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newnickyboy attemtped point farming [cleared]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:48 pm
by Orange-Idaho-Dog


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Attempted point farming

Game number(s):
See Here


I've been gone from CC for a year and a half or so, not sure if this is still a problem or not. But to me, it seems like he is intentionally inviting low rank players or inexperienced players to a somewhat complicated map via wall posts. I could be wrong, but worth a look I think. He does get some higher ranked players joining, but I think that may just be because he's freemium and can't password games.

Re: newnickyboy attemtped point farming

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:00 am
by Crazyirishman
The guys is a only a sergeant ( lt point wise) and in all of his recent games he has people ranked higher than himself when playing. The record also shows a recent loss to that filthy slut SassboT, so the farming thing seems not very likely. If the guy is posting on other peoples walls, it is likely just to fill games since he is freemium. I see no malintent, unless the "invite 4 players at or below my rank as well as a major" farming strategy is in use. Right now it just seems to be somebody who is pretty good at the selective settings he plays, with the worst case scenario of a developing elitism that hasn't had the time to fully manifest itself due to a low game count.

Re: newnickyboy attemtped point farming

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:43 am
by demonfork
You can't be serious?

Re: newnickyboy attemtped point farming

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:11 am
by king achilles
The maps and settings he is using are not complicated. The opponents are mixed ranks. If he has invited some people, as what Crazyirishman said, it is likely just to fill games since he is freemium. It's going to be pretty hard for a freemium to target specific ranks on public games.

Re: newnickyboy attemtped point farming [cleared]

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:48 pm
by rhp 1
1600 points? LOL... platinum for worst farmer ever if true....