Colemanus - Point Dumping [closed] BG

Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:55 pm
by maxfaraday
ColemanusThe accused is guilty of:
Other: Point Dumping
10158 completed, 1081 (11%) won
Nobody's that stupid.
Re: Colemanus - Point Dumping

Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:15 am
by SimplyObsessed
You're going to need more than these statistics, there's all sorts of things that could contribute to that score being legitimate without it being purposefully point dumping such as learning difficulties.
Re: Colemanus - Point Dumping

Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:32 am
by nicestash
Or 8 player standard games.
Re: Colemanus - Point Dumping [pending] BG

Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:30 pm
by BGtheBrain
Max. Anything else to add to this?
Re: Colemanus - Point Dumping [pending] BG

Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:12 pm
by D00MandD3A7H
I agree, it isnt nice to say someone cat be that stupid. Could be a 10 year old child. Provide some proof that he loses on purpose if you expect this to go anywhere, but nowhere.

Re: Colemanus - Point Dumping [pending] BG

Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:44 pm
by maxfaraday
BGtheBrain wrote:Max. Anything else to add to this?
His score is now 328.
With the current scoring system, it's impossible to drop from 406 to 328 so quickly without doing it on purpose.
Re: Colemanus - Point Dumping [pending] BG

Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:51 pm
by clangfield
maxfaraday wrote:BGtheBrain wrote:Max. Anything else to add to this?
His score is now 328.
With the current scoring system, it's impossible to drop from 406 to 328 so quickly without doing it on purpose.
Now you're clutching at straws. Not hard for a premium to have 8 games finish simultaneously.
I agree it's worth a look, but don't confuse the issue.
Re: Colemanus - Point Dumping [closed] BG

Wed May 08, 2013 3:08 am
by Colemanus
i enjoy the game but I cant grasp the strategies of the game. Oh and I am not insane.
Re: Colemanus - Point Dumping [closed] BG

Sat May 11, 2013 7:25 am
by gcwca_4_life
I know its closed, but completely in his defense.... I have played many times against him, and calling him a noob would be giving him a compliment..
He just plays terrable, but he is always a good sport, and doesnt give up...
Better than most can say.. People gettin pissed cause theyre losin a speed game, and they deadbeat...
I have played many speed games against this guy, and no matter how far down he is, he keeps going.