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hardiman and fr1k13[Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:53 am
by MrLaine
hi, hope i'm wrong but i think i have found a cheat. I was playing Game 12824346 and fr1k13 played so badly that it looked like he was helping the other person, so i looked back at older games they had played. fr1k13 has played 17 games, 11 with hardiman and hardiman has who has only won 13 games, 10 came from games with fr1k13.

if i am right, witch it looks like i am will my stats still go down?

ty Mr Laine

Re: hardiman and fr1k13[Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:55 am
by TheForgivenOne
I looked through all of their games played together, and it is clear that they are teaming up in games and fr1k13 is setting up hardiman to win the game.

I am giving them both a Warning for Secret Diplomacy, and if they continue to have shady play in the future, a Block will be placed on both of them.

Re: hardiman and fr1k13[Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:48 am
by MrLaine
really, so you agree they have been cheating and you gave them a warning, "well that's going to show them".

i can't believe they have been court cheating and nothing happens to them. are you not even going to take there stats off them? what is the point of telling you if you do nothing???????????

Re: hardiman and fr1k13[Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:37 pm
by jackal31
MrLaine wrote:really, so you agree they have been cheating and you gave them a warning, "well that's going to show them".

i can't believe they have been court cheating and nothing happens to them. are you not even going to take there stats off them? what is the point of telling you if you do nothing???????????

It doesnt work like that MrLaine. A point reset is not going to happen in this situation and there is no way for you to get yours back. Unfortunately, you'll just have to FaMO (Foe and move on).

Re: hardiman and fr1k13[Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:35 am
by iAmCaffeine
MrLaine wrote:really, so you agree they have been cheating and you gave them a warning, "well that's going to show them".

i can't believe they have been court cheating and nothing happens to them. are you not even going to take there stats off them? what is the point of telling you if you do nothing???????????

They get warned, if they do it again they will be blocked from playing games together for a period of time, if not indefinitely. If they then break the rules again they'll be permanently banned.

Re: hardiman and fr1k13[Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:36 pm
by MrLaine
oh, ok. i'll do some cheating myself then and when u catch me i'll just stop and nothing will happen. I wish i'd known this sooner, i would of done it from the start. ty

Re: hardiman and fr1k13[Warned]TFO

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:40 pm
by sniffie
After examining both players again, the multi hunters have agreed to bust them as multis.
