Rednax and jahsoldier82 [Cleared] DCR
Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:16 am
by Bradley Bomber
Rednaxjahsoldier82The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 13136927Comments: If you look at the game log there is significant proof that there is secret diplomacy. They were attacking me and not each other. It starts at round three and continues until they are eliminated.
Re: Rednax and jahsoldier82
Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:51 am
by BoganGod
It appears that you were the strongest player for the majority of the map, and grabbed the noob hole early. Everyone attacked you as you were the strongest player. No secret diplomacy or even secret squirrel business. Simple logic and tactics. You should have won the game, your failure to select a target and be focused in attack allowed the 4th player in the game to win. Accusing two out of 3 other players of secret diplomacy is just cheap kiddo.
You should have won, this is sour grapes. There was no diplomacy secret or otherwise in this game. Not a squeak in game chat not even a hi or gl from anyone.
Re: Rednax and jahsoldier82
Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:49 am
by deathcomesrippin
BoganGod wrote:It appears that you were the strongest player for the majority of the map, and grabbed the noob hole early. Everyone attacked you as you were the strongest player. No secret diplomacy or even secret squirrel business. Simple logic and tactics. You should have won the game, your failure to select a target and be focused in attack allowed the 4th player in the game to win. Accusing two out of 3 other players of secret diplomacy is just cheap kiddo.
You should have won, this is sour grapes. There was no diplomacy secret or otherwise in this game. Not a squeak in game chat not even a hi or gl from anyone.
I tend to agree. You were attacked exclusively by all three players for quite a while but you only complain against two of the three. There was no sign of secret diplomacy in that game.