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Warned Bigotry in Global Chat [ka]

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Bigotry in Global Chat [ka]

Postby Serbia on Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:52 pm

Accused: ahole

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Bigotry in Global Chat

Game number(s): N/A

Comments: I'd like to file a report for Bigotry against ahole. Every time I log into CC, I post the same thing in Chat: "stop talking", and then go enter the forums. This is the response I received earlier today.

In case you don't see this for the obvious bigotry that it is, imagine instead that he was talking about a "black man", or a "Jew". It's just as offensive. I was labeled a "racist bastard" because of my name. That is bigotry.

Global Chat wrote:Serbia: stop talking
ahole: F urself u serbian racist bastard, go join hitler's army
ahole: I'm sure serbia can start another war or something
ahole: Cleanse some muslims
ahole: or rape some croats
ahole: or beat your wives drunk on vodka
ahole: Haven't met a serb that's a decent human being
ahole: Violent, thuggish, patriarchal and arrogant
ahole: oh yeah, homophobic too
ahole: Bend over for Putin

Sey69: lol.
takman2k: why are you being such an ahole?
takman2k: lol
ahole: Because I've been to the Balkans and know Serbians at home and abroad and their culture is hateful
Sey69: I do believe it's a personal problem. He's an ahole in his games too. ;-P
ahole: Go to Serbia -- or better still, go to a serbian church --- you'll meet bigger aholes than me
Sey69: no thx, ur more than enuf 4 me. hehehe
ahole: I worked for a serb--- worst human being I've met
ahole: Quit after 3 days of listening to his bs about the world-- all hate
ahole: Plus he ignored all labour laws and beat his wife
ahole: I haven't met a muslim I didn't like, but almost every serb I've met I want to run away from
ahole: nuff Serbia bashing, they'll shoot themselves in the foot, poor Sarajevo, sad.

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby clangfield on Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:25 pm

Serbia wrote:Accused: ahole

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Bigotry in Global Chat

Game number(s): N/A

Comments: I'd like to file a report for Bigotry against ahole. Every time I log into CC, I post the same thing in Chat: "stop talking", and then go enter the forums. This is the response I received earlier today.

In case you don't see this for the obvious bigotry that it is, imagine instead that he was talking about a "black man", or a "Jew". It's just as offensive. I was labeled a "racist bastard" because of my name. That is bigotry.

Global Chat wrote:Serbia: stop talking
ahole: F urself u serbian racist bastard, go join hitler's army
ahole: I'm sure serbia can start another war or something
ahole: Cleanse some muslims
ahole: or rape some croats
ahole: or beat your wives drunk on vodka
ahole: Haven't met a serb that's a decent human being
ahole: Violent, thuggish, patriarchal and arrogant
ahole: oh yeah, homophobic too
ahole: Bend over for Putin

Sey69: lol.
takman2k: why are you being such an ahole?
takman2k: lol
ahole: Because I've been to the Balkans and know Serbians at home and abroad and their culture is hateful
Sey69: I do believe it's a personal problem. He's an ahole in his games too. ;-P
ahole: Go to Serbia -- or better still, go to a serbian church --- you'll meet bigger aholes than me
Sey69: no thx, ur more than enuf 4 me. hehehe
ahole: I worked for a serb--- worst human being I've met
ahole: Quit after 3 days of listening to his bs about the world-- all hate
ahole: Plus he ignored all labour laws and beat his wife
ahole: I haven't met a muslim I didn't like, but almost every serb I've met I want to run away from
ahole: nuff Serbia bashing, they'll shoot themselves in the foot, poor Sarajevo, sad.


Just out of curiosity - why do you keep posting "stop talking"?
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:34 pm

- Serb, Am I hearing You right? Every time You log onto CC, the first thing You do is go to Global chat and enter " stop talking" then proceed to forums, wars etc.? And is it in a way where You could be interrupting 2-3 or more members conversation? If this is the case You shouldn't of filed this report, if I'm wrong and You were involved with conversation at global chat when ahole said all that, then I apologize.
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:42 pm

- I have a feeling I won't be apologizing, You can't keep going to global chat every time you log in and basically say " shut up" while You interrupt a conversation, then stick around to see what They'll say, then leave. Your way smarter than that Serbs. Retract this report and get this archived fast.
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby BoganGod on Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:57 pm

Coming attractions on CC, watch for the new Serbia Baiting Thread in C&A. A lovely little thread for pompous suckholes to defend their bigotry because he was "asking for it" by making a dad joke everytime he logged in. :roll: I know irony and CC users are not friends, but this proves they are not even acquaintances.
Serbia(troll that signs off each post with a testicular reference) makes a joke, bigot launches at Serbia. E-Sheep bleaters can't wet the bed fast enough in their excitement at another chance to blame the victim.
Serbia gets raped at the train station, reports the vigorous sexual assault to the police. Desk sarg magnus doesn't want to take the report, even though Serbia has semen sample and photo of assailant. What was Serbia doing at a train station wearing sneakers, he was asking for it.......
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:16 pm

- Hey, sometimes You go looking for trouble, You actually find it. ahole could of just said fck off politely but didn't, I'm not defending anyone nor am I prosecuting. Just saying what I'm privileged to say. If Your not there in global to chat, Then either sit there quiet, or don't go there. You got a problem with that ticket clerk Bogan?
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby Serbia on Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:37 pm

MagnusGreeol wrote:If this is the case You shouldn't of filed this report


I'm glad to know that bigotry is excused if you hate my jokes. Good to know.
Bogan is spot on in his analysis of this case. Apparently I was asking to be verbally and hatefully assaulted. I'm sure that had I said "good evening pleasant people!" that the racist and bigoted ahole would have thought very much differently of me, a Serb, despite everything that he wrote.

show: Info for MaGree, unrelated to the case
MaGree, for the longest time, Global Chat didn't initiate when I signed in. Without my having changed my settings, it now does appear every time I log in. Because I'm lazy, I haven't changed my settings; instead, I simply write "stop talking", then close the chat. Last time I logged in and did this, I decided to scroll up and see how much conversation there had been between my visits, and just happened upon the bigoted comments.

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:59 pm

- Haaa! Oh boy, You really are a likeable guy. I'm not saying its right what ahole said, I was just really confused about the popping in global and saying " Stop talking": even though what You said about Your login setting, why say anything,why not just be quiet lazy and move along? Go ahead, hang em high, I'm not aholes defense attorney. GL
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby Serbia on Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:44 pm

And for those interested, here is the "conversation" that I interrupted by saying "stop talking":

Global Chat wrote:whamBot: furry friends for the win!
owenshooter: hey, DaGip... King Herpes is back...
owenshooter: his little butt isn't so little anymore...
ariskocrat: QUWAEEEEEF
Armandolas: on your diaper?
ManBungalow: Global chat = global warming
Sey69: welcome to the 'Matrix'.
ahole: In my day we walked 30 km. before we could poop.
ahole: A 2 x 4 over a hole and "Move !"
ahole: Then a 30 km. hike to pee before breakfast.
ahole: Life was hell in the American Negro guags of Mississsippi
ahole: *gulags
ahole: Now they just shoot us for stealing cigarellos.
Serbia: stop talking
ahole: F urself u serbian racist bastard, go join hitler's army

Some major interrupting going on there!

Last edited by Serbia on Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:58 pm

- Good point this time, I suggest You keep doing it. Maybe You'll get lucky and interrupt someone talking about a loved one passing. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby macbone on Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:59 pm

Eh, Serbia's thing is just like Man B's global chat = global warming or Owen's triumphant return to chat every day. It's just a thing he does. Ahole, on the other hand, certainly lived up to his name.
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby ZornSlayer on Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:28 am

shake the ferret cage with your bare hands you can expect to get bit.

top reason I hardly ever visit a chat room. Up to the mods how clean they want to keep things or call him on his content and rant, but I don't see that ahole was interrupting *your* conversation? then you slapped him one when he was already on an injustice rant, so he pointed his rant at you. He was identifying himself with a negro in a gulag and getting shot over cigaettes, and you tried to oppress him with your verbal gag order. at least he qualified his serbia reaction based on a personal experience (whether any of his bs is true or not is another story). seems he was out to enforce some empathy.
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby Serbia on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:14 am

I hope the cheating and abuse moderators are not as small minded as some of the people posting here. Regardless of what I said, or my reasons for saying what I said, to have another spew hatred against an entire people, based solely on my USERNAME, is bigotry. With some of you, the bigger crime seems to be the two words I wrote, for which apparently there is no valid explanation.

ZornSlayer, I shall repeat Bogan using your logic.
"Shake the ferret cage with your bare hands, and you can expect to get bit" - sounds like the biting is justified.
"Say something negative in Global Chat, and you can expect to be ethnically abused" - sounds like the abuse is justified.
"Wear the low-cut, short short dress, and you can expect to get raped" - sounds like the rape is justified.

Your argument doesn't show intelligence, but ignorance.

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby Razorvich on Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:04 am

Here is a link to the Live Chat Guidelines for everyone, that ALSO apply to Global chat. ... 5#p2865158

If anyone ever thinks that guidelines have been broken in Global Chat, they can ALWAYS PM one of the Chat Moderators with a screenshot of the offending conversation.

Serb, you have chosen this public forum to air this complaint, and I suspect that there will me more circling to jump in and stir the pot.

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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby Godd on Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:23 am

oh boy talk about the kettle calling the pot names, here's a supremacism that has a ageism bigotry aginst others complaining about anothers
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby clangfield on Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:08 am

Two issues here.

Serbia wrote:Every time I log into CC, I post the same thing in Chat: "stop talking", and then go enter the forums.

You then quote one instance. Is it every time? Or just once?
If it is every time, then I think you have a case to answer about your behaviour which seems designed to be intentionally inflammatory.
Also your hidden post - which I think is entirely related to the case:
MaGree, for the longest time, Global Chat didn't initiate when I signed in. Without my having changed my settings, it now does appear every time I log in. Because I'm lazy, I haven't changed my settings; instead, I simply write "stop talking", then close the chat. Last time I logged in and did this, I decided to scroll up and see how much conversation there had been between my visits, and just happened upon the bigoted comments.

It's harder to take your side when one sees that. You could change your settings; you could write something less inflammatory, or indeed nothing at all, then close the chat.
I just changed my settings. It's really not that hard.

Serbia wrote:In case you don't see this for the obvious bigotry that it is, imagine instead that he was talking about a "black man", or a "Jew". It's just as offensive. I was labeled a "racist bastard" because of my name. That is bigotry.

Global Chat wrote:Serbia: stop talking
ahole: F urself u serbian racist bastard, go join hitler's army
ahole: I'm sure serbia can start another war or something
ahole: Cleanse some muslims
ahole: or rape some croats
ahole: or beat your wives drunk on vodka
ahole: Haven't met a serb that's a decent human being
ahole: Violent, thuggish, patriarchal and arrogant
ahole: oh yeah, homophobic too
ahole: Bend over for Putin

Sey69: lol.
takman2k: why are you being such an ahole?
takman2k: lol
ahole: Because I've been to the Balkans and know Serbians at home and abroad and their culture is hateful
Sey69: I do believe it's a personal problem. He's an ahole in his games too. ;-P
ahole: Go to Serbia -- or better still, go to a serbian church --- you'll meet bigger aholes than me
Sey69: no thx, ur more than enuf 4 me. hehehe
ahole: I worked for a serb--- worst human being I've met
ahole: Quit after 3 days of listening to his bs about the world-- all hate
ahole: Plus he ignored all labour laws and beat his wife
ahole: I haven't met a muslim I didn't like, but almost every serb I've met I want to run away from
ahole: nuff Serbia bashing, they'll shoot themselves in the foot, poor Sarajevo, sad.

Indeed there is a case for ahole to answer here.
Nobody is trying to justify any bigotry: the reaction is more to do with you apparently trying to take the moral high ground whilst behaving in a less than moral way.

Your comment does seem to have provoked a reaction; you should perhaps consider confirming whether or not that was what it was intended to do. Maybe then everyone can move on and concentrate on your actual accusation.
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby owenshooter on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:07 pm

i really wonder what the plan is for global chat and moderation... i reported some spamming that was dealt with, but had to report it to a mod i knew...
it really is now the first impression people get of the site... and just now, i saw this:

StormOfBastille: you both take yourselves way too seriously FAGS

shouldn't be allowed or tolerated... the rules of the forums and chat rooms should apply to global... bigotry does not have a place within the CC community...-Jésus noir
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby Serbia on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:13 pm

Godd wrote:oh boy talk about the kettle calling the pot names, here's a supremacism that has a ageism bigotry aginst others complaining about anothers

Please keep your baseless flames out of this.

Raz, two quotes from your link that pop out immediately:

Bigotry: Not tolerated at all; no forms of bigotry allowed in live chat or the forums.

Flaming: Will not be tolerated.

Pretty much sums it up.

Amazing that I am on trial in the eyes of the community.

owenshooter wrote:i really wonder what the plan is for global chat and moderation... i reported some spamming that was dealt with, but had to report it to a mod i knew...
it really is now the first impression people get of the site... and just now, i saw this:

StormOfBastille: you both take yourselves way too seriously FAGS

shouldn't be allowed or tolerated... the rules of the forums and chat rooms should apply to global... bigotry does not have a place within the CC community...-Jésus noir

Owen is dead on in this. Bigotry should never be justified. My stupid joking should not allow for bigotry to be acceptable.

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby anonymus on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:13 pm

BoganGod wrote:Coming attractions on CC, watch for the new Serbia Baiting Thread in C&A. A lovely little thread for pompous suckholes to defend their bigotry because he was "asking for it" by making a dad joke everytime he logged in. :roll: I know irony and CC users are not friends, but this proves they are not even acquaintances.
Serbia(troll that signs off each post with a testicular reference) makes a joke, bigot launches at Serbia. E-Sheep bleaters can't wet the bed fast enough in their excitement at another chance to blame the victim.
Serbia gets raped at the train station, reports the vigorous sexual assault to the police. Desk sarg magnus doesn't want to take the report, even though Serbia has semen sample and photo of assailant. What was Serbia doing at a train station wearing sneakers, he was asking for it.......


racist slurs & hate mongering towards nationalities, religions or sexual preferences does not belong in global chat on a family-friendly site..

there is other cases where the offender has been convicted, so this should be pretty clear-cut.. first offence is a slap on the wrist (warning) but its important to keep this kind of talk out of public channels on a site that hosts children..

personally I don't feel that the "offensive" words the chat allready censors are really offensive, but attacking someone on basis of their heritage, ethnicity or sexuallity is stepping over the line..

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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby anonymus on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:14 pm

owenshooter wrote:i really wonder what the plan is for global chat and moderation... i reported some spamming that was dealt with, but had to report it to a mod i knew...
it really is now the first impression people get of the site... and just now, i saw this:

StormOfBastille: you both take yourselves way too seriously FAGS

shouldn't be allowed or tolerated... the rules of the forums and chat rooms should apply to global... bigotry does not have a place within the CC community...-Jésus noir

sorry for double-post, i was writing for too long, but i also saw this a minute ago and there is a thread about s-o-b's comment aswell


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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby Trooper217 on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:17 pm

im with Serbia with this. I was there when it happened. yes, he the be quiet thing was a little much, but there was really no conversation before and i dont have evidence, but ahole has done stuff like this before
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby king achilles on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:19 pm

ahole has been warned.

Next time, any chat infractions done in Global can also be reported to the Chat moderators.
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby Serbia on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:26 pm

king achilles wrote:ahole has been warned.

Next time, any chat infractions done in Global can also be reported to the Chat moderators.

Thank you for the ruling, and for the directions for future complaints.
Before filing this report, I checked C&A Forum Violation Guide, Updates & how to file a report for guidance, and didn't find anything on reporting Global Chat violations. Perhaps a blurb there would be helpful.

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat [ka]

Postby king achilles on Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:33 pm

Updated the thread for more clarifications.

Still, we are all here to help enforce the rules. I am just clarifying the appropriate department who can handle certain issues.
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Re: Bigotry in Global Chat

Postby serialkiller74 on Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:49 pm

Serbia wrote:I hope the cheating and abuse moderators are not as small minded as some of the people posting here. Regardless of what I said, or my reasons for saying what I said, to have another spew hatred against an entire people, based solely on my USERNAME, is bigotry. With some of you, the bigger crime seems to be the two words I wrote, for which apparently there is no valid explanation.

ZornSlayer, I shall repeat Bogan using your logic.
"Shake the ferret cage with your bare hands, and you can expect to get bit" - sounds like the biting is justified.
"Say something negative in Global Chat, and you can expect to be ethnically abused" - sounds like the abuse is justified.
"Wear the low-cut, short short dress, and you can expect to get raped" - sounds like the rape is justified.

Your argument doesn't show intelligence, but ignorance.


your a idiot ....period!
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