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mayoralito and grekz- Multis/Secret Diplomacy [DCR]

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:37 pm
by Domination_44
Game 14681759
Both players decided to suicide into me in round 1 leaving me with only 4 regions. Red did not attack green, and green attacked 4 of my regions and 2 of red's. Nonetheless, I was taken out of the game. Yes, they are both noobies (rank: ?) but there is a difference between playing poorly, and purposely taking a player out of the game. Further evidence of them either being multis or having a secret diplomacy is the fact that they are both from the same country (Mexico). Thank you for reading, and i hope this will get sorted out!



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

*UPDATE*: More of the same in round 2. Eliminated in round 3, both players playing suspiciously right after each other.

Re: mayoralito and grekz- Multis/Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:04 am
by MagnusGreeol
- The Mods do a great job sniffing and snuffing out the vermin, But a question I recently just asked another accuser is why lastly join a war with just noobs on a map that has no certain strategy that would give You the upper hand in a successful farm. Unless Your a special agent Mod who only joins wars with noobs for investigative purpose. Wars with question marks and cadets only should be left alone by ranks such as Yourself I believe,, GL

Re: mayoralito and grekz- Multis/Secret Diplomacy [DCR]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:58 am
by deathcomesrippin
Grekz is Busted with grekuz.

Mayoralito is Cleared.

Both of them are cleared from Secret Diplomacy.

Re: mayoralito and grekz- Multis/Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:30 pm
by Domination_44
MagnusGreeol wrote:- The Mods do a great job sniffing and snuffing out the vermin, But a question I recently just asked another accuser is why lastly join a war with just noobs on a map that has no certain strategy that would give You the upper hand in a successful farm. Unless Your a special agent Mod who only joins wars with noobs for investigative purpose. Wars with question marks and cadets only should be left alone by ranks such as Yourself I believe,, GL

I like to see how "?"s play and maybe invite them to some games if they seem good enough and have the interest to stick around. I am a guide in the guide program for a reason, i want to help the site build and see new faces.

Re: mayoralito and grekz- Multis/Secret Diplomacy [DCR]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:59 pm
by MagnusGreeol
-- Well then, It seems You are a special agent, I think that's great You hunt out wars with beginners, and care enough to help guide them through, teach, make the clueless understand. Everyone deserves an equal shot. I think You should also be a sniffer, someone who not only guides, but stays on the look out for multis. Maybe become an undercover Multi-Hunter , The teacher with a gun '')

Re: mayoralito and grekz- Multis/Secret Diplomacy [DCR]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:19 pm
by Domination_44
MagnusGreeol wrote:-- Well then, It seems You are a special agent, I think that's great You hunt out wars with beginners, and care enough to help guide them through, teach, make the clueless understand. Everyone deserves an equal shot. I think You should also be a sniffer, someone who not only guides, but stays on the look out for multis. Maybe become an undercover Multi-Hunter , The teacher with a gun '')

Yeah, I feel the same way. Being a Mult-Hunter seems intriguing, I'll definitely look in to that. haha