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marengo88 [Noted] DCR

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:57 pm
by gcwca_4_life


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Intentionally throwing game.

Game number(s):

Game 13042171

Comments:30 round limit. On round 30, he decides to auto one of my stacks after cashing, guarenteeing yellow the win.
Then posted in game chat.
2013-07-29 23:45:26 - marengo88: i dunno, i think i got him......the fog makes it tough

He knew that if he hit that stack, neither one of us would win, guaranteeing yellow victory.

I admit I may have played like an idiot at the start of the game, but I didnt suicide on anyone, and I damn sure didnt screw anyone over without eliminating them.

Re: marengo88

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:45 pm
by Frox333
you need more examples. this will be noted

Re: marengo88 [Pending] DCR

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:34 am
by Swifte
Seems like games approaching round limits get thrown all the time, unfortunately.

Re: marengo88 [Pending] DCR

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:35 am
by Frox333
Swifte wrote:Seems like games approaching round limits get thrown all the time, unfortunately.

agreed, gc, you have come victim of a grande finale....THE NOOB ZONE. lol, but yeah, once round limits start to come up, people become nervous and think that knocking you out will affect their winning strategy

Re: marengo88 [Pending] DCR

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:36 am
by deathcomesrippin
marengo88 is Noted for intentionally throwing a game.

Unfortunately, due to the fog, marengo88 had no real way of knowing how many troops other players had. We can say he knew he was giving the game away, but we cannot ever be sure of it, it might just be ignorance on his part.