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a6mzero [closed] BG

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:26 am
by chevy98520

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Be sure before you accuse someone!



Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s): Most of this persons games

My guess... probably nothing you can or will do about this piece of $hit. I have had the pleasure of one game with this person. As a rule, would normally refrain from even going to the forums about above mentioned piece of $hit, but after further review.... the powers to be might consider having a word with this specimen. When I see this person snivel, complain EVERY time the game does not go his way... ONLY to spew the very same trash at players that he complains about & continues to get worse as time goes on.....AMONG OTHER THINGS.....I tend to wonder if because this wart on the a$$ of society is a premium player, perhaps he gets a little more wiggle room then others? IF you spend a few minutes going through his games, You will clearly see a pattern, OF witch he is in the forums accusing players of the very same thing as he is doing.
I would apreciate some reply to my email on this. Thank you

Re: a6mzero

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:34 am
Who are you reporting and in what game?

Re: a6mzero

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:04 am
by iAmCaffeine
Game 12687240. Not sure why you're complaining chevy, nothing said was particularly offensive in my book. It was briefly entertaining though.

Re: a6mzero

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:29 am
by chevy98520
iAmCaffeine wrote:Game 12687240. Not sure why you're complaining chevy, nothing said was particularly offensive in my book. It was briefly entertaining though.

Agreed. I'll try to make my point. Take a few minutes, you will see that in most of his games, the minute the game does not go his way, your cheating, multi, a idiot or whatever. My issue..... he seems to bitch like a little girl to admim for people using foul language, cheating.... ect. Just take a look at his game logs. IF you are going to accuse people of stuff, don't start $hit... run to admin in forums about someone doing the very same back to you. All i'm saying is this player needs to be shut down in the mouth, JUST like the little boy who cried wolf story. I know this is a gray area...... but I never was one to sit around while some pile of $hit manipulates the system to his liking!!!!!!!!!

Re: a6mzero

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:40 am
by iAmCaffeine
Foe him if it bothers you and you won't be able to see his comments in game chat, nor will he be able to post on your wall. Unless he's using bigotry or suchlike I wouldn't really expect anything to come from this.

Re: a6mzero [closed] BG

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:43 am
by BGtheBrain
Keep in mind this forum is for reporting violations, not for flaming people.

I dont see any violations in the report, as suggested, please foe him and move on.
