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Sammy gags suicide rage [Closed]

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Sammy gags suicide rage [Closed]

Postby pillow on Mon May 28, 2007 8:08 am

Im playing a guy called "Sammy gags" in about a dozen games or so currently, seems he does nothing else but try to suicide on me which is not a problem in itself since im a high ranking member and i would do the same in his situation,

except, he does not even strive for victory himself, i've watched him few games, all he does is build his units up next to me, i would leave some player out for bait which he could eliminate and strengthen himself, but seems all he is intent on doing is disrupting me, which isn't tactically sound and really beats the object of playing the game. Maybe i am just paranoid, but as said, it seems that EVERY game i play against him his sole purpose is to destroy me and let others win.

its games# 455436 - 455455
and 455428 - 455434

(its a lot of games im playing, currently got nothing much to do ^-^)
(and i made a point of pointing it out to him since its somewhat annoying losing games down to this person just trying to kill me off and let others win)

thanks for your time

on a side note, i did some research, on games 448562, 448560, 448559 against a guy called fortress (also colenel rank) seems suspisciously like he just keep attacking him. Fair enough attack highest ranking player, but only going for them and suicding yourself and trying to ruin their chances is not very sportsman like
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Postby sully800 on Mon May 28, 2007 1:51 pm

Suiciding is certainly frowned upon but not explicitly illegal. If you are afraid it will continue I would add Sammy to your ignore list and then he won't be able to join your games.
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Postby pillow on Mon May 28, 2007 2:33 pm

yeah done that thanks.

I wouldnt be bothered by it if he actually won, and not outright from the start just kill himself trying to kill me off
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Postby Sammy gags on Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:04 am

your a joke and bad player pillow biter. Check who won the most of those games then you can say your sorry. i raped you of about 300-400 points.

you lost ALL of them and I won about 50%. as they were 5 or 6 player games you are no good.

i understand you are upset to lose to so many games, but no need to come to the forums and cry like a little girl because I beat you so badly.

It takes a big man to admit defeat and not play someone again.

I understand. LOSER!
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Postby Lucky Se7en on Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:55 am

Pillow is high ranking?
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Postby hecter on Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:20 am

Lucky Se7en wrote:Pillow is high ranking?

I don't know, but I can see that Sammy Gags has gone up about 1000 points… There was a time when I was in games with him that he was around 450 or something like that…
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