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loopinvariant and Lobster Crush [Cleared]

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 10:03 pm
by WiseMind
Subject line: <loopinvariant and Lobster Crush>

These are suspected of a Secret Alliance

Suspect users: <loopinvariant and Lobster Crush>

Game number:

Comments: <The game started out with Lobster Crush and loopinvariant battling eachother intensely. I grew quietly during this fighting. Around Round 7 Lobster Crush suddenly attacked me and started ignoring loopinvariant who was right at his borders. I was now an obvious threat and understood this move but In round 9 of the match, loopinvariant also started attacking me exclusively and I noticed that one of his common borders with Lobster Crush whom he had been struggling with since the start of the match was completely unguarded. At one point, loopinvariant had a single army defending his continent (East Ward) against 9 of Lobster Crush’s armies (Inner Wall 2). Up to this point, Lobster Crush has completely ignored this obvioius soft target and both he and loopinvariant have concentrated only on me.
Unless there was an alliance, any player would at least take one of loopinvariant's countries to remove his continent bonus. >


PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 10:24 pm
by loopinvariant
I suppose if you can't win in-game, trying to get the person banned is another strategy.

Apology and Retraction of Accusation

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:38 pm
by WiseMind
I apologize for suggesting that Lobster Crush and loopinvariant were cheating. It looked that way to me at the time but after some polite exchanges between my game-mates and myself I am of a different opinion now.

I didn't intend to publicly accuse these 2 gentlemen (I apologize if either of them happens to be of the fairer persuasion. It is so hard to determine gender in the chat medium) either. I am inexperienced with chatting and I thought I was just starting a quiet investigation through the Forum Moderators not making a public accusation on the Forum.

May the best man win.

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:44 pm
by loopinvariant
Thank you WiseMind, I appreciate you responding to this here in this thread.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:07 pm
by sully800
Well I guess it doesn't need to be said then, but loopinvariant and Lobster Crush are cleared.