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connrad97 quatroquatro RedConan Viking1963 secret diplo [BG]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:40 pm
by Blazer87


The accused are suspected of:

Possible multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number:

Game 14533931

I believe that these 4 players are conducting secret diplomacy. I was on their opposing team and when I tried to do something RedConan and Viking1963 would attack me leaving me with no bonus even though one of their opponents blue was getting bigger and bigger. RedConan left his opponent connrad97 alone even though RedConan could've busted up his bonuses easily with his troops from China. What ended up happening is that my two teammates draperwilson and detroitsteel were both eliminated even though connrad97 and quatroquatro were a bigger threat than my team. Also, RedConan was keeping blue alive even though RedConan could've done big damage to quatroquatro in an earlier turn but went for me time and time again. I hope that you can get to the bottom of this, because I am pretty certain that they are working together. Also, There might possibly be a multi between RedConan and QuatroQuatro. I hope you can take a look at that just in case. Thank you in advance.

Re: connrad97 quatroquatro RedConan Viking1963 secret diplo

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:41 pm
by BGtheBrain
Everyone is CLEARED of secret diplomacy

The game chat clearly indicates the diplomacy