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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby Lord_Bremen on Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:18 pm


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Intentional Deadbeat/Game Ruining

Game number:

Game 12841539

From chat:
2013-08-09 18:02:18 - waerth: why the f*ck do you play a fog of war game then?????? I am out of this game. I normally never miss turns on purpose, but this pisses me off.
He proceeds to miss a turn:
2013-08-10 12:39:21 - waerth missed a turn
And the next round, he waits till there is less than 1h left, begins his turn, and lets it expire:
2013-08-10 15:49:37 - klal ended the turn
2013-08-10 15:49:37 - Incrementing game to round 50
2013-08-11 14:15:37 - waerth received 3 troops for 4 regions
2013-08-11 14:15:37 - waerth received 3 deferred troops for missing 1 rounds
2013-08-11 15:15:37 - waerth ran out of time
Not only is he intentionally deadbeating (as per his comment in chat), he's putting in the effort to make sure he won't even drop after three rounds and we have to wait 24h for each turn. Especially annoying given hive fog/trench. Kick him from the game please.
Major Lord_Bremen
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Re: Waerth

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:25 pm

Lord_Bremen wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Intentional Deadbeat/Game Ruining

Game number:

Game 12841539

From chat:
2013-08-09 18:02:18 - waerth: why the f*ck do you play a fog of war game then?????? I am out of this game. I normally never miss turns on purpose, but this pisses me off.
He proceeds to miss a turn:
2013-08-10 12:39:21 - waerth missed a turn
And the next round, he waits till there is less than 1h left, begins his turn, and lets it expire:
2013-08-10 15:49:37 - klal ended the turn
2013-08-10 15:49:37 - Incrementing game to round 50
2013-08-11 14:15:37 - waerth received 3 troops for 4 regions
2013-08-11 14:15:37 - waerth received 3 deferred troops for missing 1 rounds
2013-08-11 15:15:37 - waerth ran out of time
Not only is he intentionally deadbeating (as per his comment in chat), he's putting in the effort to make sure he won't even drop after three rounds and we have to wait 24h for each turn. Especially annoying given hive fog/trench. Kick him from the game please.

He isn't going to be kicked from the game. He hasn't deadbeated from the game yet so you don't have a valid complaint. Since this game is fog I can't really see if you had the chance to eliminate him on your last turn. He has 1 region left hopefully someone can eliminate this round.

I am marking this CLOSED.
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Re: Waerth[CLOSED]ES

Postby Lord_Bremen on Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:05 pm

He has 400 armies left, i can SS if you want.

He's not going to deadbeat, he's obviously just waiting 23h and then letting the turn end to drag it out. How is this not considered game ruining? It's WORSE than intentionally deadbeating.
Major Lord_Bremen
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Re: Waerth[CLOSED]ES

Postby clangfield on Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:51 am

Lord_Bremen wrote:He has 400 armies left, i can SS if you want.

He's not going to deadbeat, he's obviously just waiting 23h and then letting the turn end to drag it out. How is this not considered game ruining? It's WORSE than intentionally deadbeating.

Taking 24 hours to play a game with a 24 hour time limit isn't game ruining. It's playing within the rules. :roll:
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Re: Waerth[CLOSED]ES

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:33 pm

Lord_Bremen wrote:He has 400 armies left, i can SS if you want.

He's not going to deadbeat, he's obviously just waiting 23h and then letting the turn end to drag it out. How is this not considered game ruining? It's WORSE than intentionally deadbeating.

Here is the problem as I see it. He thinks he doesn't have a chance to win. Should he take his troops and attack you? Should he attack the other players? The only thing I disagree with is him letting the clock run out. He should just deploy and end turn.

I suggest you rate him accordingly and you could even FOE him.
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Sergeant Evil Semp
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Re: Waerth[CLOSED]ES

Postby Lord_Bremen on Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:04 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
Lord_Bremen wrote:He has 400 armies left, i can SS if you want.

He's not going to deadbeat, he's obviously just waiting 23h and then letting the turn end to drag it out. How is this not considered game ruining? It's WORSE than intentionally deadbeating.

Here is the problem as I see it. He thinks he doesn't have a chance to win. Should he take his troops and attack you? Should he attack the other players? The only thing I disagree with is him letting the clock run out. He should just deploy and end turn.

I suggest you rate him accordingly and you could even FOE him.

This issue is not that he's taking too long to play, that's legal. The issue is that he waits 23 hours, begins the turn, and then fails to deploy or do anything and lets it expire. This is the exact same as "missing" a turn except it assures that he won't get dropped. In three hours, he will have for all functional purposes missed his third turn in a row, but he will still be in the game. Given his comments in chat, how is this in any way different from intentional deadbeating?

If I'm reading the rules correctly, getting upset and then refusing to play (deadbeating) is a major infraction. Which is basically what this is.
Major Lord_Bremen
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