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leapfrog & NoLeafClover [cleared]

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:03 pm
by b00060


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Every game starts out with one of them suiciding into my big stack leaving it wide open for the second one to mop up, there is no way they could honestly think they could kill me on these attempts either. Completely unbalanced play and had I known that the same two people were going to join a three man game I would have aborted. This is clear as day that they are not targeting each other at all.

Game number(s):

Game 12410048
Game 12410051
Game 12410049

Comments: Before anyone says, oh it is terminator that is why. You don't win points in a 3 man terminator suiciding all of your men and leaving yourself and your opponent half crippled to be mopped up by the third guy.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:26 pm
by ke_rassa
Comments: Before anyone says, oh it is terminator that is why. You don't win points in a 3 man terminator suiciding all of your men and leaving yourself and your opponent half crippled to be mopped up by the third guy.[/quote]

You do if you take out a guy rankined higher than you (you in this case) and get taking out by someone else who is also higher ranked than you. This looks like just bad play on their part since the only 5 games they have ever played together happen to be the 5 they played with you.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:31 pm
by b00060
Ummm, you don't get any points if your first move cripples both yourself and the high rank leaving easy pickens for the third man! You don't kill anyone, no points, that is why I pointed out the fact that even though it was a terminator game, that play still has no validity.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:54 pm
by Just_essence
Again, seems to be bad playing and gross misunderstanding on the new players' part.
... Well, not to me. But I always have to include that possibility, for I know from experience how non-sensical new players can be.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:50 am
by clangfield
Not exactly new players, just new to the map. Also, the OP actually won the third of the games mentioned, so these tactics worked to his advantage... :shock:

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:38 am
by Keefie
this is a non C&A report

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:48 am
by ke_rassa
Your missing my point. It is possible to take someone out on the first turn. And while you may also get taken out in this case he would actually gain a few points.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:51 am
by leapfrog
To set things straight. First. I have played many games together with b00060 never NoLeafClover. Second, reading my profile you will see that me and b00060 are both part of Medal Heads, so you should know that I will at some point be going for medals in games that "I" have made. Third, b00060 and NoLeafClover both joined "5" of the Identical games that I made. I can not help who joins my games. Fourth, if someone is going for medals you don't join or want the same people joining "Identical Games". Looks like point farming and plan busted when b00060 started losing. Why else would you join 5 and say nothing like "Hey lets learn this new map together". Final, Terminator=2 vs 1. You know 2 people are going to be coming after you and with manual deploy small map like this you drop for bonus.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:33 pm
by b00060
Shocker that a bunch of clanmates come to your defense. And yes, I did get your point, but look at the map and drop, there is no way someone could attack all my men in round one and kill me because they would have had to go through the third opponent. It was not like hitting a 20 stack with a 20 stack. That was the point, they would attack my large stack and cripple me and not attack past the third person.

And as far as the farming that is hilarious. I was hopping to get 5 unique kills in the 5 games, everyone knows I don't give a shit about points. Just look at my open games and tell me anyone that is ranked above 2500 and has open games like I do?

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:04 pm
by leapfrog
Farming is about as hilarious as Being Multis or Conducting Secret Diplomacy. I am sure you are not doing such, nor am I.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:20 pm
by b00060
Yeah I am farming on a map I have literally, NEVER played before and as far as multis, look how many games I have played, you really think I have time to play other accounts? Why has the other player joined even more of your open games? If you are medal hunting, do you really need his win again?

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:44 pm
by Keefie
A bunch of his clanmates ?????

No, just me mate.

Leapfrog is a stand up guy who dosen't need to cheat in this game.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:44 pm
by leapfrog
I don't know why. I did not invite him. I too have played many games and pay for premium and would gain nothing for that. I used to foe everyone I beat, but felt that was unfair to them and took to much of my time watching foe list. Plus after awhile foeing takes away any good players that have been around awhile, like yourself, that I would now longer be able to play. I like playing more then anything so I just just play anyone any time, and go for crossmap when new maps are avail.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:23 pm
by eddie2
leapfrog wrote:I don't know why. I did not invite him. I too have played many games and pay for premium and would gain nothing for that. I used to foe everyone I beat, but felt that was unfair to them and took to much of my time watching foe list. Plus after awhile foeing takes away any good players that have been around awhile, like yourself, that I would now longer be able to play. I like playing more then anything so I just just play anyone any time, and go for crossmap when new maps are avail.

well i used to be behimd b006000 on most of his reports and part of your statement above makes him sound the exact opposite with this game played tonight...

he went for the middle i had blue contained on the outside retaking my bonuses and attacking inwards to stop him breaking mine.. result he foed me for a skillful bit of play lol.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:30 pm
by afroaction
Sorry but any 3 man game is a breeding ground for secret diplomacy and cheap tactics of double teaming a player. b00060 you've been around this site long enough to have known this, and yet willingly joined them?

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:33 pm
by b00060
If i have a 4 or 5 man game, that just increases the odds. You really think if I set up a game with 5 man terminator and have 2500+, that I would have less than 2 men attacking me? At least a three man I can try and combat it and it will be obvious if it is completely lopsided.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:04 pm
by Keefie
After reading the chat in the game Eddie2 posted it looks like b06000 is a serial whiner and complainer.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:19 pm
by b00060
Did you read the chat, or actually look at the logs and how things transpired? Looks like you are a serial shit talker about stuff you don't know anything about. Or perhaps you are covering for your multi clanmate?

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:18 pm
by rhp 1
well.. I've played 3 man term games with 2 low rankers before (several times)... I've been suicided by one and then that player claiming "it's terminator" I thought I could kill you.. of course it was not possible, but that was the argument...

that said.. b is pretty dead-nuts on a lot of these accusations so I would check into it... but I have a hunch its just legit bad play by the accused...

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:32 pm
by b00060
You are probably right rhp1, I am sure it is bad play, but bad play is no excuse for blatant suciding in round one. Both of these guys should know better. Alas I will have to chalk this terminator medal up to a lot of people seeking points and not the win. Terminator medal hunting sucks!

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:58 am
by Keefie
b00060 wrote:You are probably right rhp1, I am sure it is bad play, but bad play is no excuse for blatant suciding in round one. Both of these guys should know better. Alas I will have to chalk this terminator medal up to a lot of people seeking points and not the win. Terminator medal hunting sucks!

So why did you raise a C&A and waste the Multi-Hunters time ? Go take a chill pill, suck on your dummy or whatever you do to chillax.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:55 am
by b00060
Thanks for the flaming bait Keefie, you have added a lot to this. I opened it, because it still is very fishy that two experienced players would play that way, no matter how bad they are. Secret diplomacy is still against the rules last time I checked?

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:38 am
by puppydog85
b00060 wrote:Alas I will have to chalk this terminator medal up to a lot of people seeking points and not the win. Terminator medal hunting sucks!

Not if you are the lower ranked guy!

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:55 am
by king achilles
I do not think there is/was a secret collision between leapfrog and NoLeafClover as I do not see a pattern as what you implied with one of them "suiciding into your big stack". There are 5 games that the three of you played:

Game 12410048 = won by leapfrog
Game 12410049 = won by b00060
Game 12410050 = won by b00060
Game 12410051 = won by leapfrog
Game 12410052 = won by b00060

As they say, 3 player games are usually suspect for cheating once one player gets an unfair amount of attacks by the other 2 players even in just one or two games in a series of games. If one player suddenly makes a strong attack on one player, it does not necessarily mean the other guy automatically had a pact with him. It can also mean that the 3rd guy may have only taken what is there. It can be a bad play, a risk, or whatever but I don't think this is enough to confirm anything suspicious.

Re: leapfrog & NoLeafClover [cleared]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:22 am
by b00060
Look at the ones that I won, they were all after I called them both out for cheating and they didn't suicide into me. Either way forget it. I'll let you focus on multis.