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SAS1982 & mattreuben [cleared]

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SAS1982 & mattreuben [cleared]

Postby b00060 on Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:33 pm

Secret Diplomacy. Did not target each other at all and only attacked me. Killed me in less than 5 rounds in a trench game. Clearly a one sided game.
Game 12649308

The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
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Re: SAS1982 & mattreuben

Postby clangfield on Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:46 pm

b00060 wrote:Secret Diplomacy. Did not target each other at all and only attacked me. Killed me in less than 5 rounds in a trench game. Clearly a one sided game.
Game 12649308

The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

5 rounds yes, but it's a pretty small map - you only start with 6 regions.
"only attacked me" - not entirely true, blue attacked green at the end of round three.
Bit of a catch 22 this one - can you expect to prove SD after only 3 rounds? Is it not possible that they independently attacked you because you were a) nearest and b) a higher rank?
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Re: SAS1982 & mattreuben

Postby b00060 on Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:23 am

It was trench.
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Re: SAS1982 & mattreuben

Postby Frox333 on Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:05 pm

lol boo, this is a little ridiculous :P who conducts secret diplomacy on that map with those settings. PLUS, they have no past game connections with you, so they arent holding a grudge, and also they have never played with eachother before, so they obviously don't know eachother. Do us all a favor and actually be reasonable next time instead of filing a report. it wastes everyone's time
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Re: SAS1982 & mattreuben

Postby king achilles on Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:11 pm

It's most likely circumstances. Blue took Ardennes while green had Moselle. You got stuck in Müllerthal. When green attacked you and had you into owning 2 regions left, I guess blue thought it was a matter of who will take you out first. You were in between and if green ignored you, you would have been a threat to him. He took a chance and finished you off to take your spoils rather than having blue possibly being the first one to do it instead.
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Re: SAS1982 & mattreuben

Postby Frox333 on Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:35 pm

king achilles wrote:It's most likely circumstances. Blue took Ardennes while green had Moselle. You got stuck in Müllerthal. When green attacked you and had you into owning 2 regions left, I guess blue thought it was a matter of who will take you out first. You were in between and if green ignored you, you would have been a threat to him. He took a chance and finished you off to take your spoils rather than having blue possibly being the first one to do it instead.

thank you for words of wisdom :)
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