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PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:16 pm
by b00060


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Comments: Guy joins over 7 years ago and does not play a game until now? Is 20 for 29 and has joined almost 200 games in a week. This is fishy as hell. Has multi and someone starting with a fresh record all over it.

Re: Kafka_c

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:42 pm
by Kafka_c
I took 2 years off. When I signed back on I was ? rank again. What is multis? This guy is a sore loser, and keep say that. Have no idea what multis is. The long and short of it I have not played for two years up to last week when I signed back in. Don't think that is wrong is it?

Re: Kafka_c

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:48 pm
by rishaed
I mean if the guy left this account as a sleeper... that's one heck of a planner.... Also I've also left CC for several years before I came back, so I'm not exactly sure why this kind of reasoning thus produces multi thinking in you. The mod's will probably check it, but i highly doubt multi..... Also many of the games i noticed were 1v1's. At that point its somewhat of a 50/50 draw on random settings, but with familiar settings and a decent drop chances might go 60/40.

Re: Kafka_c

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:00 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Kafka_c has been Busted with GenKafka and has been Stripped of his premium.

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:13 am
by Kafka_c
Guys this is an honest mistake on my part. Kafka_c is my normal username I use on these types of things (message boards, forums, and this). I must have signed up as this at some point. I totally forgot I was GenKafka. So when I came on after 2 years of inactivity I used Kafka_c and requested my password be reset. I saw I was New Recruit and made the assumption that it got reset after some period of inactivity (hence my first response to this thread). There has to be some recourse for non-intentional violations. Two years is a long time to remember. I went with what I assumed would be my log in.

So here are the facts:

1. At some point a long time ago I clearly set up a Kafka_c account and never used it.
2.Three to four years ago I made a GenKafka account and did quite well.
3. Chances are I never used the Kafka_c account up to now and that is because I thought it would be my log in id when I came back on last week.
4. I happy to use GenKafka, prefer it actually. But I honestly totally forgot that was my log in. I assumed that my rank had be reset due to inactivity.

So what can be done here? Mistakes are made. This is not intentional on my part. Honestly just playing this for fun, this is way more drama and stress then there should be in a game. Cheating requires intent. There was no intent here. Just a guy who said to himself one Sunday day in November, "Hey you used to play that game, it was fun go back and try it again" and then tried his usually log in handle and it worked.

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:57 am
by b00060
And some how after playing hundreds of games with your other account you didn't realize that this one had ZERO games? I mean your excuse has that flaw, along with the fact that both of these were created years ago, so it is not like a mistake that just happened. You clearly created both accounts years ago, you just happened to get caught now.

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:08 am
by Kafka_c
There is no flaw. My assumption was that the account status (rank) had been reset. I did not do an investigation on myself. I created Kafka_c in 2007 (clearly never used this account in 2007 since I was still New Recruit ) and GenKafka in 2009 (which I used a lot). For your conspiracy to be valid it would mean I had the foresight to create an account 2 years before my active account (i.e. GenKafka) then wait to 2013 to reactivate an account that I made 6 years ago just to do some "cheating". That is ridiculous! The most plausible and correct explanation is the one I've supplied. Really if there was money involved in this I could see maybe someone trying to scam the system like you are accusing me of doing. But for a game that is played purely for fun that is a lot of planning you are accusing me of. As for the number of games I'm playing that is not relevant. I'm a but obsessive when I start things and I always like to have a game to take a turn on when I hit refresh.

Really what am I gaining here by doing what you are accusing me of? I'd much rather have come back as a Major and was truly disappointed when I logged back on and saw New Recruit . This whole thing is just silly. The benefit of the doubt should go to the most likely explanation. Which is the one I've supplied. People do err.

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:37 am
by Agent 86
Multi...go away. You created two accounts??

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:40 am
by Kafka_c
OMG can you read? I created one on 2007 and never used it. And one in 2009 that I used. If that is trying to cheat then I'm really really bad at it and just one lazy cheater.

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:50 am
by Agent 86
Then put an e-ticket in, but I don't think it will go far?? There is a new admin so it may work but not likely.

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:53 am
by Kafka_c
Have already done that.

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:03 pm
by b00060
You created one in 2009 AFTER you already created one in 2007. Now your account that was created in 2009 has a rank above 2200 and the one you choose to start playing with and STEAL points with has a MUCH lower rank and a nice and tiddy win %. THAT IS THE CHEATING PART! You cheated in 2009, no foresight needed for that. Now go away, you cheated and continue to cheat using your second account against me. I love playing classic and other games that are 1v1, problem is they crush you in points, yet I do not create a second account and use it to play games I know will affect my rank and cheat players of their points using my low rank account and high rank knowledge.

Re: Kafka_c[Busted]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:06 pm
by TheForgivenOne
Enough. Locked.