mod, since this is StormOfBastille's 2nd time to do this, he has been blocked from using the global/live chat for a month. You can also contact any of the chat moderators if you have something to report regarding Global Chat.

As I said before, global chat infractions are still within the scope of the Chat Department and therefore, disciplinary measures are within the Chat privileges.

Re: Bigotry in Global chat StormOfBastille [ka]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:05 pm
by trinicardinal
For further clarification and especially relating to major violations such as Bigotry a first offense in chat is normally a 24 hr ban. A second offense is a one month and a third offense can see you losing chat privileges completely.

StormOfBAstille has therefore been banned for the month. any further issues can be reported in C&A or you can send me a pm with the report. As anonymus did in this report a screen shot of the offending post(s) will significantly improve the report.

Be warned that we do not take violations lightly and I especially have no tolerance for Bigotry.

Re: Bigotry in Global chat StormOfBastille [ka]

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:33 am
by BoganGod
Thank you for weighing in trini, pleasure to see you are still on the job from your hammock in the sun. I would love to see the guidelines more uniformly applied. A recent case with a brown nosing user pleading that he was calling someone a cigarette, was a new low in particular when afore mentioned user showed no awareness of his deeds. For a person who on occasion displays promising glimpses of rational thought patterns, was very sad to see no acknowledgement of error, no remorse, no apology, and just a lot of vitriol directed at the person who reported him.

Could we introduce something along the lines of double dosage, for those that rather than answer an accusation, instead try and tear down/demonise the accuser. Are management committed to protecting whistle blowers? Or is this forum a place where those that pluck up the yarbols to confront bad behaviour are re victimized once again..... This time with the full sanction of those in authority.

Re: Bigotry in Global chat StormOfBastille [ka]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:23 am
by trinicardinal
BoganGod wrote:Thank you for weighing in trini, pleasure to see you are still on the job from your hammock in the sun. I would love to see the guidelines more uniformly applied. A recent case with a brown nosing user pleading that he was calling someone a cigarette, was a new low in particular when afore mentioned user showed no awareness of his deeds. For a person who on occasion displays promising glimpses of rational thought patterns, was very sad to see no acknowledgement of error, no remorse, no apology, and just a lot of vitriol directed at the person who reported him.

Could we introduce something along the lines of double dosage, for those that rather than answer an accusation, instead try and tear down/demonise the accuser. Are management committed to protecting whistle blowers? Or is this forum a place where those that pluck up the yarbols to confront bad behaviour are re victimized once again..... This time with the full sanction of those in authority.

hmmm... I'm not aware of that case off hand... but rest assured I don't buy into the "I was referring to a cigarette" argument where the context is clear that the person isn't and I'll deal with it accordingly. We do not have a double dosage system and everyone is entitled to respond to their accusations. If they want to waste time responding in a negative manner I hope they're aware that they are actually helping the accuser's case.

I am certainly not aware of any policy to victimize people who make reports about violations of the guidelines and I am quite sure that admin and team leaders would have a dim view of such behaviour. My suggestion would be if you see something like that happening that you send the information to the relevant team leader or admin as appropriate. I certainly do my best to deal with cases on the facts of the matter and not simply on hearsay which is one of the reasons why a screenshot is always more reliable than a simple copy & paste of the chat.

One bit of warning. Don't bring a report to me about a situation where you and another person both violated the guidelines and expect that only the other person will be punished. you both violate - you both get punished


Re: Bigotry in Global chat StormOfBastille [ka]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:11 am
by BoganGod
Thanks trini, in the past on a few very rare occasions I have passed something on to team leaders as you suggest. Uniformly poor response if any response. Maybe things have changed. Thank you for taking the time to reply, most grateful