Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:25 pm
Accused: Ratings abuse
Please rid CC of this bad apple. His intentions are scripted on his wall:
"My new policy on ratings and foeing: If you kill me and take my cards, I'll Foe you and leave you horrible rating. If I don't like your name, I'll do the same. If you lose to me but it was difficult killing you ditto, If I kill you but it was too easy ...yep same. If you conspire with me to take another guy out, Yep Foe and shit rating. If you conspire with another to take me out, well that's a no-brainer of course you're Foed and shit rating. In fact if you ever play a game with me 2 player or otherwise I will Foe you and leave u shit rating. My goal is to Foe all of CC and leave Everyone a Shit rating. Looking forward to playing you."
Based upon the rating he doles out, he's remarkably consistent.
Can you provide me with at least 5 ratings fundamental to this story?