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Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great [Cleared] DCR

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:20 pm
by Fazeem
In Current Game they have avoided aggression towards each other and only made superficial attacks when needing to move troops. Did some research and found they have an amazing win loss record when playing together out of 28 games completed together one of the has won 23 of the times. ... &mode=find

Re: Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:38 pm
by Larry46
Pot calling the kettle black! He does it all the time.

Re: Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:39 pm
by Larry46
Fazeem that is.

Re: Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:51 pm
by BoganGod
The OP should maybe pause to consider that non the games have more than 4players. Most are three player games. Majority of games are against freemium players often with dodgy turn taken %'s. With a cursory look at the game logs, doesn't look suspicious. Me thinks fazzy is just butt hurt from getting beat. Not very successful cheats if that is what they are doing. Reckon whoever looks at this would have to be on crack to even give this a noted.

One of the few attractions in playing 3player games is playing against "known" players. I know playing feudal that there were certain players that I knew exactly what game strat they would play down to the turn and their whiny excuses in game chat. I would make sure I was after them in turn order. Play against someone in standard games often enough and it can be fun predicting what they are going to do. That is what these guys seem to be doing.

Re: Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:23 am
by Fazeem
BoganGod wrote:The OP should maybe pause to consider that non the games have more than 4players. Most are three player games. Majority of games are against freemium players often with dodgy turn taken %'s. With a cursory look at the game logs, doesn't look suspicious. Me thinks fazzy is just butt hurt from getting beat. Not very successful cheats if that is what they are doing. Reckon whoever looks at this would have to be on crack to even give this a noted.

One of the few attractions in playing 3player games is playing against "known" players. I know playing feudal that there were certain players that I knew exactly what game strat they would play down to the turn and their whiny excuses in game chat. I would make sure I was after them in turn order. Play against someone in standard games often enough and it can be fun predicting what they are going to do. That is what these guys seem to be doing.

must not be looking too close at the logs as the game I played is a great example Red(gary5699) attacked me exclusively the whole game with the exception of 1 attack his every attack was focused on me me and made no aggression towards green(RB the Great) At know time in the game was I in a place where I had a superior force or NUmbers to Green nor was I in the way of a Bonus Red was trying to take he actually moved his troops out of the way so green could expand his larger bonus and still exclusively attacked me. the 1 attack on green was because a single troop territ was in the way of him attacking me. IF you can look at that log and game then explain how in any logical way that stratagem was good for red who is ranked a major I will drop my charges if not maybe you should reevaluate your position on the matter and do a closer examination of the game logs.
another great example of this irrational play to help one another would be this game

Larry46 wrote:Pot calling the kettle black! He does it all the time.
WTH are you talking about? WHo are you and throw links for some games or create a thread to support your argument bub?

Re: Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:38 am
by Evil Semp
Enough guys. Keep it on topic.

Re: Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:44 pm
by Fazeem
Evil Semp wrote:Enough guys. Keep it on topic.
another example in this 4 man game RB the great made only 1 superficial attack against Gary5699 in the whole game in order to position himself to attack others and clear the way for Gary5699 which is what he did the rest of the game until he was eliminated for cards after decimating the opposition with suicide runs.

these guys are clearly helping each other in every game I have posted not sure how they decide who is going to sacrifice themselves each game but 1 does run point breaking down opposition and not being aggressive towards the other while devours all the weaken territs the stratagem is the same the only change is which one of the 2 benefits from it in each of the games.

Re: Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great [Cleared] DCR

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:13 am
by deathcomesrippin
Gary and RB are Cleared of Secret Diplomacy.

Re: Secret Diplomacy Gary5699 and RB the Great [Cleared] DCR

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:43 am
by Fazeem
so reporting this type of isht is worthless? Can anyone explain why in games with so few player where the odds of never needing to attack 1 of the players more then once makes sense I provided 4 games with either 3 or 4 players where one of them did so and only with the other not anyone else and this does not constitute a note or warning of any type?