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Outkasst & doogieman Multis, Secret Diplomacy[busted]SN

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:10 am
by DP757


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 13144291

Comments: They seemed to team up, not taking several shots that were only logical, however there was nothing in chat as to why they would be not fighting each other. Then when I called them out and there was no way for them not to, doogieman attacked Outkast and Outkast stated they had a truce which was never openly communicated.

They then went on to miss several turns together making me think maybe they aren't actually 2 people.

Re: Outkasst & doogieman Multis, Secret Diplomacy

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:26 pm
by Gabriel13
Well, considering they only have 4 games together in 3 years, I don't think they're multis, unless they're playing it VERY safe.

Re: Outkasst & doogieman Multis, Secret Diplomacy[pending]SN

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:47 am
by DP757
They may not be... I just found my game with them to be extremely suspicious (particularly since they are about to both dead beat out together). I didn't see anything in their past to indicate the level of cooperation that there was in our game. 4 games is 10% of their games.

I'm mostly just bitter because it appeared the game ended up being rigged against me, I can readily admit that. It was definitely extremely questionable.

Re: Outkasst & doogieman Multis, Secret Diplomacy[pending]SN

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:15 pm
by clangfield
DP757 wrote:They may not be... I just found my game with them to be extremely suspicious (particularly since they are about to both dead beat out together). I didn't see anything in their past to indicate the level of cooperation that there was in our game. 4 games is 10% of their games.

I'm mostly just bitter because it appeared the game ended up being rigged against me, I can readily admit that. It was definitely extremely questionable.

Rigged against you? Is that because at every turn you tried to tell everyone else what to do and they didn't do what you wanted?

Re: Outkasst & doogieman Multis, Secret Diplomacy[pending]SN

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:52 pm
by BadMrPhillips
Bullshit, you just mad, cuz you suck ass at CC, fuckface cunt!

Re: Outkasst & doogieman Multis, Secret Diplomacy[pending]SN

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:55 pm
by sniffie
doogieman is busted with analdouglas and
Outkasst is busted with jamieman.
Couldn't find any form of relationship or SD among the two.


Re: Outkasst & doogieman Multis, Secret Diplomacy[busted]SN

PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:59 am
by DP757
Thanks for looking into it. Sorry to have wasted your time.

Re: Outkasst & doogieman Multis, Secret Diplomacy[busted]SN

PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:41 am
by rishaed
DP757 wrote:Thanks for looking into it. Sorry to have wasted your time.

:lol: :lol: They were both multis with other ppl, but not with each other >.> how funny :lol: :lol: