bigg chief wrote:rhp 1 wrote:Hmm... I would say foe and move on and.. grow a pair ffs... what is it with the "I'm offended, please punish him for hurting my feelings" crap... just go on with ur life... you really that disturbed ab what some random person online said to you? Jesus bro, life gets harder than someone hurting ur e-feelings online... just do what you'd do in life... don't hang out with the dude.. there are plenty of tools to take care of this on your own... are you really being the bigger person trying to get him punished? Or are you doing it for some altruistic motive such as... "i don't want him to do to others what he did to me"? If so? Spare us... I can take it as can most others who live a normal life in the real world... I don't let online personalities affect my state of mind... in fact? I try and make friends with them... makes me laugh to see someone e-flinch when they don't get the desired effect from their rantings...
well said pillow biter ,lol

I find it amusing that a lot of gay slurs/homophobic language revolve around male on male anal sex. The same people that make comments trying to offend suggesting go bugger your boyfriend etc. Are probably beating off at home to anal sluts 5, interracial dp the extreme take. Or some similar title. I would make a fair guess that buggery is more prevalent in the heterosexual community than the homosexual community.
Was the comment on guz's wall designed to offend? Probably.
Should it have offended? Probably not.
Does the site have clear rules about bigotry? Yes
Is the site an adult site where potty mouthed behaviour is allowed? Yes and no....
Does it show a lack of insight, originality and class on the part of the accused? Yes
What makes it more insulting is how impersonal the insult is. If wufus had been really trying he could at least have said "blow me"