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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby Gumby1 on Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:43 pm

Accused: babelondon

The accused is suspected of:
PM Abuse

On March 16th I received a PM from babelondon. He advised me that he was upset with my rating and that he was going to foe me. I had my reasons for the rating.

I sent him a PM back telling him where to go (yes I know, sometimes I get hot headed). I expected a PM back with similar.

Not surprisingly he returned the PM with the following message:

babelondon wrote:Kill yourself

I know that I should not be offended by this, however I have been a witness to several suicides and I don't appreciate this. I sent him a PM back telling him not to contact me again or I would report him.

Unfortunately he did send another PM back:

babelondon wrote:For what?
I will report you for rating abuse. We don't need scum like you on this website. And again, please, go kill yourself.

Please caution him against sending me any further PMs. We have both foed each other and will not be playing again. I don't want any further contact with him.

Thank you,
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Re: babelondon

Postby pretender77 on Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:49 pm

Unfortunate as it is...dont see this going anywhere. sorry gumby

22:30:44 ‹Metsfanmax› wait
02/02/2013 22:30:47 ‹Metsfanmax› NoS is 16?
22:31:1 ‹Metsfanmax› there's no way that NoS is not like 27 years old
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Re: babelondon

Postby Chewie1 on Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:08 pm

gumby7524 wrote:
I sent him a PM back telling him where to go (yes I know, sometimes I get hot headed). .

Were the words telling him where to go equally mature as the ones he used?

To judge this fairly we need that quote too!
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Re: babelondon

Postby therev1957 on Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:33 pm

go to your control panel click on Private messages click on rules, folders, & settings click on arrow next to if in 1. and put sender click next then under sender click foe then under foe click delete message and then click add rule then when he sends you messages you will never see them :twisted:
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Re: babelondon

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:07 pm

If you want to report the PM click on the triangle with the ! inside found in the upper right hand corner of the PM.

I think you blocking him should solve your problem. I am going to mark this CLOSED.

Here is how to block PM's.
Add new rule
If sender press next
is foe press next
delete message press add rule
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Re: babelondon[CLOSED]ES

Postby babelondon on Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:59 am

Well done Gumby!
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