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TSWillis86 & Commander Cosmo = Secret Diplomacy [noted]

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TSWillis86 & Commander Cosmo = Secret Diplomacy [noted]

Postby stevenshome on Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:30 pm

TSwillis86 & Commander Cosmo in game 13614818

The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 13614818

Comments: you can check the logs on that game and all the game they play together they favor each other and never post of teaming up
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Re: TSWillis86 & Commander Cosmo Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Postby Commander Cosmo on Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:44 pm

To Whom it May Concern:

I refer you to the in-game chat in game 13614818. The Accuser made a baseless claim of collusion as early as the 2nd round. A spectator was wrongly assumed (by me) to be a moderator; nonetheless all comments directed towards him should be directed towards a potential moderator, who may review this game.

Prior to playing with Stevenshome, I have never been accused of unfair play. Stevenshome was simply a higher ranked player, who could not handle the possibility of losing to a lesser ranked opponent. I will certainly attempt to avoid all games with him in the future.

Should a CC moderator have any questions, I encourage him/her to e-mail me.

Many thanks in advance,

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Re: TSWillis86 & Commander Cosmo Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Postby stevenshome on Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:41 pm

I dont really care if i lose points but they both were offline and missed first turn then they both logged on at the same time and then seemed to only attack me even when i was in 3rd in a 3 man game and never posted about teaming up. If that is not Secret Diplomacy then i dont know what is.
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Re: TSWillis86 & Commander Cosmo Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Postby Commander Cosmo on Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:12 am

This is not the first time stevenshome has cried foul in a three person game. See viewtopic.php?f=239&t=136282&p=2977608#p2977608

As you will note in the game log, I attacked both players early on. Stevenshome also had an early bonus, which was broken up. What stevenshome does not seem to grasp is that in a three person game it is quite common for two people to gang up on a third player (not to say that is what happened here, as stevenshome complained of collusion by the 2nd round and the log shows I attacked both players).

As mentioned, I have never received a complaint of unfair gameplay prior to playing with Stevenshome. I contend that there was no collusion or foul play in this game and ask that the CC moderator dismiss stevenshome's claim of cheating.

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Re: TSWillis86 & Commander Cosmo Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Postby king achilles on Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:57 am

Whenever it's a 3 player game and two of the players have a history of playing together, more often than not, suspicions will easily arise the moment those two attack the 3rd player. In this case, I can see where blue is coming from as some moves seem to be focused on him, and after looking into some of the games the accused have played together as well, I think there is some merit that there may be some favoring going on.

However, at this point, I think we will need more evidence to substantiate this secret alliance accusation. For now, this is noted for future reference in case they also get reported by other people. If there is no secret alliance between the two, then they will not get reported again and have nothing to worry about.
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