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Mr. Bi Polar & suparolo Secret Diplomacy [DCR]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:09 pm
by jimmyrules712
Mr. Bi Polar

The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Throwing games & deliberately benefiting from thrown games

Game number(s):
Game 13609408
Game 13609406

In game 13609406 suparolo suicided on me and gave Bi Polar the win. Now in game 13609408 he is doing the exact same thing. Bi Polar is 100 troops in the lead but suparolo is still suiciding his deployments each round against me. In neither game did they ever publicly declare a truce.

Re: Mr. Bi Polar & suparolo Secret Diplomacy [DCR]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:04 am
by deathcomesrippin
Bi Polar and suparolo are Cleared of Secret Diplomacy. I couldn't see any overt actions.