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Game play and they are friends. Both keep hitting me. Trig keeps hitting me going out of his way and never hits naryn. Its very obvious. But I thought you would just check PMs. How would you figure it out looking at the game? I don't want to make a big fuss about it. Just wanted to know cause I play a lot of games with naryn. No big deal.
Personally I just think red played it real smart in chat. He knew if blue took out ur stack hed win. He talked blue into it. If there was a secret alliance then red wouldnt hv had to try talk blue into suiciding on you. Great play by red.
I agree on that but then a hit again?? I am pretty sure they are friends in life is why I suspected it. After the hit he secretly said to blue lets keep doing it until he's out then you and I can finish..no biggie though.just curious is all
We can only assume that red told blue to keep attacking you until you are out. Feel free to rate them accordingly and/or to put them on your foe list. There is not enough supporting evidence to confirm of a secret alliance between red and blue. On the 25th round, blue did attacked red and orange, and then there is the game chat where red told blue to break you.