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prettytony8888 and jjbell72 [Warned] DCR

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prettytony8888 and jjbell72 [Warned] DCR

Postby baddestbrute on Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:26 am

please check out this game



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis or
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):]

Comments:please check out this game,,jjbell72 did not attack prettytony8888 even once the whole game even tho it made sense to break his bonus,prettytony only attacked bell 2 times the whole game,,,also the green player accused them of having secret truces in other games as well,the whole thing just seems fishy,,,thank you
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Re: prettytony8888 and jjbell72

Postby macbone on Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:26 am

baddestbrute wrote:please check out this game



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis or
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 12621118

Comments:please check out this game,,jjbell72 did not attack prettytony8888 even once the whole game even tho it made sense to break his bonus,prettytony only attacked bell 2 times the whole game,,,also the green player accused them of having secret truces in other games as well,the whole thing just seems fishy,,,thank you

Fixed the links for you.

63 games together, mostly Standard with a few Terminator and Team games (sometimes together, sometimes on different teams). These are guys who play together quite a bit and are apparently friends in real life.

Game 10647027

Their first game together:

2012-02-21 02:12:01 - prettytony8888: hey doc...jjbell72 is a friend of mine
2012-02-21 02:12:18 - prettytony8888: new to the game
2012-02-21 02:15:37 - prettytony8888: and joe the doc is a dirty trickster we met along the I-80
2012-02-22 03:03:38 - prettytony8888: JOE I WAS JUST KIDDING
2012-02-22 03:03:48 - prettytony8888: NO NEED TO GET ANGRY AND SKIP YOUR TURN

On JJ's wall, tony wrote this:

check your game chat in that italian game we r looking good just need to pull it back a bit and get stronger
by prettytony8888
on Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:19 am

Incidentally, the doc referred to in that game, dr.stevebrule (who played in 17 of those 63 games), ended up winning that game, and he's playing in the game the OP mentioned. Here's his opening line in Game 12621118:

2013-04-24 06:33:12 - dr.stevebrule: one of our classic pretty tony and JJ Bell truces in play again??

These three guys have one 3-person game that they played, Game 10718023. Here's the chat from it:

2012-03-09 03:24:52 - prettytony8888: DONT LEAVE JJBELL ALL TO ME doc!!
2012-03-09 03:25:05 - prettytony8888: iTS ON YOU TO STOP HIM NOW!!
2012-03-09 03:39:03 - prettytony8888: There are way too many attacks on prettytony
2012-03-09 22:11:27 - prettytony8888: ok brule time for a two round truce!!
2012-03-09 22:11:52 - prettytony8888: we need to get jjbell under control until he no longer has more troops than both of us combined!
2012-03-10 23:52:53 - prettytony8888: NO IM NOT TALKING ABOUT U MOLESTING HIM DOC!!
2012-03-10 23:53:03 - prettytony8888: HIS 1ST WIN!?!?!!?
2012-03-12 05:35:04 - prettytony8888: GOOD WIN JOE!!

My guess is that these are two guys who really are friends and like to play together on CC, but consciously or subconsciously, they wind up working together. They may not even realize that what they're doing isn't allowed, and dr. steve at least points it out to them in chat.
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Re: prettytony8888 and jjbell72 [Pending] DCR

Postby Crazy Frog on Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:57 pm

They are joking about it in 12621118... and from what I read it is not multi but secret diplomacy or secret alliance. and prodding other player to send some more invites...
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Re: prettytony8888 and jjbell72 [Warned] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Thu May 02, 2013 6:48 am

prettytony8888 and jjbell72 have been WARNED for Secret Diplomacy.

They are not multis.
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