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zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Busted] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:17 am
by röde orm
Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.
Delete any accusations or entries which do not apply.
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Be sure before you accuse someone!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe accused are suspected of:
Same account ?
Game number(s):
Comments: Really looks strange then see them play. all same country about 2-3 games you should scan thoose accounts
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230
Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:23 am
by D00MandD3A7H
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230
Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:28 am
by röde orm
if its ok with cheeting leave it- but i would check doomand 3a7h as well since its more impotent how to file a report then cheating
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230
Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:57 am
by deathcomesrippin
röde orm wrote:if its ok with cheeting leave it- but i would check doomand 3a7h as well since its more impotent how to file a report then cheating
It's not more important, but really we can't make heads or tails of your accusation. Please fill out the report properly. If you don't want to take the very small amount of time to do that then how do you expect anyone else to do more?
I will give you 24 hours notice to fix your report or this case will be closed.
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:52 am
by röde orm
you can close it then if its so difficult to understand
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:54 am
by röde orm
by the way i think your report form is a joke to fill- i wonder who came up with that
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:04 am
by _sabotage_
I came up with it. I wrote it specifically to trick you, and I don't mean the generic you, I mean you rode orm. Now that my plan has succeeded, I'm going to devise a way for government call centres to avoid human interaction...
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:07 am
by Armandolas
I dont see the point on bitching someone who looks like that cant write very good in english.
Its harder to understand the form than Rode Orms request.
And its 100 times more important to get some cheaters(maybe) that ruins other people CC experience than writing a form in a perfect way.
Damn you burocratics
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:24 am
by _sabotage_
Welcome to our automated service system. Please press one if you are looking for more menu options. To review menu options press *. If you would like to hear your options in another language, please dial another number. If you wish to renew premium we can transfer you to an agent, please have your credit card ready. If you complain to the agent, we will record it for your own safety and have you confined in a secret prison until your safety can be assured. Welcome to our automated service system.
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:51 am
by deathcomesrippin
Again, no one here ever bothers to listen. None of your posts have anything to do with the case, so don't bother posting. The next off topic post in here will receive a warning or a forum ban depending upon their infraction level. Feel free to continue your flippant attitudes. It costs me a few seconds of my time to enter in a report, and then it will simply either bring you one step closer to not posting, or stop you from posting altogether. C&A isn't a place for your half-assed remarks. Go make a thread somewhere else and feel free to complain about whatever is on your mind, but don't do it here.
He can either fill out the report or I will close the case. Even if I close the case, we will most likely examine the players in question. But if he doesn't want to take the time and make the effort of filling out the form like 99% of everyone else does, then why should I take my time to look at it? Put in a bit of effort and do what we ask, or send a PM to a MH asking them to check out these players if you're too lazy to bother with a few deleted lines and data entry.
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:30 am
by _sabotage_
Sorry rode orm.
Anyways, deathcomesrippen has to deal with both sides of the equation and if we want him to take it seriously, we should grant him the respect required for his efforts.
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:52 am
by The Voice
dzingis khan,
adi230 are the three accused here I believe. All IPs from Serbia. Zagor1 and adi230 joined four days apart.
Game 12589035, a player other than rode orm notes, "Looks like Red, Green, and Blue are allies," which was referring to the three players listed above. No other comments were made in the game chat.
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Pending] DCR
Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:04 am
by deathcomesrippin
The Voice wrote:zagor1,
dzingis khan,
adi230 are the three accused here I believe. All IPs from Serbia. Zagor1 and adi230 joined four days apart.
Game 12589035, a player other than rode orm notes, "Looks like Red, Green, and Blue are allies," which was referring to the three players listed above. No other comments were made in the game chat.
I don't want everyone to get this twisted. We, the MHs, would never just not look into an accusation of a multi. But, I am not going to waste my time posting the results if the accuser won't bother putting in any effort. I will simply examine them, close the case, and move on.
Thank you, Voice. I will look into it from that. Even something as simple as that. Not just a list of badly written names and the entire sheet left as is. Read instructions.
Re: zagor 1 dzingis khan adi 230 [Busted] DCR
Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:50 am
by deathcomesrippin
The 3 players mentioned are Busted as multis.